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    Thread: My First Official Consciously Aware Lucid Dream!

    1. #1
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      My First Official Consciously Aware Lucid Dream!

      WOW!! it was awesome!

      I'm very excited and must share my experience!

      Warning, this is long for some!

      As I've had my very FIRST official consciously aware Lucid Dream! on morning of 11/30/2013 at about 5:20AM'ish'

      But I must state what occurred leading to this experience so as to help and/or share with other new comers who may need to read/learn from this in some way.

      I've been trying to "knowingly" have a lucid dream for quite some time. I've always had them unknowingly, in that, while dreaming I'd "Become Aware" of something that my awaken-life has "taught" me isn't supposed to occur within the laws of the living and I'd involuntarily wake up.

      On other occasions after going to bed early, it seems after being well rested but yet laying in bed, that I'd "drift" into something demonically weird while becoming spooked by the onset of "Sleep Paralysis" and would fight my way out of it, back into the awaken state.

      I remember sometime while entering that state, I could swear I'd see weird shadowing things shifting around the room. God forbid I'd leave cloths "in view" on the floor or a chair near by. I'd swear there were evil presence that took the shape of the way those cloths were randomly displaced while seemingly poised and flinching as if readying to lunge towards me!

      Later in the awaken day, I'd become confuse and embarrassed as to why was I so afraid of those things in the night, of which, I knew wasn't and/or couldn't possibly be true, yet alone harm me in any way! --and much more experiences but I need to stay on track here.

      Eventually I happen across the word "Lucid Dream" while googling up interpretations on a dream I had. Further readings in this area were very captivating as it seem to spell out my experiences quite clearly.

      Especially the feelings of an "evil presence out to get me" which I've learned was nothing more than an instinctive or protective reaction within my own brain, involuntarily triggered by the fear of the unknown during the state of these weird experiences and more.

      if I didnt know better, I'd say "something" was preparing me for my next Lucid Dream experience because when the last one occurred, I was not expecting it! but quickly turned to accept it while then equipped with what I believe are the right tools (frame of mind) to take the journey.

      AND NOW --this is what happened!

      I was laying on my living room recliner under a blanket, watching a late night movie and fell asleep. and yes, I did later awaken (somewhat) into the good old Sleep Paralysis effects. Only this time I wasn't afraid because I KNEW I wasn't about to die or something like that and that I KNEW what it was all about and even welcomed it!

      Yes, I did feel the usual "Evil Presence" all around me which was scary at first but quickly subsided as I KNEW it was just another involuntary mind trick and why it was occurring, thus, welcoming it.

      As I laid there unable to move with the sound of the tv fading into a fog (so it seemed) I said these words, In thought, "let's see where this goes"

      As I sunk further into whatever it was, I remember opening my eyes or whatever it can be called and I was looking down at what vividly appeared as a light green and white checkerboard-like floor.
      For all it's worth, the "Flooring" was the kind of commercial tiling you see in a classroom.
      why the heck did it appear this way, beats me.

      I remember looking forwards and I seemed to be in some kind of corridor with doors on either side, some opened some closed, which seem to change displacements each time I look at the floor and back up at them.
      I "somewhat" felt I was dreaming and partially awake in the dream, if that makes any sense.

      I then remember feeling I was waking up because the faint sound of the TV in the awaken world was getting louder but I didnt want to wake up from this experience.

      Then I remember reading where to sustain or prevent awakening from a lucid dream, to find something to focus on to "stay in", if that makes any sense.

      The reading gave one example that for the life of me, actually worked!
      It was to stare at your hand and if it looks weird, your "Lucid Dreaming" but dont freak out, just keep staring until is appears "Normal" and then you'd be "Locked-In".

      well, it did! or I Did it!

      then I walked forwards, except for the first time I was Aware and I mean "officially" Aware, that I was Lucid Dreaming! Although I didnt see my own body when I look down at the floor, yet I was walking.
      If that makes any sense.

      However, each time I become amazed or excited I'd feel my self "Leaving" as everything begins to fade into a blur. I then look back at my hand which was missing the pinky-finder while the pointing-finder looked like a swiveled decomposed bone. I'd keep staring until it appeared "Normal" and was "locked back in" then kept exploring, but careful not to get so excited.

      I also noticed I was "teleported" or whatever it may be called, into what appeared as the hallway of a vacant apartment within what I believe was some kind of housing projects.
      I kept exploring touched the walls as I passed them.
      But I must say this was done in tunnel vision, whereas I can "see" my right hand touch the wall but not the rest of "myself" walking along.
      I walked by a bedroom where the room looked lived in.

      Back in my awaken world, I them remember reading where it said while in a lucid dream, try looking in a mirror.
      I then proceeded to the "Bathroom" to do so.
      I remember walking up to sink and looked into the mirror and saw what was supposed to be "myself" though the image was weirdly deformed and blurred.
      I kept staring, trying to sharpen my image like I've done with my hand to stay lucid.

      As I became "Focused", I didnt see myself "looking Back" into my own eyes as I would expect, but instead somewhat angled as if my reflection was looking over my left shoulder. I kept staring at myself in the mirror, trying to get "ME" to look back into my own eyes. If that makes any sense.

      Then to the right of my mirrored-Self, I saw what I'd guess was "ME" as an old man staring back into my eyes and on the left of my mirrored-self, I saw what I'd guess was "ME" as a child doing the same, while the middle image of my mirrored-self appeared at my present age but this time staring much farther left, over my left shoulder.
      Honestly, I cant believe I'm remembering all this, as I can still see this dream as I type it here.

      I've become bored playing in the mirror, feeling that I have a whole world to explore, I walked out of the bathroom back towards the hallway.
      The bedroom which was at my right before entering the bathroom was still on my right when exiting the bathroom, weird, but this time it appeared larger and there were two persons laying under a fluffy blanket on what appeared as a queen-size bed.
      From the outline, it seemed one was laying at the foot of the other.
      I didnt want to disturb them (Imagine That -LOL! ), I proceeded to leave the apartment into the outside world which begin to fade where I then needed to look back at my hand "until it was normal" to Stay-In and keep exploring. when I re-entered the lucid dream I was on a graveled roof top of what appeared to be an industrial building where I've seen a group of about 5 or 6 guys in plain cloths standing about 100 feet away. one of them seem to have spotted me and as if startled, swiftly walked towards me.

      Somehow, I had this eerie feeling to "get away from there", whatever that means.

      I turned to run to a fence that seemed to separate the roof top I was on from the roof top of an adjacent building about 5 feet away and where the gap between them I knew was an endless fall to awaiting doom.

      I looked back at them and they all were running towards me. I "Felt" they didn't want me exploring in "their" world as if they were some kind of "Lucid Dream" police or guardians or something like that.

      This was so weird, as I actually felt fearful of my life and everything became "Real" and no longer felt like a dream. I hopped the fence to the roof top of the building on the other side and started to run into a door that I believed would lead down to the staircase of what somehow I knew was an abandon building. Strangely, throughout that panic run, I can "Hear" the faint sound of myself "Snoring" from my "awaken" side (is this makes any sense) and seemed to come from every direction at once.

      I remember then stopping and thinking these words
      "What an I running for, this is only a Dream, this is my dream"

      And for all its worth, I turned in anger with the intent to confront them, menacingly.

      That's when everything went into deep dark blur as the sound of my snoring from the awaken world got increasingly louder and I woke up!

      (Damit! - I wanted those bastards!)

      But I sat there awaken on the recliner, happy as all heaven, thinking, THAT was the most wonderful dream experience I have ever had in all my life to that date.

      I've learned sooooo much from this first official Lucid Dream experience.

      (Including that I actually DO snore, as I was always told this, but was always in denied.
      yes I could've ran some recording device throughout the night, but I just didn't. )

      In my recap of My Lucid Dream experience, I also wondered whether I only "Dreamed" of Lucid Dreaming and therefore making my experience nothing more than a Dream of wishful thinking.
      (If that makes any sense)

      But then again, the fact that I've achieved any sense of conscious and/or awareness while dreaming, whereby making unscripted or self directed decisions and likewise more while within said dream state, qualifies as a state of Lucid Dreaming, even if at entry level.

      Well, this was MY experience!
      and I hope this helps someone..

      BUT,, another thing, when I entered "Lucid Dream Police" on the web search, I was amazes by the number of other Lucid Dreamers arriving to the same experience.

      I mean, this is really fascinating if theirs actually something of this sort going on "In There"

      I cant wait for my next one!

      Pandora Box has been opened and there aint no turning back!
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      Brilliant post
      It's always great when your first true lucid is a revelation experience. Can you imagine how fun it can get, the fact that looking in a mirror is already fascinating, think of flying through the sky or entering other dimensions.

      Keep it up and you'll have an entire new world open to you. You'll be surprised how interesting the "evil" apparitions can turn out to be when you confront them.

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      Excellent experience ibdreaming! Well done and thank you so much allowing us to share in your lucid dream. I hope you have many more to come!
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    5. #5
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      Thanks all for your encouraging responses!
      However I must apologize for my misspelling and/or grammatical errors which I've since noticed after reading my entry. Also the re-editing time window as expired. heh.

      I was just so excited about my experience and went "WILD" --pun intended.
      It's all I've been thinking about!

      I don't know how long this "Lucid Dream Bug" will last, but being that I've actually had an official one and in all sense of "Realizing" it! I think I'll be forever, from this point! Though likely even more so as I've always had a general fascination of this Mind/Brain stuff for as far back as I can remember. Though never really knew what it was all about "whenever experienced" and never knew enough about it to know what to ask or even to question it!
      It was always just something that occasionally happens late in the nights into early mornings.

      The physical me: - I'm not an narcotic user/smoker of any kind!, nor am I on any form in medication. I workout a lot and carry a "save the world" mentality. I'm primary on a whole grain/dry-food diet. may also eat junk foods but sparingly. I'm a law abiding citizen with no criminal records.

      But there's nothing like having the actual Lucid Dream experience, to really informatively "Get It" and be enlightened to a whole new sense of reality.

      I did have yet another episode this morning, interestingly at about 5:30am or so.
      Almost around the same time as before.

      If I had to make since of it, I'd say it was a pre-LD experience that was botched.

      And, so, this is what happened!

      I've attempted to repeat what I've done before, which lead to having the LD experience, - watching a late night movie, fall asleep, etc.

      and yes, I've awaken into what I believe was the onset of the old SP effect.

      But I believe I've over anticipated it. I've even smiled , thinking "ok this is it, here we go"
      I actually tried to "Force" the SP effects. I wanted so much to get back into that Lucid Dream world!
      I couldn't wait to get back in front of a mirror and see what would happen if I climbed through it this time!

      But something else strange happened while laying there with my eyes closed.
      I "felt" an unusually strong presence "hovering" close to my right ear.
      Although it was radiating its usual evil-or fear radiating presence and yes, I was exhibiting an increase in fear, but yet had this eerie feeling (or perhaps it was something radiating from it) that it was not with the intent to harm me!
      I "felt" it wanted to communicate but knew it had to proceed with its own caution, so as to not frighten "ME"
      if this makes any sense.

      I can "Feel" its "ambient heat" or "slight hot air-pressure" on the right side on my face.
      I wanted to open my eyes, but some how I knew that this would make it go away and I didn't want it to.
      In fact I was "mentally" trying to pull it even closer, if that makes any sense.
      But it gave a slight sound of "snickering" outside my right ear and faded away! its Heat, air pressure and all -//???????? now THAT was weird! -I thought!

      I felt my body release itself, my feelings of numbness subsided and I entered the awaken state.

      Now for all its worth, I have absolutely no idea of what is going on, but I believe I'm on the verge of something big here. HUGE!

      I'm going to press on and see where all this is "Head"-ing!
      If it's just a silly mind game, then so be it! it's a very cool one at best!

      On the other hand, perhaps I can in some sense "Double" my life experience, so to speak, in that, I can live in two worlds! (?)

      Thus my mind will "Virtually" never sleep and my "learning curve" will improve at "twice" its capacity! and more! (?)

      But as I lay there languishing in this after thought, I was trying to piece together what was the significance to/of the sound of snickering in my right ear!

      My first thought was "it", if I should refer as such, knew I was overly anxious for the LD experience and making mockery of the anticipation.
      My counter thought was "it" knew I was seeking too much too soon without all the proper "tools" for the level of exploration I'm "running" into, head first!.

      My mind began flashing with thoughts of reading/studying more about this "new found hobby" and/or perhaps taking classes and more.

      But am I going insane? or am I becoming, sane!

      The only thing different about this Mind-Journey, is that unlike before, I now have access to an Owner's Manual!

      This is the start of a new beginning..
      Last edited by ibdreaming; 12-03-2013 at 06:35 PM.

    6. #6
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      Awesome. COngratulations. : ) Forever Lucid dreamers!!!!!!

    7. #7
      Please, call me Louai <span class='glow_008000'>LouaiB</span>'s Avatar
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      wow congrats!! that is a very good start, I'd say much better than mine, I was in a park or something and suddenly giant worms came out of nowhere, I doubted that phenomena and suddenly I got transported to a dark and purple room and my hand appeared in front of me and was missing 2 fingers. I became lucid and noticed that I was very excited so I waked myself up before I lose my Lucidity and forget the dream. But I was so glad I had my first LD but in general my first LDs where very short and unexciting . Sry for the nagging but I am still stuck there and very unmotivated. Anyways Congrats lol

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