Originally Posted by XT-421
I'm always getting mad at you in your dreams... :sad:
Also, I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with you as much. I've kind of been failing at constantly reading your DJ, and we haven't hung out in a long while...
Maybe we can change that sometime soon?
Yeah. You'll like this next dream.
Originally Posted by Retribution
Queen Zukin: The angel of Death? I could see that..
Did you happen to have the same machete as in the picture too?
Nah man, wasn't that lucky lol.
Ninja Warrior Joe
I was at my grandmother’s house. We were discussing dinner. I started daydreaming, and thinking about what it would be like if I could just float away right now. My chair tipped over suddenly, and I flew across the dining room. WTF. Everyone in the family started freaking out, blaming it on a ghost. My mom blamed it on aliens. I did a reality check. 6 fingers. Nice. I went out the front door of my grandmother's house. In her lawn there was her neighbor's lawn which was surrounded by a ditch. I went over to the neighbor's lawn.
"Give me a BEAST to fight!" I yelled. I was thinking more along the lines of a dragon, but Joe in a suit of armor appeared instead. That would work, I guess. He had two long sticks as weapons. He twirled them professionally. I didn't have anything to fight with, so I waved my hands in a flailing motion hoping to trick my mind into believing that I had a sword. That didn't go over too well.
Joe ran towards me and we began to fight. His sticks provided great protection from anything I tried to do, he was really a deft fighter. I knew I should have gone with the dragon instead, damn! He managed to drop one of the sticks, which is when I got my chance. I picked it up and tried to attack him with it, but before I knew it he had me pinned to the ground. Was he going to finish me off? A few growling dogs circled around him and he left.
Dream Guide Issues
I was at my grandmother's house again, playing basketball. I started thinking about the previous dream, and decided to do a reality check. 6 fingers...Lucid! I decided to actually find my dream guide this time. I've been wanting to do this for awhile but kept getting distracted by other things.
I turned around and tried to will my dream guide behind me. Nothing. A car pulled up on the driveway. Joe (oh no!!) was driving it, Joe's brother had a seat in the front middle, and there was someone sitting in the passenger seat. They pulled up next to wear I was standing.
"Hey guys." I said.
"This is a dream, if you didn't know already. Are any of you my dream guides?" I asked. My dream guide had a tendency to change forms, but that would have been a bit outrageous if she decided to take the form of Joe's brother.
"Nope," they said and shook their heads. More cars were pulling up around us, and some people were setting up camp. I asked quite a few people but all I got were either nopes or "Try looking over there."
I was eventually led to a sort of party in a basement. I asked a few adults if they knew where I could find my DG but they only shrugged.
"Hey. I'm your dream guide." I heard someone say. I looked over to the far corner of the basement, where the pipes met the ceiling. He had long black hair and was shirtless. I ran over to him. He didn't feel like my dream guide...Next to him there was someone else, I think he may have had blonde hair.
"Prove to me that you are my dream guide." I said to him.
"Philolaus, a Greek philosopher of the Pythagorean school, described an astronomical system in which the Earth, Moon, Sun, planets, and stars all revolved about a central fire." (Thanks wikipedia) He said.
"That does not prove you are my dream guide or that you have any sentience whatsoever. You are simply a manifestation of my subconscious, recalling information that I previously read." I announced.
"Hahaha! Very well!" The blonde haired man next to him shouted, playfully and clapping his hands at my discovery. The man with the long black hair seemed a little put off.
I went back upstairs, and probably lost lucidity.
I was in my house, doing whatever, and I became lucid. I thought about whether or not I should continue my search for my dream guide. I didn't really know. I stepped outside, not feeling like flying. I decided to walk down the street and see where it would take me.
I continued walking, everything was in perfect clarity. I could see that the houses in front of me were changing to an apartment style. They were large, beige, and bulky. I walked passed them, just enjoying the nice sunny day.
As I walked further, I saw that were was a lake I was coming to. It was flowing like a river, but it was flowing backwards. There was a giant cruise ship in it! Hmm! Maybe I could go swimming!
I continued to go closer to the lake until I heard a loud SPLOSHing sound and felt water coming up to my knees. I looked down...I was already in the lake? I felt my shoes sinking in the mud. I tried to move my feet but they were suctioned in pretty well. Looking around, I noticed that the sunny day had become a little overcast. There were tall trees surrounding me. They had lost their leaves already, and their wicked branches were twisted in inhumane directions.
I wondered if I could breathe underwater. I ducked my head down (wasn't hard because I had sunk in so far) into the water and breathed. Yep. I could breathe. When I lifted my head out of the water I noticed that I was not the only one stuck in the marsh. There were deformed dog legs sticking up from the surface. It made me shiver.
I slushed through the shallow part of the lake that had overflowed the land and the trees until I came back on to dry ground. It was getting dark outside now. There was a little path through the woods that I could follow if I wanted to. Since I was still on my journey, I decided to continue on.
Through the path the trees got denser, and thus less light could reach me within. I heard screams and cackles around me. I began seeing things that weren't there. Someone was coming closer, I could hear someone...
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!" A female voice cackled wickedly as she ran past me. She was Medusa, but her skin was burned black and her hair/snakes fried straight up. There was another spirit chasing after her. Where was I???
I kept walking on the path, for the woods might be creepier. In front of me I saw a giant glowing worm sitting on a tree in front of me. He sort of looked like the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland, except he glowed bright neon green and had an evil smile on his face.
"Oh, come a little closer cutie cutie!" He said menacingly, "I shall have YOU for dinner!!!"
"And if he doesn't catch you, I WILL!!!" Another spirit said a little farther down the path. Thank god I woke up after that. Not going back to bed either..
And lastly, I remember a dream about beer.