Hi everyone. My name is Joseph. So a couple weeks ago, I had my first lucid dream, or at least I think it was a lucid dream. Before I had the LD, I was studying dreams in psychology and the teacher asked everyone to try and remember a dream for an activity. So for about an hour before I fell asleep I kept telling myself, "I need to remember my dream." over and over repeatedly. Then once I was asleep, I dont exactly remember everything, but I was walking with a friend then I stopped and said, "Hey! I'm dreaming right now!!" I was super excited because I've heard of lucid dreams, but never had one. And my friend who was with me in the dream asked me, "How do you know this is a dream?" and I told him, "Look at this spot on my hand! Every time I look at it, it changes into a different shape so this has to be a dream!" But then after that, I got really excited and said, "I can do anything I want in my dreams!" but I lost control after that. And the last thing I can remember is my friend and I were running somewhere... when I woke up I was excited, but sad because I didnt actually get to do anything. Ever since then I've been trying to have another lucid dream, but havent had any luck. First of all, was this really a lucid dream? And if it was, could I get some tips on how to have another, and remain in control of it? Thanks in advance for anyone who helps