Hi everyone.
Last night I had a very annoying dream that very very very easyly could have become a lucid dream. I know that there are some stories out there like this but I think mine is ridiculous.

To make it quick, It starts of with me suddenly at my old primary school that i haven't been to in years (slight hint there). I felt that i was being chased by something for some unknown reason (which is a common theme for my dreams). I eventually found myself in an odd location in the school where I found my family and told them that we were in a dream (big hint there) and that we had escape whatever was chasing us. We eventually escaped and got the school yard. At the school yard, I taught them the 3 reality checks in know to prove to them that we were in a dream and they agreed that they were also dreaming. I even did them myself (this is probably another big hint that I was dreaming). We eventually "escaped" to the side streets of the school where i pointed out a dream sign to my family. It was a guy riding a 3-8 wheeled bike (another big hint). We ran around for a while (i was completely aware that i couldn't run properly) before we ended up back in the school. Suddenly someone who looked a lot like Sheldon from the show The Big Bang Theory suddenly popped up and said something nerdy that i don't remember (he was also colored blue). I don't even watch the show (although i heard its pretty funny). I then appeared in class and the dream ended.

I know your probably thinking HOW ON EARTH DID THIS NOT BECOME A LUCID DREAM. It did not occur to me once in the dream that i should probably try to become lucid. How are RC and dream signs supposed to work if I just ignore them in my dream?

A false awakening and now this. Sometimes i get the feeling that my sub-conscience is taunting me.

On a semi related note, I noticed that when i attempted a wild for the past few nights, I kept falling asleep even before i felt SP. The first couple of nights i tried lucid dreaming, I did feel SP but nothing since. Any tips to fix this.

I hope someone can help.