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    Thread: Queen Zukin's Dream Journal

    1. #2026
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      Not much recall. But I def dreamed about Kestrel.
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    2. #2027
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      Quote Originally Posted by Queen Zukin View Post
      Not much recall. But I def dreamed about Kestrel.
      I remember! In the dream Kestrel was visiting and I looked out the window and I saw a giant air balloon which burst into a thousand more tiny hot air balloons. And then all of them exploded. It was beautiful af.

      I'm a pregnant gorilla

      I dreamed last night that I was a pregnant gorilla. I lived in an art gallery with my gorilla friends who had many gorilla babies. But I didn't know who my baby daddy gorilla was.

    3. #2028
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      Yeah I don't remember anything last night.

    4. #2029
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      How to be a Serial Killer

      I was being taught how to be a serial killer by a former friend of mine. Me and somebody else were apparently this guy's apprentice. It consisted of going to malls and harassing men in santa suits.

    5. #2030
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      I accidentally deleted my dream. Twice. T_T

      Long story short I lived in an apricot.

    6. #2031
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      On phone again. In my dream I was trying to pack up my stuff and go on an adventure with my friend, but I kept needing to pee over and over again. There was no relief until I woke up and went to the bathroom.

    7. #2032
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      Barely slept last night, but still remembered a dream! In the dream I was about to give a presentation with my group. I had never seen these slides before so I didn't know what to expect, but knew it would probably be okay since I had the first few introductory slides.

    8. #2033
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      I almost forgot to post! But I didn't remember much anyways. I had some stressmares/sleepwalking/whatever. I think I may have had a lucid, but all I remember is the number 16.

    9. #2034
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      In one dream I was in a spa, and in the spa they had many bath tubs. In my other dream I walked into a room and saw my mother hanging from a noose. It was not a good dream.

    10. #2035
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      It was in the middle of class and I look over and notice that one of my professors is making out with a student. WHAAAT?

      Learning Music

      I was in a music class in which our assignment was to make a song on the piano and present it before the end of the class. I didn't really know where to start. I looked around the room and noticed people already making great music. I remembered that my electric piano had a rhythm maker and I could probably use that to get started. It worked pretty well. Later in the dream I was wandering around and noticed that our town had four different libraries. I went inside a library and explored one of them. There were secret rooms behind some of the bookshelves. I think something really scary happened here...like I went into a room and awoke some kind of monster or something. But after that it was chill.

    11. #2036
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      One with the Wolves

      I was a little boy lost in the woods, somewhere out in Siberia. I was going to freeze to death if I didn't make it back home in time, but home was still several hours by foot. I started hearing wolves growling around me and knew that I was going to be someone's dinner soon. In a huge turn of events of which I don't recall, I became one with the wolves. I had a sleigh and they were pulling me home and they were running fast through the woods.

    12. #2037
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      On phone:
      Dream 1: disappearing pants. I was super confuses because my pants kept disappearing and reappearing on my body. As I was watching. I thought I was losing my mind.

    13. #2038
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      Last night was a very terrible night for sleeping. I was already too wired to sleep but when finally managed to I had very intense sleepwalking/stressmares/feverdream/whateverthefucktherealtermforthisis. I was a lot more 'awake' during my stressmare than normal so I actually remember a lot of it. I started believing that I was the sole representative for all the onions in the world. I was really worked up about this because in the morning people were going to go cut onions for breakfast, and I needed a way to represent my people and save them. And then I realized that I had no idea who I was or what I was supposed to be doing. I remember just laying in bed (sweating so much from the stress that my hair actually unstraightened itself...) worrying for my onion people because I couldn't remember who I was. And then my thoughts lead to me apples and other nonsensical thoughts. I managed to escape it and woke up in an absolute pool of sweat. I had to take a dramamine at 3am just to sedate myself enough to reach a normal sleep...

      We're Screwed

      When I finally managed to sleep my dreams weren't much better. In the dream I was going to give a presentation with my group members, but two of them decided to get high before the presentation. I was trying to figure out a way to compensate for them even though I hadn't practiced the slides that they were supposed to present.

    14. #2039
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      Quote Originally Posted by Queen Zukin View Post
      Last night was a very terrible night for sleeping. I was already too wired to sleep but when finally managed to I had very intense sleepwalking/stressmares/feverdream/whateverthefucktherealtermforthisis. I was a lot more 'awake' during my stressmare than normal so I actually remember a lot of it. I started believing that I was the sole representative for all the onions in the world. I was really worked up about this because in the morning people were going to go cut onions for breakfast, and I needed a way to represent my people and save them. And then I realized that I had no idea who I was or what I was supposed to be doing. I remember just laying in bed (sweating so much from the stress that my hair actually unstraightened itself...) worrying for my onion people because I couldn't remember who I was. And then my thoughts lead to me apples and other nonsensical thoughts. I managed to escape it and woke up in an absolute pool of sweat. I had to take a dramamine at 3am just to sedate myself enough to reach a normal sleep...
      I told my mom about this and now she refers to me solely as the Onion Queen.

      I hadn't really slept more than 3 hours in the last few days and I knew last night was going to be the same thing so I took dramamine to force me to sleep, since I had an exam this morning and it was critical that I had some sleep. It worked!

      Worst Birthday Present

      Kestrel, I, and about five other random people were hanging out at a hotel/resort. We were by the pool, sitting on a picnic bench. We didn't really know the other 5 people that well, but apparently we had came to the resort with them.

      Kestrel wishes me a happy birthday and pulls out a present...It's an exam. -.-

      THANKS KESTREL. (love u tho)

      The other five people decide that they really don't like me, so I decide to go pole-vaulting (naturally). I was actually pretty damn good at it. Later I think Kestrel was hanging out with the other five group members, but since they didn't like me I was trying to figure out what to do that evening on my own. I decided I would go out on the town and make my own new friends.

      I think this was part of the same dream (but it might not be) but the next day I was in the resort and we were having Hogwart's-like classes. The professor was mad strict.

    15. #2040
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      Dying and Stuff

      In the dream, I was a black girl who's father was a surgeon. My dream-father was going to operate on me so he gave me first general anesthesia.

      I decided to walk around before the anesthesia kicked in. I was walking around my old campus and I was hearing voices telling me that my blood pressure was too high (I think what was happening was that I was knocked out from the anesthesia but I was dreaming within the dream that I was still wandering around). The voices said that my blood pressure needed to be reduced asap.

      I kept wandering around until everything suddenly went white and I was hearing the noise from defibrillators. I felt suuuuuuuper weird and I was trying to open my eyes past the blinding white light. When I opened my eyes I was back in the operating room, but then I woke up for real. When I woke up I was like...am I actually alive?!!!

      A woman

      There was a woman. That's about all I remember from the dream. But she had intense significance.

      I had another dream saved but I lost it. I'll edit if I remember.

    16. #2041
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      Just had a fragment from last night. In the dream I mother and I were walking past Belgium and I wanted to stop and go to a book store before we left. Since where we were staying was in the woods, I had to take a bus into town.

    17. #2042
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      Locked Up

      I was at a party with some peers. Some of my peers were doing heroin when the police came. They took all of them away. A few hours later they came back and got me too. Instead of throwing us in jail, they put us in an insane asylum. I was repeatedly sedated, but when my find finally cleared I managed to get a look at my papers and apparently I had come in rambling off my mind about the end times. I was sharing a room with a classmate of mine and some guy I went to Germany with. I checked out the medicine they were making me take and noticed that it was an antihypertensive. Weird.

      We got a small break to go outside but a guard on duty had to accompany each of us. As soon as we got out of the door I made a run for it and ran towards the mountains. I ran past a random musical and inside a crack in the earth and into a field that I dream about sometimes. I come to this field a lot in my dreams and regard it highly but I don't think I've ever been there in real life.

      Apparently I got caught or something because later I was back in my room working on math problems with my room mate.


      I was sitting in a random pool in front of someone's yard. But the lawns were colored red and yellow and purple.

    18. #2043
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      Not much recall. Exam week.

    19. #2044
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      I discovered that every time I opened my bedroom door, it became a portal to a new dimension.

      I got myself involved in an inter-dimensional conspiracy. I was saving a woman from a different universe who was being unfairly prosecuted by the government. I had her hop into my universe to save her. But then the police from her universe hopped into our universe, so we went hopping from universe to universe running from the police.

      Spooky Abandoned Church

      My mother and I were driving out in the middle of a roadless field. We came across a black/charred looking ancient abandoned church. We stopped by it and went inside. I discovered that there were people living inside of it.


      I was touring a house that a bunch of people shared. A long-term member of the shared house was giving me a detailed history. I walked past one of the rooms, whose only entrance was up a ladder. It looked really dark up there. Later I had dinner with all of the housemates. I noticed that the president of a house I used to live in was sitting right next to me the entire time but I hadn't recognized her until just now. She seemed kind of offended that it took this long for me to notice her. After the dinner I got back in the car and started writing down my dreams.

    20. #2045
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      I was walking alongside a lake at a park. I was carrying a massive raft that kept trying to blow away in the wind. It would blow away into the lake and I would have to walk into the water to retrieve it. I remember being so shocked at how the lake felt beneath my feet - it wasn't what I was expecting. Instead of being mooshy, the bottom was concrete and shallow. It felt so rough on my feet. After I retrieved my raft, I got back on the shore and laughed at my drenched clothes. I looked pathetic and decided it was Snapchat worthy.

      As I was taking my selfie, a guy about my age walked passed me and scoffed at my selfie-ness. Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffft. What a fun sucker. For some reason I had the bright idea to get him wet too. He got sooo mad but we walked around the park together. In my dream I was a ballerina and I was singing and dancing like a goof but just having a fun time with my new friend.

      And then he died. Like, poof.

      I was so sad that I held a ballerina recital in his honor. But then he appeared again later. I was pretty stoked that my new friend didn't die.


      My next door neighbors were having a music festival at there house. It was really late, but I decided to go visit since the music sounded nice and there were lots of people. To my dismay, I discovered that the music festival was actually being held inside their house and wasn't a music festival at all. It was a marble tournament.

      Pod Fragment

      I was sitting inside a futuristic pod with about 8 other people.

    21. #2046
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      Psychedelic Skies

      I was at a beach house with a cohort of mine. For some reason I was helping people fill out paperwork, but after that was finished we went out on the porch. There were a lot of people at the ocean and everything was mellow and fantastic. I looked up at the sky and noticed that it was changing colors and patterns. It would morph into animals and birds and the birds would fly away and morph into other patterns. It was beautiful.


      I remember standing in a dark hallway with two old friends. I hugged one of them.

    22. #2047
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      Not much recall last night. But there was definitely cornflakes involved.

    23. #2048
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      Happy 7th birthday dream journal! Pretty soon this journal will be older than some people visiting this site...

      Really (really) Ominous Dream

      It was night time and I was driving home in my old beat up car but the steering wheel alignment was off. There was a cop behind me so I was trying super hard to drive this thing home safely. It was getting dark and increasingly hard to see, since my headlights weren't working.

      Suddenly, I was standing in the middle of the road. I looked off to the side, confused, and saw that I had crashed the car into a ditch. I thought that my head must have hit the steering wheel and I had some amnesia from the crash because I didn't remember it happening.

      It was so incredibly dark outside.

      The only light I could see for miles was the single traffic light that exists on this road. It was still a few miles ahead, but if I wanted to get home then I would have to follow it. It was so dark that I couldn't even see where I was walking. I was using the feeling of the pavement to guide my steps. I felt as if I was literally walking towards the light at the end of the tunnel, except I kept walking and walking but the light wasn't getting any closer.

      I continued on for awhile until I came across a guy sitting near a bush.

      "Hey," he called out, "come here!"

      "Who are you?" I asked.

      "You don't remember? I'm from your childhood. We used to play all the time together! Come here, I want to show you something."

      I got this really really bad feeling from him and started to back away.

      "Where are you going?? Come here! Don't you want to see what's behind these bushes?"


      I kept walking away from that creep and again towards the single light, which looked like a single flame miles away. I also couldn't understand why there wasn't any other cars on this road. Surely one or two should have passed by already.

      I literally kept walking for what felt like hours until a police car pulled over and asked if I needed help. Unlike the previous guy, they felt legit so I hitched a ride home with them.


      I was on a random bus going to a completely random city. I was thinking about why I had decided to go across the country and decided to get off the bus. I boarded a different bus which took me through a city in the midst of a Halloween festival.

    24. #2049
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      I only slept a couple hours last night. Anxiety, man.

    25. #2050
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      I had made a doctor's appointment to check up on the foot that I broke and make sure none of the screws were coming loose. The nurse told me which room to go to when I got there, but I totally blanked and wandered around the doctor's office and explored all the rooms, which were high tech and kind of freaky. I wondered what really went on back here. I eventually went back to the nurse and asked her what room I was supposed to be in. I went inside that room, only to find that it was a lecture hall with a bunch of medical students. The professor opened a file and started talking about my case. It was so embarrassing. He began to question how it actually happened, and how he didn't believe someone could be so careless with a hula hoop. Thanks, subconscious. I walked home after that, having way more questions than I came with.

      Mall Fragment

      I had a test in a class, apparently it didn't go so well. The school was connected to a mall, I wandered around.

      One big NOPE

      I was trying to study for a class but I had a semi-distraction. I was being haunted by the zombie girl from The Ring.

      Every time I looked into anything shiny, I could see her reflection staring back at me. It was super creepy. It was like that Bloody Mary episode from Supernatural.

      I decided to call Kestrel and invite her over to distract my mind from my imminent death. I went into the elevator to let her in the building. I tried so hard not to look into the reflectiveness and see her. But then the worst thing happened. HER ZOMBIE FINGERS STARTED SLITHERING BETWEEN THE ELEVATOR DOORS. He hands were pushing the elevator doors open and reaching in for me. FUCK.

      I stayed against the back wall until the doors opened and sunshine poured through. It was like nothing had happened. I gtfo'd and made a phone call. I don't remember to whom, but I do know it was super important - like, the CIA or something.


      I realized I was standing outside of my apartment in my underwear. I was confused about how I forgot to put underwear on, but after that it didn't phase me too much. Worse/stranger things have happened here.


      I was at a music festival! I was laying on the grass and enjoying the artists who were playing. They were making EDM with live instruments. After they were done playing, I went inside their tent to see if I could buy their album. Their tent was orange and yellow and inside there was an array of strange things for sale. I had brought my orange hula hoop inside the tent and then set it down somewhere, but my eyes were being weird and I couldn't find the hoop among all the orangeness. I started to talk to one of the DJ's. She also had this bright orange hair and she showed me what looked like poi attached to a chopstick. As she moved it into the air, fractals grew from it.

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