Hey all, I'm guessing lucid dreaming is responsible for this, when I wake Up/go to sleep/ about to go to sleep, panic and jump out of my bed in fear because there are people in my room, get sucked into my bed, feel way to heavy, start choaking on things that I think iv'e swallowed and then realise it's physically impossible to swallow that object because it's to big lol. I've got to ask, thoes people I see, they're part of my imagination? I feel crazy, I told my mum about this (I'm 17! bet she thinks i'm mad!) Is this lucid dreaming? Are there ways to stop it? because everytime it happenes it shakes me up for the rest of the day. And this is a really stupid question, but the feeling of being sucked down, that's not me going to hell or anything like that? I feel like a right tard posting this but it's scaring the shite out of me lol. (3:30am can't sleep!)