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    • 3 Post By KatBee
    • 1 Post By NyxCC

    Thread: Kat's Workbook

    1. #1
      Member Achievements:
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      Kat's Workbook

      Reality Checks:
      - Counting fingers
      - Checking the time
      - Looking around, asking how I got here, what I was doing before, then trying to manipulate the enviroment

      Dream Signs:
      - BABIES so many babies
      - People I went to highschool with that I no longer see in my life
      - Being at my childhood home, usually with family. Sometimes in the neighborhood nearby as well
      - floating/ not being able to move/ not being able to open my eyes / can't speak

      Short-Term Goals:
      - Lucid dream once a week
      - practice better All Day Awareness
      - Flying

      Long-Term Goals:
      - Dream Yoga- improve life through access to subconcious
      - travel the world in my dreams
      - Lucid dream multiple times a week
      - Have success in multiple induction methods

      Lucid/Dream Recall History:
      - My dreams are always more vivid when I stop consuming canabis, so I'm cold turkey and having better dream recall
      - 3 Lucid dreams since this quarantine began, several throughout my life (naturally)

      Current Techniques:
      - Dream walker
      - All Day Awareness (Is this a dream?)
      - WBTB
      - DILD
      - MILD (I'm going to have a lucid dream)
      - Mindfulness meditation and other meditation (I'm a practicing Buddhist)

      Currently I go to bed at 10:30 and am asleep by 11, do my WBTB (and take LD supplements) at 3:30am. I wake up before my 9:30am alarm every day, sometimes as early as 7:30am or as late as 9am.
      Last edited by KatBee; 05-13-2020 at 03:57 PM.
      Lang, hattufig and NyxCC like this.

    2. #2
      Dream Guide Achievements:
      Populated Wall Referrer Bronze Tagger First Class Made lots of Friends on DV Vivid Dream Journal Veteran First Class 10000 Hall Points 5000 Hall Points
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      Welcome to DV and Intro class, Kat!

      Good selection of induction techniques. Wondering how exactly you practice dream walking?
      Lang likes this.
      Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

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