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    Thread: Queen Zukin's Dream Journal

    1. #1976
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      Not much recall.

    2. #1977
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      Dinner Table

      I was eating dinner at a small table with my mother. I realized I was dreaming. I don't think anything happened that caused me to realize it, rather I think the dream had just begun and I managed to notice it. I kind of watched what was going on for a couple minutes since the dream didn't feel that stable. I think I went with the flow, since I don't remember anything afterwards.

      Meet Me Tonight

      I was staying at a hotel and I was wandering around exploring the strange place. It really was strange. The hotel had a legitimate gym, several computer labs, some showers, and an intense indoor pool. A manager had told me about their outdoor pools, so I went to investigate. Unfortunately, no one had cleaned them in ages and they were building up with algae. I kept wandering around outside until I came across an apartment complex. The apartments had a massive shared balcony and people were gathered on it and hanging out. I started walking around up there until I came across someone I used to know and haven't seen in awhile. I talked with him for a bit, since we had a lot of catching up to do. I noticed that his new haircut made him look like Donald Trump. He told me that later tonight there were going to be fireworks and that I should join him for them. I wasn't sure if I would, since I didn't want this to be a date or anything, but I have always enjoyed his presence as a friend so I decided to sneak out later.

    3. #1978
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      I had another lucid dream! Yay! But I'm on my phone again so I can't type it up in detail. Booo. But basically, I was in a dark hallway and there was a strange shadowy figure stalking me. I realized I was dreaming, got excited, and yelled WHAT NOW MUTHAFUCKAAA WHAT NOW???!! like a lunatic. Haha. But it was fun. In my other dreams I was doing a lab practical and in another dream I was on a bus with Kestrel.

    4. #1979
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      I had a stressful sleep last night since I had an exam in the morning. I kept doing my sleep-walking/talking/thinking/stressing thing happens sometimes accidentally. I don't remember any dreams specifically, but I keep remembering fragments from the hotel dream a few nights ago. I feel like I had that dream again last night, but I don't think I did.

    5. #1980
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      On my phone again...I'm getting addicted to typing my dreams up in bed now. My dream last night had to do with the letter B. And sitting at a looooooong table with a mad hatter of sorts.

    6. #1981
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      Happy Ending to a Long, Shitty Day

      I woke up in the morning (not feeling like p diddy), and started getting ready for class. I had lab that day so I knew it was already going to be a long day. I got in the car with my friend, who told me that his room mate was being loud so he decided to spend the night sleeping in a church. It was going to be a long day for him, too. I went through the process of every single class until I got to lab.

      Our pathophysiology professor walks in and makes an announcement. Normally, we have open book exams due to the sheer volume of information on those tests. He says that students have been abusing this and have been writing in their books. He says we can no longer write or highlight in our books, or else we will get a zero on the exam. I have a mini internal freak out, since that has been how I was preparing for my exams (and how most other students were, as well). He makes all of us get out our pathophysiology textbooks and examines them to see who has been writing too much information in them. When he gets to me, I explain to him that I had lent the book to my friend (which was the truth). He announces to the class that anyone who has been writing craptons of information in their books should email him and confess.

      I felt really betrayed by my friend. He had borrowed my textbook to see how I had organized the information to do so well on the exam. I thought that maybe he had emailed the professor and complained.

      On the bright side, they let us out of lab early. I had no where else to go, so I sat down in a study room. Then, I get an email that some staff members found my iPod. They said that they went through every single song and deleted the ones with profanity. LOL. At the time, I was mad because that was the iPod from highschool and I don't have the original songs anymore. Thinking about it now makes me laugh, because they would have had to listen to every single crappy song for days to get through all of it.

      Out of sheer frustration of the shitty day, I slammed my hands down on the desk and did a reality check. I couldn't believe that the day had been this shitty. I didn't expect to find that I was actually dreaming. The day had been too long for it to be a dream...but it was! When I realized I was dreaming, I had to step back for a moment out of sheer shock. This day/dream had been so damn long, like a real day. But none of it mattered anymore.

      I spent the rest of the dream disregarding my goals and just doing naughty things.

      edit: I remembered that before the dream went naughty, I was Kung Fu fighting people in the hallways hehe.

      High in Home Depot

      I was smoking when my mom asked if I wanted to tag along to home depot. I went with her. The store had two floors, but the stairs were super steep. I couldn't make it to the top floor since I was too afraid of heights haha. I decided to chill outside of the store. When I got outside, I noticed that the home depot was located on my undergraduate campus. And then I noticed something stranger, though it didn't quite register with me at the time. As I looked to my left, I noticed that to get to the other side of the campus, you had to go through an obstacle course in the sky (THIS WAS FROM A DIFFERENT DREAM I HAD MONTHS AGO!!!!!!!! +1 for dream cartography!!). It was the exact same obstacle course as from a different dream, and I vividly remembered how terrifying it was trying to walk through the netting, since the drop down was like...half a mile. I shuddered at the thought and realized I would never get to see the other half of the campus hahahahaha.
      Last edited by Queen Zukin; 02-28-2016 at 03:05 PM.

    7. #1982
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      I was waay too worried about my exam this morning to recall any dreams.

    8. #1983
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      In my dream last night, I decided to visit a mall with some friends. We stumbled across a Witch Store, where we all discovered that we were witches. We flew through the mall on our broomsticks and wreaked havoc. Also, I bought a new pair of shoes.

      I remembered what my dream from last night was. I was on the run from a group of assassins. There was a big plot about this, I believe it was a family of assassins and I may have been one of them but I turned against them. Anyways, I was running away from getting my ass whooped and hid at a thrift store. I pretended to work there and they drove past. I got sucked into the thrift shop scenary and was noticing how many beautiful ancient dresses they had.

    9. #1984
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      My dream last night...I remember being either in a very large room or a botanical garden with Kestrel. We had sleds, maybe. There was some kind of race.

    10. #1985
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      Bad/tooth-grindingly-stressful sleep, no recall.

    11. #1986
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      No recall.

    12. #1987
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      Almost forgot again!!! I'm on phone so I have to keep brief.
      Dream 1: I had a dream in which I spent the entire dream in a blue-ish room. I (though I, myself, wasn't present in the dream), spent the entire dream staring at a box full of lightbulbs. Like, who even dreams this? What made my subconscious decide it was so important to waste 90 minutes DOING NOTHING BUT STARING AT A BOX FULL OF LIGHTBULBS??
      Dream 2: My mother and I were driving in the car. I was looking at a map trying to figure out how we were going to navigate this turn pike.
      Dream 3: I was in a castle that had a lot of dead ends in it. Apparently, it was so large that it had a substantial homeless population. It wasn't that the homeless came to live there, rather people would visit the castle and get so lost that they would give up trying to escape and declare themselves homeless and live there instead.
      Dream 4: I was in a meeting in a class room. I saw Joe and said hi. There was lots of food at this meeting.
      Dream 5: My old karate instructor was running a playground. The playground was flooded, but that's what made it neat. It was super hard to navigate though.

    13. #1988
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      Quote Originally Posted by Queen Zukin View Post
      Dream 3: I was in a castle that had a lot of dead ends in it. Apparently, it was so large that it had a substantial homeless population. It wasn't that the homeless came to live there, rather people would visit the castle and get so lost that they would give up trying to escape and declare themselves homeless and live there instead.
      Looks like that one was a precognitive. My mother came to visit me for spring break, and she took me on a surprise trip to a ***massive**** mansion/castle today. They were doing tours and there were literally hundreds of rooms. We got so lost touring the mansion/castle and it was extremely disorientating (but beautiful).


      Kissing Ginger

      I spent an entire dream just kissing my boyfriend and it was wonderful.

      Joining a Gang

      My sister forced me to join a gang. She was driving me to a meeting I was having at school, and she started yelling at me because my high heels were making scuff marks in her floor board. I also discovered that one of my classmates was in the gang as well.

      Pond (no more)

      I was driving somewhere with my mother. We reached the end of a cul de sac in a neighborhood and stopped driving. I realized that I had been here before, but this time it was different. I had been here before in a dream, but the last time I was here there was a pond at the end of the cul de sac. This time, instead of a pond, there was a massive...boardwalk? I don't know exactly what to call it. The pond was covered with a deck/boardwalk and at the end was a gazebo.

    14. #1989
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      I was in lab class and my partner and I were failing hard. We had spent the entire 3 hours failing on our first concoction (out of four) and we were trying to back peddle to see where we went wrong. We realized we were going to fail this lab since we had no more time to do the other three labs.


      Hackers got access into Kestrel and I's server through a flaw in a recent security update. I went online to see what had been damaged, though I couldn't find anything. When I woke up in real life I made a back up.

      Oh my

      Something to do with male strippers and a classmate that decided she was a lesbian...

    15. #1990
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      Another Precognitive

      Some real life back ground: my mom drove down to visit me for my spring break. She and I have been driving around various states, but she doesn't tell me what we are going to see/do that day, since she wants it to be a surprise. Apparently my subconscious/third-eye/whateverthefuckitis can't handle surprises. I was in the hotel hot tub with my mom, talking about what we were going to do with tomorrow before the "surprise event" began at 7 pm. I told her that I was going to Google the area and see if there were any haunted places around here to explore. She gave me that side eye and asked me if Kestrel had told me what the surprise was (nope). She told me that she had planned for us to go on a segway ghost tour tomorrow night. Which totally explained my dream...

      The dream: I'm sad I don't recall more of this than I should, but in the dream I was in an old city trying to get from point A to point B on a...contraption. I don't know what it was...I felt like I was riding an electric donkey through the city. It was mad hard to get anywhere and I kept falling off of it. I eventually make it to a big house and realize I have somehow gotten myself into trouble. I'm legit seeing ghosts. The ghosts though...they were like shadows in my eyeballs. It was pretty strange. I remember seeing vividly a figure/silhouette standing in a doorway and kind of freezing as I realized it saw me back. It was creepy.

    16. #1991
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      These dreams better not be precognitives.


      Kestrel and I were going to see a comedy at a theater. We had made weed-popcorn hahaha and were eating it before we went to see the movie. We were a bit buzzed when we walked in to buy our tickets. My professor saw me at the theater and called me into his office (which was apparently in the theater). He began yelling at me and telling me that he was disappointed that a student of his was on drugs. At first I thought that I must've somehow been visibly high, but then he handed me some paperwork from a drug test that we had to do a long time ago. Apparently the results had come back positive. I thumbed through them and realized that there must be a mistake, because my results were also positive for nicotine and I have never smoked a cigarette before. He told me that we were going to run another urine analysis today. I thought how totally screwed I was for this.

      Sexy Karate

      A sexy Youtuber was teaching me karate. The play violence was seriously turning me on. I made a pass at him and kissed him (I was blindfolded..). The play karate turned very dirty quick. It was lovely.

      No exam

      I was living in a nonexistent apartment watching TV. On TV, I was hiding beneath a curtain watching a cult ritual happen and someone died during it! I paused the movie so I could drive to school, but I was running a couple hours late. Some one texted me that the professor announced that he was postponing the exam until the next week and I was soo relieved since I hadn't studied for it yet.

      Harry Potter Minecraft

      I was in a dungeon/cave. There were small tables scattered through the length of it. There was a mean/evil Dumbledore lecturing us about some kind of competition that was about to happen. On our game tables we had small little Minecraft pickaxes. I scratched the surface of the table and discovered that it was like wall paper and underneath was stone.


      I was hula hooping. I took forever to find a song to dance to.

    17. #1992
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      On phone.
      Dream 1: I was trying to get to my lab class but I was running late. Apparently, we were have lab in a building a few miles away and everyone was boarding a bus to get there. I was running through the woods trying to get there, but the bus left without me. I called my friend, who was on the bus. He told me that the bus driver didn't even know where he was going and everyone had to call their own cabs to get to the building. Fantastic. Suddenly, I was in the building. My friend asked me how I got here so quick and I realized that I had no memory of how I got here... Oh well, time for lab! Lab was stressful and I got yelled at a few times, as normal.

    18. #1993
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      On phone again. Last night was stressful. In my first dream, my mom was chasing me trying to amputate my limbs. In another, I was at our college. I discovered that we had an underground tunnel system. I walked through it, really lost. For some reason I was also really sad. In my last dream, I realized last minute that I had two essays due in the next four hours. I was in a mad rush to get home to start and hopefully finish them.

    19. #1994
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      ...Me Too.

      I was touring an underground aquarium. I had my backpack with me. I eventually found myself in a cafe among the aquarium tunnels. Not many people were here, so I sat my backpack down on a small table and tried to shove the school work papers back into my backpack.

      Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a peculiar teenage boy. He walked over to me and said, "Sometimes, I have visions of the future."

      I looked at him for a moment, a little bit in shock at what he just said and how frankly he said it. Sometimes, in real life, I have these (sober) moments where I feel as if my consciousness is morphing into shapes. As I looked at him, I had one of these moments. I felt as if my consciousness was slipping out from under my feet.

      Still in shock, I said matter-of-factly, "Me too." It wasn't a lie.

      He stood next to me as I tried to arrange the loose papers in my backpack into a functional mess so I could zip it up. He seemed to wait there, anticipating an explanation, though I offered none. I kind of wish I said something more to him, but his presence was weirding me out so I left.

      The dream morphed into me acquiring super powers and people finding out and a shit show ensuing.

    20. #1995
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      In my dream I was visiting where I used to live in undergraduate. We took a giant bus there and it went through some scary mountain roads. When we arrived, the house was like nothing before. There were belly dancers. A lot of belly dancers.


      I took an exam for which I didn't study. But I got a 99%!


      I looked outside and it was raining so hard that it was raining diagonally.
      Last edited by Queen Zukin; 03-14-2016 at 02:02 AM. Reason: Remembered more

    21. #1996
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      Spiral Staircase

      I was at my university. I had class on the second floor today, but while we were on spring break they decided to get rid of all of the normal staircases and replace them with one tiny spiral staircase. A spiral staircase that didn't have any railings. And was only wide enough for one foot at a time. WHY.

      As I was going up the staircase, I lost balance and fell backwards. The person behind me caught me, but then he lost balance and we both fell two stories. Even in the dream it hurt. But we both managed to get up and walk away from it.

      When I got to class, I sat down and realized I wasn't wearing any pants (due to the judging look my professor was giving me). I rolled my eyes, realizing that I forgot to put my pants on, as if this was something that happened often. I took my pants out of my backpack and put them on in the middle of class. No shame.

      Where even am I

      I had to walk to school, and there was no city bus en route. I walked for a long time through a dark neighborhood. I'm not sure if I am remembering this dream or a past one, but I think there was also something to do with a scary car and a graveyard. I eventually came to a hill.

      So close

      I was in my apartment. I flipped a light switch, but no power came on. I remembered that this was a sign I could be dreaming. I did a reality check. Nothing out of the ordinary.

    22. #1997
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      There was a bang. I false awakened and was pissed that something woke me up, since I was tossing and turning the entire night. I had a brief moment of thinking that I may have false awakened but didn't follow it through. I decided to get up and pee. I flipped on the light switch...nothing.

      I kind of paused for a moment and realized that I might be dreaming. And I don't think I have ever explained this before on my journal and I'm feeling talkative tonight so I am going to explain it now. I am a horror movie enthusiast. The walls of my room are covered in scary movie posters, weird relics, and I even have a Kali tapestry which I am 99% sure is haunted as shit. I love scary movies, mind you, but there is a small part of my mind that doesn't want to be lucid in that apartment with no lights. I know what my mind will do. It is a sadistic fucker.

      So I stood there for a minute and thought that it could be the electricity, since my apartment has been having electricity problems recently (it's the Kali tapestry, I'm telling you). I went to the bathroom and flipped the switch on. I went to the closet and flipped that switch too to test it, and that one didn't work. I knew pretty much then that it was a dream, since real life would be more consistent about which light bulbs are out of commission. Maybe something happened after this, I can't remember.

    23. #1998
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      Barely slept last night.

    24. #1999
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      Marry Your Exes...

      I had a wedding to go to. My own wedding. Against my will.

      It was supposed to be a wedding ceremony to "purge" myself of sin, or whatever. To do this, I had to marry all of my exboyfriends. All of them. and

      I was really distraught about this. Because I even had to wear a wedding dress. It was bizarre. We held a pre-ceremony and to symbolize all of my exes, banana peels were placed in my hands. One banana peel for every exboyfriend. There were so many banana peals it was shameful lmao.

      Thankfully, I woke up before I had to marry them.

    25. #2000
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      I almost never dream of fire.


      I was at my friend's apartment. I looked out the window and suddenly noticed that a house down the street was blazing on fire. It was really windy, so the fire spread to our apartment building and began engulfing it in flame.

      "Wow, we have to get out of here!" My friend yelled.

      "Wait a second...Disasters of this caliber usually only happen in my dreams..."

      "Well it's happened now!" He yelled back.

      "This even feels like a dream..." I replied. The more I thought about it, the more this definitely felt like a dream. I did a reality check - it passed. I did another...and another...and another. They all passed, astoundingly.

      Someone is on Fire

      I was on an island, setting up camp. Suddenly, I noticed that someone near me was on fire. I was about to help, but then they managed to free themselves of flame.

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