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    Thread: Twoshadows' Dream Journal

    1. #2126
      A man with no path Hiros's Avatar
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      Excellent pictures.
      That second last one is fantastic.
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    2. #2127
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Robot_Butler View Post
      You turned up in my dream last night. We went on a post apocalyptic roadtrip together.


      Only... the actress playing you was this hot Mexican girl I met at the gym yesterday.
      That was a great dream. Funny that I was played by a Mexican girl. But I know dreams can be weird that way. Thanks for thinking about me.

      Quote Originally Posted by Hiros View Post
      Excellent pictures.
      That second last one is fantastic.
      Thanks, Hiros.

    3. #2128
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Last night before bed I watched an old video that I had just found. It was once that my friends and I had taken of ourselves years ago. And last night in my dreams several of the friends showed up.

      Dream 1:

      I was hanging out with my friends Marie, Tom, and George. It was so good to see them. We talked about how long it had been since we had seen each other. I don't remember all that we did.

      I do remember at one point I was standing in a small building with George. I asked him if he cared if I took pictures of him. He didn't. As I took pictures I noticed he looked exactly how he looked before. I was surprised that he hadn't aged at all even though it had been years since I had seen him. He was still a very attractive guy.

      Then I put my camera case down on the floor against the wall. I walked away for a second. When I came back. I saw that it was gone. I got that sinking feeling in my stomach as I realized that it was stolen. I couldn't believe I had been so careless. But as I thought about it there was nothing that important in the camera case that I couldn't replace fairly easily.

      I then remember towards the end of the dream I was saying good by to my friends. I gave them hugs one by one. In each hug I enjoyed the feeling of physical contact. (Have you noticed how good dream hugs feel?) So each time I pulled them close for a good long strong hug.

      The last thing I remember is looking at my friend Marie and noticing how beautiful she was. I told her that she looked good, or actually gorgeous. I felt like I was the only one who looked older. But I didn't feel too bothered by that fact, more just wondering why that was.

      Dream fragment:

      Something about dinosaur bones.

      Dream frag 2:

      I was doing something with my mom and sister.
      Last edited by Twoshadows; 03-16-2008 at 12:09 AM.

    4. #2129
      Member raklet's Avatar
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      IRL have you been worrying about aging or thinking about how to stay young longer? That dream seemed strongly significant along these lines.

    5. #2130
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      that would suck to lose something that is your major hobby like a camera. I would be pretty upset.
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      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    6. #2131
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      I just woke up from an nice nap in which I had a lucid dream.

      Lucid Nap Dream:

      I knew I was supposed to talk to NJ. The next thing I knew I was walking into her house without knocking. I called out for her. I looked down the hallway and saw her husband quickly shut one of the doors in the hallway.

      I was suddenly motified that I had just walked into their house without knocking. I realized that S had to shut the door so I wouldn't wake up thier two year old son that I knew he had just gotten to sleep.

      I saw N and apologized fro walking into their house without knocking. That I had no idea what had come over me. I then asked her what she needed to talk to me about. I knew she had called me earlier saying that she needed to talk to me about something, but I no longer remembered what that was. She looked a little confused too and said that she didn't know either.

      Suddenly a suspicion came over me. I wouldn't walk into anyone's house without knocking in real life.

      I then said to N, "You know, I think this is a dream. In fact, I know this is a dream. Wanna come to the door and watch me fly?"

      I opened the door and then flew out. I felt so good to finally be in a lucid dream again. It had been so long.

      As soon as I thought this it all began to fade. I felt mad that it was all over already. Then I thought angrily to myself, "Everyday on Dreamviews I giving suggestions to the Newbies about extending their LDs and preventing things like this from happening. And I can't even keep it from happening to myself."

      Then another thought suddenly hit me, "Why don't I actually try some of the things that I tell the Newbies to do?"

      At this point most of the visual was gone, though not completely. And I felt somewhat aware of my physical body in bed. I decided to try the rubbing my hands together trick. I did and and felt a little worried that I was actually rubbing my real hands together in bed, because it really felt real.

      I then concentrated with the visual. I have noticed in the past when entering a dream it is often easier to just imagine the scenery passing me by, instead of making myself move through the scenery. So I was able to do this and everything became much more vivid again.

      I continued to fly over the neighborhood. I moved my arms as I flew "Swimming" style. I still wondered if I was moving my arms in real life. I felt if I moved my hands lower that they would suddenly catch on the blankets. But then I moved my hands so they were moving below my body closer to my chest and stomach. They didn't catch on anything, so I knew that what felt so much like my physical body was once again just my dream body. (This isn't the first time I have thought I was moving my physical body, when it was only my dream body all along.)

      I saw an interesting tree below. I flew up to it and over the top touching my hands all over the top as I flew. It looked like it was shaped as a topiary. It was either dead or dormant because the leaves were all brown and crunchy. But the tree was all filled in and very dense... and very round.

      I flew around it again and this time put my hands on the top and tried to do a handstand. I tried it several times until I felt like I was completely straight. I balanced there for a bit enjoying the feeling of being upsidedown.

      At that point I heard Mrs. Moore's voice from down below say, "Well, I've never seen anyone do that before." I knew that she knew that this was a lucid dream. But I understood her to mean that she had never seen someone do that in their lucid dream before.

      I started to fly again. Twice more the dream started to fade and I was able to follow my own advice and bring it back. Each time I felt very close to losing the dream. So I was very proud of myself for getting it to continue. I really didn't want to lose lucidty yet. I needed to have the joy of having a long lucid again.

      At that point it hit me that I really needed to try one of the Tasks of the Month since I hadn't had a chance to even try yet. My mind was blank for a moment as I tried to remember. The first one that I remembered was the "indestructable" task. I really didn't feel like doing that right now. I then reemmebered that the other one was to bring an inanimate object to life. I really wanted to do that one.

      I looked down below and saw a front yard. In it was a lot of gravel. My first thought was that I would swoop down and fly really low and make the rocks come to life and run after me. That thought actually sounded very appealing to me, as I pictured the little rocks with little stick legs running down the street.

      So I swooped down...but the rocks didn't follow me. I decided that I needed to put a little mor effort into it. I landed right in front of the yard. I took a good look at it. There were some dead looking bushes in a planter type area. There was also a plastic flamingo and a ceramic cat nestled in among the dead bushes. There were several choices here....

      I wondered how I should try this. I then remembered that when I made the tree walk (as a past Task of the Month) that I had just looked at it with the expectation that it would walk. I had done nothing special. So I just stood there looking into the garden and waited.

      I glanced over at the ceramic cat. It's eye suddenly blinked. So it would be the cat. I was thrilled that my mind was able to do this while I just stood there doing nothing.

      I watched the cat. It started to walk over to me. I knelt down, and touched the cat. I could feel real fur. It was a small cat, white with black stripes. It looked up at me while I continued to pet it. It's fur was very short and somewhat think, almost like a stuffed animal. But it was very real, and it purred while I pet it.

      And at that point I woke up.

    7. #2132
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by raklet View Post
      IRL have you been worrying about aging or thinking about how to stay young longer? That dream seemed strongly significant along these lines.
      Well, I did notice when I watched the video that I had changed a bit since then. That I don't look as young anymore.

      But I think the key is to be able to do as much now as I did then, that I don't have to look that same age. (Of course that way of thinking isn't always going to work either.....but hopefully I won't have to worry about that for a while.)

      Quote Originally Posted by ranma187 View Post
      that would suck to lose something that is your major hobby like a camera. I would be pretty upset.
      It's ovbiously something I worry about in real life. I'm always very clingy with my camera. I never let it out of my sight.

    8. #2133
      pj is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      It's ovbiously something I worry about in real life. I'm always very clingy with my camera. I never let it out of my sight.
      A couple years ago, losing my camera was a very reliable dreamsign.

      I haven't dreamed about my camera in a long time though.
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    9. #2134
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      Quote Originally Posted by pj View Post
      A couple years ago, losing my camera was a very reliable dreamsign.

      I haven't dreamed about my camera in a long time though.
      Yeah, I have so many dreams where I have negative things happen with regards to my camera that I really need to remember that as a dream sign.

      I still haven't had that trigger lucidity yet, though....

      I need to drill that into my mind:

      Camera problems = dream

      Camera problems = dream

      Camera problems = dream

      Camera problems = dream

      Camera problems = dream

      Camera problems = dream



    10. #2135
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      IThen another thought suddenly hit me, "Why don't I actually try some of the things that I tell the Newbies to do?"
      Good idea;

      Quote Originally Posted by pj View Post
      A couple years ago, losing my camera was a very reliable dreamsign.

      I haven't dreamed about my camera in a long time though.
      Typical; recognize a good dream sign and it disappears.

    11. #2136
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      Good idea;
      Yeah, it was like, "Whoa...what an idea..."

      Typical; recognize a good dream sign and it disappears
      It's true. After I got the "loose tooth" one to work for me, I stopped having them.

    12. #2137
      Good With Syrup Pancaka's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      It's true. After I got the "loose tooth" one to work for me, I stopped having them.

      That started to happen with Stacie being a dream sign, but that sign is kinda on and off. It'll be two-three nights off one night on. Oh well. I still do RC's to it. It's my only dream sign...ever. Oh well. I think my dreams are getting better now since I'm getting better. I gotta talk to care bear though so I can learn how to make the thoughts stop (schizophrenia!? )

    13. #2138
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      I thought you were going to bring your piggy puppet to life Nice job with the cat though, sounds like it was sweet. My broom died like two seconds after I gave it life

    14. #2139
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      Yeah, it was like, "Whoa...what an idea..."

      Hey, thanks TS! Once again I take your idea and use it in my lucid! It was really fun. Back to basics, which I never really mastered anyway. I should always read your dream journal before bed.

    15. #2140
      A man with no path Hiros's Avatar
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      Yay! Congrats on the lucid.
      Thats cool how you can fly so well.

      I had one last night and my flying was a bit wonky. I did manage the advanced task though.
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    16. #2141
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Thanks for the comments everyone. It's nice to come back after a busy weekend and not have to go to the second page to find my journal.

      And Ninja--I went to bed last night telling myself that if I went lucid that I would find my pig puppet. I never went lucid, but I did dream about a pig. So part of the message got through...

      Dream 1:

      This was an incredible long and complex dream at the beginning of the night. All is gone except for know thign that I was on a great adventure. i was flying for part of it and riding on the back of some ocean animal in another part.

      Dream 2:

      This might have been part of the first dream, but I'm not sure. It was another great adventure dream. I was in the ocean. I went to some island where there were pirates. Again, most has slipped away now except these little images.

      Dream 3:

      I was driving a big Rider truck down a street near my childhood home. The street got narrow and full of people. Then I came to the end of the block and saw that a man had made a fence across the end. He had made the street into a kind of courtyard. It was really pretty, but there was no room to drive. He had made an area for bicycles. The man was very friendly to me and tells me that I can have one of the bikes to ride.

      I take the bike and ride toward my home. I glance back and see the Rider truck parked by the side of the road. I turn the corner to my house. There are lots of people riding bikes down the road. I ride with them, going really fast. It feels really good. So I pass my house and go to the end of the road. I then turn around a go back to the top of the street and do it again.

      Dream 4:

      I was in my garden. I noticed that the plants are all growing nicely. I was surpised that they had grown so much since I had looked at them last. My roses are all full of blooms. My verbena plants are also huge and flowering.

      I then look at my rosed and see that they are full of aphids. I go inside and get the aphid poison and then go around and sprinkle it on all the roses.

      Dream 5:

      I was laying on the floor in a sleeping bag. Someone knocks on the door. Jeff goes to get it. It's a big group of people. As he lets them in I realize that I am wearing no shirt. I pull the sleeping bag up to cover me.

      The group is a Bigfoot Club. They have come over to watch the latest bigfoot footage and to discuss it. I feel frustrated that I am stuck in my sleeping bag. but we start watching to videos and I am extremely interested in the new footage that has been caught on video. I can't imagine that what I am watching is anything but the real thing.

      Later in the dream I am driving with Jeff down a road at night in the mountains. I can see elk standing by the side of the road. I know that this is where a bigfoot has recently been sighted. I suddenly sense the bigfoot near and a feeling of terror sweeps over me. I tell Jeff to keep driving--that whatever he does---not to stop the car!

      Dream 6:

      DV Member Dream

      I was in this room with Tornado Joe. He is laying on a bed, and I am sitting on the floor next to it. Joe is asleep, but he is laughing. I know that he is dreaming about something funny.

      I then see these spiders by the bed. I watch them. I am surpised at how many there are. There is this crack that goes to the outside and I realize that they are all coming through that crack.

      Dream 7:

      I was at my mom's house. R was there and told me I needed to look after the new pig. I went out into the backyard and saw the pig pen.

      I looked into it. I saw that it had rained last night and now the pigpen was full of water. The floor of the pen had been dug out about two feet below ground level. It was now full of about a foot of water. The poor little pig had tried to sleep on a place that was a little higher, but still had a few inches of water.

      I felt really bad for the pig. I knew that living conditions like that could kill the pig. I opened the pen and let the pig out. It ran out toward the silver Maple trees. It was a smallish pig maybe about 2-3 feet long and weighing about 50 pounds. It was also a very solid pink color.

      I went to the pig and picked it up. For the next while in the dream I did everything with this pig on my shoulder. I went in R's house. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself and the pig in the mirror. The pig was suddenly squirming. I was afraid it had to go to the bathroom. I set it quickly down on the tile floor.

      LA, my best friends little sister came into the bathroom at that point. Her timing couldn't have been worse because the pig suddenly went, and covered poor LA in a shower of pig poop.

      Dream 8:


      I knew I had forgotten to bring my potted tomoato plant inside. i went out to check it and it was completely withered and dead.

    17. #2142
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      I looked down below and saw a front yard. In it was a lot of gravel. My first thought was that I would swoop down and fly really low and make the rocks come to life and run after me. That thought actually sounded very appealing to me, as I pictured the little rocks with little stick legs running down the street.[/COLOR]

      Oh, I secretly wish this would have worked.

      I like how you just waited to see who would move first. Like waiting for volunteers. The cat blinking reminds me of the cheshire cat from the disney movie. Wouldn't he always appear eyes first?

    18. #2143
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      Quote Originally Posted by Robot_Butler View Post

      Oh, I secretly wish this would have worked.

      I like how you just waited to see who would move first. Like waiting for volunteers. The cat blinking reminds me of the cheshire cat from the disney movie. Wouldn't he always appear eyes first?
      That's a great picture to go long with what I imagined the little running rocks to have looked like. I can always try that again. I want an army of tiny rocks to follow me through the streets. I'm not sure why that's so appealing to me, but it is.

      Right...the Cheshire cat. It was either it's eyes or smile that would show up, I think.

      That would be another thing that would be cool to try to summon in a dream.

      Sigh....so many goals....

    19. #2144
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      I was at my mom's house. R was there and told me I needed to look after the new pig. I went out into the backyard and saw the pig pen.
      Pig dream! Did you RC!?

    20. #2145
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      Pig dream! Did you RC!?
      I know...I can be pretty slow, can't I?

      I'm going to keep trying though.

      Here I am having dreams carrying fairly large animals over my shoulders lately. It's not like I do that very often in real life......

    21. #2146
      A man with no path Hiros's Avatar
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      8 dreams! nice

      lol, pig dreams are funny.
      Maybe you should go get a pig just so you can do RCs around it? hehe.
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      "Men cry not for themselves, but for their comrades."

    22. #2147
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      I know...I can be pretty slow, can't I?
      TS, TS, TS...you think I don't know that feeling? I am Queen of Slow.

    23. #2148
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      Quote Originally Posted by Hiros View Post
      8 dreams! nice

      lol, pig dreams are funny.
      Maybe you should go get a pig just so you can do RCs around it? hehe.
      Thanks Hiros,

      Or at least look at plenty of pig pictures thoughout the day.....

      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      TS, TS, TS...you think I don't know that feeling? I am Queen of Slow.
      Tanks MB, I know we all expereince it from time to time. But I think I've been the Queen of Slowest lately......

      In fact I had two dreams last night that were odd enough to trigger lucidity. My dead dad showing up had triggered lucidity in the past...but not last night.

      And...I'm not sure what caused such tramatic dreams. I didn't watch or read anything scary before bed.

      Dream 1:

      I was in an office. I think I was there for counseling. Barb was there and was going to lead the counseling.

      She starts saying something--some kind of a chant. The next thing I know, my body slams back against the wall. An inhuman gowl comes out from my mouth. And then a hideouos voice from inside me starts talking. It says, "My ...name...is....Amy...".

      The feeling of something speaking from my body without my control is so horrible, that I strain with all my might to have conscious control of my body again. Finally I have it. That "thing" is gone.

      I look over at Barb and say to her, "Don't you ever, ever do that to me again."

      All the while she's looking at me like she does't understand why I'm fighting something that is sure to help me.

      Dream 2:

      I'm not sure where this begins. I know there is stuff before this.

      I do remember that I am doing laundry. I put a load of clothes into this very large dryer. I turn around , then look back. The dryer door is open and some of my clothes are starting to fall out.

      I go back and put my clothes back in the dryer and shut the door tight. I turn around for just a second, then look back. The dryer is completley stopped and my pile of clothes is on the ground. There wasn't time for this to happen. I am freaked out a little. I know that something supernatural has happened.

      Luckily my mom is there. we talk together and decide that there are evil spirits around us. We try to say things that would get rid of them.

      There are now several people that are going to help make sure the evil spirits don't bother us anymore. One is a black lady, and with her is her very tall black husband.

      We are in an old building. There are lots of dark hallways. We head down one of the hallways.

      At one point we finally stop. In this hallway are myself and my mom. I look down the hallway and suddenly see my dad. I know that he is dead, and that I am just seeing his spirit.

      I call out to him. I feel overjoyed. "Dad....Dad....." I'm overjoyed to see him. I know my mom doesn't see him, but I hope my mom would understand what was going on by listening to me.

      My dad walks toward me, but doesn't make eye contact. He stops and turns toward the wall and pulls a paper out of his pocket. I can see writing on the paper. I see that it's a letter. He also pulls out an envelope. He puts the latter in it and puts the envelope against the wall and starts to address the letter. I can see that he is addressing it to my mom. I am so excited. I can't wait to hear what my dad has to say. I wonder if he is going to tell us what he has been doing since he has left us.

      He then hands me the letter, and I take it and put it into my pocket. I start to talk to him, but it is as if he can't hear me. He then starts laying down on the ground. I realize that I haven't tried to touch him yet. I look down to where he is now laying. I can see him start to fade. At the last instant I reach out and touch his arm. I'm surprised that I can actually feel it. And then he is gone.

      I pull the letter back out of my pocket, anxious to give it to my mom. But when I pull it out, I can see that it is now just junk mail--colorful ads. I am so upset at seeing this that I start to cry. I cry and cry and can't stop crying.

    24. #2149
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      I pull the letter back out of my pocket, anxious to give it to my mom. But when I pull it out, I can see that it is now just junk mail--colorful ads. I am so upset at seeing this that I start to cry. I cry and cry and can't stop crying.
      Those were both disturbing dreams! That sounds so disappointing; to think you are going to read something from your Dad, and it turns into junk mail.

    25. #2150
      Good With Syrup Pancaka's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Moonbeam View Post
      That sounds so disappointing; to think you are going to read something from your Dad, and it turns into junk mail.
      I got a laugh out of that actually (granted, the situation is very, very sad). I started laughing and almost got in trouble. I was in the comp. lab at school with the rest of my English class. We were supposed to be researching for a project lol.
      Last edited by Pancaka; 03-19-2008 at 02:49 AM.

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