Happy Ending to a Long, Shitty Day
I woke up in the morning (not feeling like p diddy), and started getting ready for class. I had lab that day so I knew it was already going to be a long day. I got in the car with my friend, who told me that his room mate was being loud so he decided to spend the night sleeping in a church. It was going to be a long day for him, too. I went through the process of every single class until I got to lab.
Our pathophysiology professor walks in and makes an announcement. Normally, we have open book exams due to the sheer volume of information on those tests. He says that students have been abusing this and have been writing in their books. He says we can no longer write or highlight in our books, or else we will get a zero on the exam. I have a mini internal freak out, since that has been how I was preparing for my exams (and how most other students were, as well). He makes all of us get out our pathophysiology textbooks and examines them to see who has been writing too much information in them. When he gets to me, I explain to him that I had lent the book to my friend (which was the truth). He announces to the class that anyone who has been writing craptons of information in their books should email him and confess.
I felt really betrayed by my friend. He had borrowed my textbook to see how I had organized the information to do so well on the exam. I thought that maybe he had emailed the professor and complained.
On the bright side, they let us out of lab early. I had no where else to go, so I sat down in a study room. Then, I get an email that some staff members found my iPod. They said that they went through every single song and deleted the ones with profanity. LOL. At the time, I was mad because that was the iPod from highschool and I don't have the original songs anymore. Thinking about it now makes me laugh, because they would have had to listen to every single crappy song for days to get through all of it. 
Out of sheer frustration of the shitty day, I slammed my hands down on the desk and did a reality check. I couldn't believe that the day had been this shitty. I didn't expect to find that I was actually dreaming. The day had been too long for it to be a dream...but it was! When I realized I was dreaming, I had to step back for a moment out of sheer shock. This day/dream had been so damn long, like a real day. But none of it mattered anymore.
I spent the rest of the dream disregarding my goals and just doing naughty things. 
edit: I remembered that before the dream went naughty, I was Kung Fu fighting people in the hallways hehe.
High in Home Depot
I was smoking when my mom asked if I wanted to tag along to home depot. I went with her. The store had two floors, but the stairs were super steep. I couldn't make it to the top floor since I was too afraid of heights haha. I decided to chill outside of the store. When I got outside, I noticed that the home depot was located on my undergraduate campus. And then I noticed something stranger, though it didn't quite register with me at the time. As I looked to my left, I noticed that to get to the other side of the campus, you had to go through an obstacle course in the sky (THIS WAS FROM A DIFFERENT DREAM I HAD MONTHS AGO!!!!!!!! +1 for dream cartography!!). It was the exact same obstacle course as from a different dream, and I vividly remembered how terrifying it was trying to walk through the netting, since the drop down was like...half a mile. I shuddered at the thought and realized I would never get to see the other half of the campus hahahahaha.