• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      The Incompatible aniki's Avatar
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      Unhappy yeah it's exciting but what's the f. benefit?

      hi there

      I'm a noob, so please be patient.

      Actually I was browsing some technical sites about GPS and such stuff and there I found a link to the term of consciously experiencing your dreams and having control over it.

      Now I know there's a name for that, lucid dreams.

      I assume I'm one of these lucky bastards, enjoying regularly what many would like to enjoy at least once.

      I'm a little bit frustrated today about dreaming in such way again.

      I am able to do whatever I imagine. I played around with changing surroundings in what I want. Yes, flying is also fun...

      But to my frustration:

      I can recall everything what's in my brain while in the dream.
      I can create new music even with a singer and change the voices between gender and types flawlessly as so the sounds.
      I can pronounce words in a different language, even I don't understand them (One of my favorites is to turn the knob on the radio in my dreams and listen to the different voices of the countries, however, these are voices already existing in my brain, stuff that I already heard. So no psychic stuff or esoteric crap)

      But what's the fucking benefit?
      I'm pissed off today waking up and losing all these abilities.
      And I'm not talking about flying around.
      I am so able to handle with music in this lucid state, I can isolate the single instruments from a song or change it.
      I can access my memory and combine all these things however I like.
      ...but when I wake up to be a dumb motherfucker.

      Nothing has changed, nothing will change, just another nice dream.
      Like having a trip and coming down to reality.

      that sucks and that's why this type of dreaming too, sucks.

    2. #2
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      <span class='glow_9400D3'>LucidDreamGod</span>'s Avatar
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      I'm guessing you mean what's the benefit of lucid dreaming, well for one you are a happier person over all because you can have any dream come true. You might say well thats not real, but from day to day in the waking world your sensations you call reality are coming from your mind feeding off the info of reality in the same way it feeds of your thoughts in a dream, there both as real as it gets when you put it into prospective of feelings, and there all just as fake because the brain decides how to interpret them such as cold or hot, were as in the physical universe they are not defined by a feeling, they just are fast moving molecules or slow moving ones.

      Yeah I know that doesn't really describe the benefit I just wanted you to realize the nature of it, dreams can be used to improve social skills, and motor skills definitely, you could go into a dream a clumsy person and come out a very well balanced person, because it's the brain that can exercise that, and neurons in your brain react with the dream (yeah I've stated you can't change reality in a dream, with the exception of the brain), but no other body part, unless your not in sleep paralysis .

      Don't look at your dreams as just another cool dream when you wake up, look at it as a subjective experience that is part of your life in every way possible.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 05-30-2008 at 06:27 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
      Like no one ever was
      To lucid dream is my real test
      To control them is my cause

    3. #3
      Rare cat moth lucid4sho's Avatar
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      If you don't want them, why not just will them away? it sounds like you have enough control to end them if you wanted. Personally i like ld'ing for lots of reasons, but if nothing else its recreational. I also get mental and physical health benefits the more frequently I have them. It makes school 100 times easier because my ability to memorize has improved so much from focusing on dreaming. I can study for a few minutes and its like i studied for hours, but i have to go to sleep before i can recall everything i studied. Plus i am a stubborn person and i need nightmares to make me appreciate life, and since i started focusing on dreaming i've also had more frequent and vivid nightmares.
      "If you realize Sunyata (the void), compassion will arise within your hearts; and when you lose all differentiation between yourself and others, then you will be fit to serve others." - Milarepa

    4. #4
      The Incompatible aniki's Avatar
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      I was really mad today and very dissappointed. Sorry to all for the vocabulary I used that frequently. So the note got a pretty dark color.

      My point of the frustration was to see the potential inside of me and then being unable to transform it to the real world. I love music and so most of the time spent in this "lucid state" you call, I'm composing new themes, sounds, but I don't know how to bring it to this world. A great studio would be cool having all these tunes come together, working with it day by day. Unfortunately I can't even whistle a simple tune correctly when I'm awake.

      Now writing these lines makes me longing for that experience like an addict for the next fix.

    5. #5
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      I can see how you dont find benefit in them if you spend most your time learning things that you will forget how to do in waking life. Some people have been able to practice playing songs on instruments that already exist, then are able to perform them better in waking life, but as for creating new songs no one usually remembers them.

      I use lucid dreaming just for fun. That's benefit enough for me

    6. #6
      The Incompatible aniki's Avatar
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      Well, until today I didn't knew that there is a name for something like this.
      In the past I complained to every doctor I had, about the strange things happening in my dreams or during the night. Especially the bad feeling of beeing paralyzed and feeling the pure fear, panic and horror as long it lasts. It took me some years to get through all of this. I was so anxious that I didn't wanted to ever sleep again.

      There was a period of many years that I completely have forgoten about this and then it started again. Feeling very familiar with it I knew what would have to come next, all the horror again. However, one day I was so annoyed and sick of it that I decided to get along this feeling and let go even if it means I have to die.

      Well, I survived it. I just let go and was instantly asleep like my body was already before.
      But this I had to figure out the hard way.

      Later on I grew in confidence about what's happening and someday I was hit by surprise when I was aware of dreaming and able to change things for fun. However that wasn't that fun like it was with the music thing. At some nights just a song startet playing in my mind and I was on the track again.

      I spent so much time in intropection, that I could explain it in details.
      I was sure what was happening, if necessary I'd wrote a book about it.

      Today, by accident, I read about all this stuff and found out that my theories were right.

      How I wish somebody just could have told me that this is nothing unusual and that I was just awake while my body was already asleep.

      Feeling being a freak or having braincancer or I don't know what else all these years.

      Well, but that's a new perspective now.

      Maybe it'll come handy one day.

      So my frustration is gone.
      I'm happy I've found a place to talk about it and that another mystery is solved.

    7. #7
      Mega Baller jjm121's Avatar
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      "really, it's just about the two opposing states of consciousness...
      which don't really oppose at all.
      See, in the waking world,
      the neuro-system inhibits the activation of the vividness of memories.
      This makes evolutionary sense.
      It'd be maladapted for the perceptual image of a predator...
      to be mistaken for the memory of one and vice-versa.
      If the memory of a predator conjured up a perceptual image,
      we'd be running off to the bathroom every time we had a scary thought.
      So you have these serotonic neurons...
      that inhibit hallucinations...
      that they themselves are inhibited during REM sleep.
      This allows dreams to appear real...
      while preventing competition from other perceptual processes.
      This is why dreams are mistaken for reality.
      To the functional system of neural activity that creates our world,
      there is no difference between dreaming a perception and an action and actually
      the waking perception and action."

      It's just as real as 'real life'.

    8. #8
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      anti_nation's Avatar
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      you quoted that from Waking Life. ^^ i love that movie.

      Lucid Dreaming is a Reality you can control. thats the difference from Real Life. its a trip we all enjoy and like having, its better than life itself sometimes but it also helps us in our waking life.
      Last edited by anti_nation; 06-03-2008 at 05:38 PM.

      Total pts: 4.5

    9. #9
      What is reality? scubba's Avatar
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      aniki, just take your power to a new level, simply put

    10. #10
      raskoL picnic vs tornado's Avatar
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      Appalachia.... no shit.
      I have just got into it this week, three in a row since I started, and I already was able to bring an entire song out of my dream. That's puportedly how Aphex Twin arranges his more melodic music. He doesn't really play piano very well, but can in lucid dreams and remembers the melodies. That's his explanation. A problem is understandable if you are not very well able to recall things, and I would imagine the propensity to have lucid dreams is not empowering if it isn't actuated by one's willpower. Anyone creative, a writer, a musician, I imagine is most adept at seeing the benefit, because the technique is so transparently aligned with innate human convention for the development of ideas. Like, making a door, or a reasonable segue to another location, things like this are unravelling the reasoning behind our subconscious feeling of things in stories or music seeming "right" or appropriately in context, or "wrong" or "forced" awkwardly. If anything, I think there is a benefit in a greater awareness of the limitations and hence possibilites of waking life, especially as an artist. If you don't wake up feeling like you played out your jollies and any possible fantasy, and are pumped to put what change you can affect into motion in real life. Not to mention, isn't an artist's goal to encompass stimulation of the creative mind as a constantly refinable tool, or is it just having a witness to the intention only? If we all could be Tolstoy in real life, then what reverence could we have for dreams?

    11. #11
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
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      The experiences you have in dreams become a part of you, even if they may be hard to remember. I like exploring different design ideas in dreams. Even if I can't bring the exact design to life in the real world, the exploration and process is a benefit. I think of it like sketching. You sketch out 100 ideas, throw most of them away, waste a ton of paper. In the end, the experiences you had sketching form your final creation.

    12. #12
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      What's the f. benefit of anything,really?
      What's the f. benefit of waking up everyday?
      What's the f. benefit of going to school and studying?
      What's the f. benefit of being alive anyway?

      Also,different people see things in different ways,so what's a benefit for you might not be one for me.
      Nothing's a benefit in itself.
      You can say that this type of dreaming sucks,hell,you can say everything in life sucks,and God knows it will for you,because you made it that way.
      The point is,you decide.

    13. #13
      FreeSpirit RooJ's Avatar
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      Shun the doubter... shuuuun... shuuuuUUUuuuun

    14. #14
      **^PuNk CaNdY^** Punk Candy's Avatar
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      IS there anything u eat, drink or do before sleeping? What do i have to think of before this? Tell me your every night routine!!!!!! D you take madication, what type??? What brand???
      Life is nothing but a dream...

    15. #15
      Member Budster's Avatar
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      Chill out, Punk. Some people can just naturally do this...

      No medication or anything...
      12 LDs ('08): [WILD: 4 (4/22) (5/2, 4) (6/1)] [DILD: 6 (3/19) (4/29, 30) (5/7, 19, 28)] [DEILD: 1 (4/19)] [VILD: 1 (4/27)]

    16. #16
      Join Date
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      well i sorry you lost you ability to do all those cool things mentioned above, but try to remember wether you ate or dranks something that could've helped you do those things? Like my friend has a powerade every night and he says it help him remember dreams.(powerade has B6 in it)
      So easy a caveman can do it!


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