Quote Originally Posted by arby View Post
Don't use the term "sub-conscious". It's a new age BS term that doesn't actually exist (but it's used extensively by most everyone, to mean nothing in particular =/). Just a tip if you want to be taken seriously in any academic interests XD. (Don't take offense, I don't expect anyone on this site to know things like this)

I'm using "unconscious" essentially to mean that which isn't covered by your consciousness =)
Actually, the words "subconscious" and "unconscious" can be used interchangeably. From an etymology standpoint, subconscious merely means anything that is below the scope of conscious awareness. In this context, it is completely synonymous with "unconscious," and doesn't denote anything new-agey, at all.

Just thought I'd throw that in there. As far as everything else, I do pretty much agree...but only on the same level that almost anything else that you want 100% duplicability from, is based largely on subconscious/unconscious actions.

When you learn to play an instrument, getting more proficient has much less to do with "thinking" about everything you're doing. It comes with muscle-memory, and other subconscious/unconscious actions. Indeed, those who "over-think" what they are trying to do, usually end up failing - much like lucid dreaming. Most talents of that sort are only most replicable when they have become learned responses. A martial artist will usually only perform to his maximum ability, when he acts "without thought" - when his body just "does what it's been conditioned to do."

But while that artist is learning those responses - while he is conditioning his body to do what it's supposed to do - he can try and try again, repeating the same conscious processes over and over, and still have a hit-or-miss success rate. I don't see lucid dreaming as being any different.