Hello DV! |
Lucids since starting over May 20th 2014: II
Last edited by Zelzahim; 08-20-2010 at 08:00 AM. Reason: Spelling
Lucids since starting over May 20th 2014: II
Hmmm. So you use this technique to convince yourself that you will have a lucid dream, and your subconscious then works to make you have one? That makes sense, in a way. You'd have to believe that the pendulum really does predict when you will have a lucid dream, however, in order for it to work. Sort of in the same way that people may know that Ouija Boards don't really work, but through either superstition or the desire to believe, they believe that it does work and have power. An interesting concept, and I think a plausible way to convince yourself to be more aware during dreams. If the pendulum tells you "Friday," you will expect to have a lucid dream on Friday, and thus your chances of becoming lucid increase. Very interesting. |
Yeah, you asks your sub C when you will have a LD, then placebo does the rest. Report back with your result |
Lucids since starting over May 20th 2014: II
Do you have to try it again on another day if the answer is "within a week or month?" |
"do what you wish"
Well, instead of a spinning wheel I decided to make a six-sided paper die. On two of the sides are written "Tonight", two of the others say "Tomorrow", and the other two sides say "The Day After Tomorrow". I plan to roll this die once every three days to see what prediction it gives me for each three-day period (I thought this might make it easier to convince myself to lucid dream more often than if I simply had every day of the week and rolled it once a week). For extra subconscious convincing (and to give the die some mass), I filled the die with some folded up strips of paper, having written on them some elements that make a lucid dream and having written the words "Lucid Dream" on the inside of the die (cheesy, I know, but I decided if I was going to make a magical die I might as well put as much superstitious mumbojumbo into it as I could). |
Didnt have a LD, but i got a pretty obvious dream sign. I watched my clock, and it was all messed up with numbers all over it. |
Lucids since starting over May 20th 2014: II
Yeah, it's hard to get into a good groove with this stuff if you're preoccupied with school or work. |
For some strange reason, this works. |
"do what you wish"
Did it for you? Please tell me! |
Lucids since starting over May 20th 2014: II
I just had a vivid, but not lucid, dream with this technique. |
"do what you wish"
I just tried this yesterday, and it worked (I guess?). I also made that circle, but instead of making the 4 outcomes "tomorrow", "the day after tomorrow" etc, I used the question "what will tonights lucid dream be about?" (because I'm just so impatient) with the 4 possible outcomes "sex", "philosophy", "adventure" and "exploring". |
Awesome! Keep it going. This worked out the first time for my friend too. |
Lucids since starting over May 20th 2014: II
As you seem to know a bit about that topic: are there any ways to make myself more susceptible to self-hypnosis? |
So I tried exactly the same experiment tonight, except that I didn't draw the circle again (+ I didn't write down the 4 outcomes which might have an impact too), and the outcome was "exploring". Unfortunately, nothing special happened. I can't remember any dreams, though I'm quite sure that I could remember 2 different dreams at some point when I was awake during the night/morning, must have forgotten them :/ (I woke up once because our cat came into my room meowing, which happens about once every night). |
Tried again last night, had a very long and vivid (above usual) dream, and one very short after/during which I woke up. So no lucids tonight, though there certainly was some improvement in comparison to usual nights. So far the success rate is 33% for me (1 lucid in 3 nights). |
Tried again, same results as the night before (a vivid dream, though not as much as the last one). |
o pendulum, will i have a lucid dream tonight |
welcome to the new forums.
adapt or die!
ok I just came across this thread and have a question... |
From my rotting body,
flowers shall grow
and I am in them
and that is eternity.
-Edvard Munch
Tried again last night, but it was late already and I did a bit sloppy/hurriedly I guess. Can remember 2 long, vivid dreams from that night, no lucids though. |
Wow, this looks cool. Something i'll try to break out of my dry spell i guess. |
Follow your dreams.
DILD - 50 | DEILD - 3 | WILD - 1 | MILD - 1
Previous Goal: Air bendMain Goal: Find my Dream Guide
Spoiler for Goals:
Tried again, but in conjunction with MILD, can remember 1 vivid dream. Worst night so far :/ The problem was that I couldn't fall asleep very well when I woke up... |
Last edited by reckoner; 09-16-2010 at 09:06 AM.
holy.crap |
From my rotting body,
flowers shall grow
and I am in them
and that is eternity.
-Edvard Munch
Smells like we could have a success? I will look into this. |