Hello. I am Ishnox and joined this forum after having read some advice on WILD techniques. I read this two hours ago, at about 4:30 P.M. I decided to give it a go, and went up to my room. My brother was playing inFamous on my PS3, and I figured I could use some background noise to concentrate on. Having read that it takes about 25 minutes to get the "urge to move" sensation, I sat perfectly still in an upright position with my eyes open and staring at a spot on the ceiling for what (I'm sure you know) felt like an eternity. I am guessing it was my brother's vidya game playing that prevented me from dreaming, but I managed to achieve sleep paralysis. My hands felt like they were upside-down and numb, and before long my body felt crooked. Soon, my body from the neck-down was numb for quite a long time. It began to feel very hot, and my eyelids (cliche time!) felt quite heavy. After what felt like thirty seconds of shut-eye, I returned to consciousness and my shoulders had an internal pain in them. This was enough to make me wake up and finally see the clock; it was 6:10 (EDIT: P.M., not A.M.). That's when I came downstairs, got a bag of muffins, and made this account. Does anyone know what went wrong, if anything?