I remember! In the dream Kestrel was visiting and I looked out the window and I saw a giant air balloon which burst into a thousand more tiny hot air balloons. And then all of them exploded. It was beautiful af. |
Not much recall. But I def dreamed about Kestrel. |
I remember! In the dream Kestrel was visiting and I looked out the window and I saw a giant air balloon which burst into a thousand more tiny hot air balloons. And then all of them exploded. It was beautiful af. |
Yeah I don't remember anything last night. |
How to be a Serial Killer |
I accidentally deleted my dream. Twice. T_T |
On phone again. In my dream I was trying to pack up my stuff and go on an adventure with my friend, but I kept needing to pee over and over again. There was no relief until I woke up and went to the bathroom. |
Barely slept last night, but still remembered a dream! In the dream I was about to give a presentation with my group. I had never seen these slides before so I didn't know what to expect, but knew it would probably be okay since I had the first few introductory slides. |
I almost forgot to post! But I didn't remember much anyways. I had some stressmares/sleepwalking/whatever. I think I may have had a lucid, but all I remember is the number 16. |
In one dream I was in a spa, and in the spa they had many bath tubs. In my other dream I walked into a room and saw my mother hanging from a noose. It was not a good dream. |
Awkward |
One with the Wolves |
On phone: |
Last night was a very terrible night for sleeping. I was already too wired to sleep but when finally managed to I had very intense sleepwalking/stressmares/feverdream/whateverthefucktherealtermforthisis. I was a lot more 'awake' during my stressmare than normal so I actually remember a lot of it. I started believing that I was the sole representative for all the onions in the world. I was really worked up about this because in the morning people were going to go cut onions for breakfast, and I needed a way to represent my people and save them. And then I realized that I had no idea who I was or what I was supposed to be doing. I remember just laying in bed (sweating so much from the stress that my hair actually unstraightened itself...) worrying for my onion people because I couldn't remember who I was. And then my thoughts lead to me apples and other nonsensical thoughts. I managed to escape it and woke up in an absolute pool of sweat. I had to take a dramamine at 3am just to sedate myself enough to reach a normal sleep... |
I told my mom about this and now she refers to me solely as the Onion Queen. |
Dying and Stuff |
Just had a fragment from last night. In the dream I mother and I were walking past Belgium and I wanted to stop and go to a book store before we left. Since where we were staying was in the woods, I had to take a bus into town. |
Locked Up |
Not much recall. Exam week. |
Dimensions |
Ballerina |
Psychedelic Skies |
Not much recall last night. But there was definitely cornflakes involved. |
Happy 7th birthday dream journal! Pretty soon this journal will be older than some people visiting this site... |
I only slept a couple hours last night. Anxiety, man. |
Confused |