So I joined a few days ago, but haven't ventured into the forums, aside from the grandfathered DJ of my bestie.

So ummm. Yeah.

You can all call me Kestrel, or really whatever. I don't bite much :3
(but no really I'm pretty friendly in general. I can count on one hand the number of people who just naturally irk me. I guess I'm either friendly or dense. Who knows.)
I'm a bit awkward at times, sorry about that.

As far as Lucid Dreaming goes, I have known about it for quite a while, but never really tried to do it. I didn't really know how to really do it, so I would simply record my dreams and call it good, hoping that I would get used to telling dream from reality. Luckily, because of that I have pretty good recall (Well, I THINK it's good), which is a start

I've been trying to train myself to do RCs often (I have chosen the counting of the fingers), starting a couple of days ago. I think I will try to find a watch that can beep once every hour, like my friend has, so that I will automatically do it in my dreams, too.

Anyways. Any tips are always welcome. Chatting is also always welcome. And For any other creatives out there, I love to write. I haen't browsed the forums too much, so if there's a place for writing and the like, please point me to it!

Happy dreams, all