Hello everyone, I'm not really new here, but I noticed that I haven't introduced myself properly yet.
I love calm music, tea with milk and am fluent in 3 languages and learning a 4th one. I'm a ridiculously vivid day-dreamer; imagining myself having powers, going to planets, and even having a conversation with myself. So lucid dreaming is the best way to make those things come true; life can be exhausting and the things that you can do is limited, so that's a great way to have time to enjoy yourself in your own world. Also, if I get spaced out oh boy, I won't notice even an alien invasion.
I've known about lucid dreaming since last year, and it was a mind blowing thing to know that something like this is possible. I didn't fully believe in such a thing as lucid dreaming at first (Well I did, but it seemed too good to be true), but seeing that people are actually serious about this topic and are posting their experiences raised my hopes up.
I was really getting into it, watching YouTube videos, reading forums and practicing a lot. I stayed in this state till about 2 months later when nothing was happening and I started losing motivation. I gave up one day and coincidentally on the same day, I got my first lucid dream (click here), it wasn't much of an experience like other first lucid dreams, but it was a big deal for me as it gave me hope and started getting into it again.
Unfortunately, I got too busy with school and forgot about it for a while. But now I'm back on track and struggling with fixing my sleep pattern, because mine is horrible(sleeping at 2:00 am and waking up at 12:00 pm, and if I have school I still sleep at 2:00 am and wake-up at 5:30 am ). I seem to only remember my dreams if I slept till 12:00 pm, I don't get any recall when I sleep early like at 9:00 pm, so this means that my REM cycle is very badly adjusted(I would really appreciate some tips on this).
I am doing some dream journaling, but there's nothing much to write because of my recall. But once I fix my sleeping pattern hopefully I'll get better recall and remember 3 dreams a night or so and some are lucid (that's my goal).
I tried to make this introduction as brief as possible, and I hope I could get along with other oneironauts in here.
Please feel free to drop in any tips or things you've learned to help me in my lucid dreaming journey!