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    Thread: Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain

    1. #18476
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      Rant: I am thoroughly exhausted. I slept like crap last night and I've been working all day. Had to get the super heavy ozonator out of the attic for the car... got my packing done... cleaned my room some looking for stuff ... went to the car wash to vacuum out my vehicle. Now, I'm eating a milkshake and then I have to go scrub down everything inside the car then load the boxes (for if hubby buys anything).
      Rant: I REALLY dislike that ozonator. It leaves a thick film on the windows and a sticky residue on everything else.

      Rave: After my busy day, I should sleep very well tonight lol. We're actually not leaving until 7:30AM which is highly unusual for us (usually head out at 2AM). We're stopping along the visit to visit one of his childhood friends.
      It should be a nice, relaxing trip (for me anyhow ) I couldn't help myself at packed some needlepoint. I'm going to try my hand at cloth needlepoint.

      Rave: I bought some good e-juice yesterday and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I asked the owners son (who runs the store) how business is doing since our tax increase (7.5 cents per ML I think it was). He says it's not affecting them at all. They're eating the tax so the customers don't have to. I asked how long they'd be able to keep that up though and he said indefinitely. I hope they stay in business!!! They're great people with a great little local shop.

      Rant-ish: Paula is too gullible. She found a jeep for sale on FB. He wanted $600. Nothing wrong with it, he said, he's just not a jeep person....... and yet, he just bought it yesterday I told her if it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it usually is a duck: That if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. I told her to make sure it has a clean title.
      Thanks, in part, to my prodding, she found out a lot of bad things so the deal is off. Who knows what she's going to wind up with!!

      Later, Taters. Have a great week.

    2. #18477
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      Quote Originally Posted by sefalik View Post
      A little annoyed. About 2 years ago I decided I wanted to do more than production/quality work in a factory. I put in all the time and work into changing that and graduated with good grades. Now a month later... I'm still where I was when I started.

      I got a new job back in April. It's just frustrating how slow the transfer process moves along. They finally picked a replacement for me two weeks ago. But as of Friday, they still haven't even posted his job on the transfer board. So he has to wait for his job to be filled, then train on my job, then finally I can transfer. It'll happen eventually so I can't complain too much, but it's still frustrating to have spent so much time and effort only to get left twiddling my thumbs.
      I know how you feel. Sometimes it feels like management is doing it on purpose, coz they can't be arsed to look for your replacement. Even if they dragging their feet, they will do it. And congrats on graduating. There is nothing better than having a job that's fulfilling.

    3. #18478
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      Thanks on that.

      Re: car; I once drove 2 hours one way to see a Caravan. They said it needed nothing. The rockers were rusted even after Dad asked about that specifically. About the Suburban I have: While it's much better than it was upon purchase it needed many things replaced. The biggest thing was the transmission which lost its rear gear a few weeks after purchase. If it's an automatic transmission and the gear shifter is ridiculously hard to shift (like it was when I got this) maybe think twice; the fluid (if conventional ATF) could have turned to thick black/brown muck.

      Chrisfix has some good videos about buying used cars:

      Last edited by 101Volts; 07-21-2016 at 03:52 AM.
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    4. #18479
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      Whom knows?
      Lost in pages.
      At last, after so much training, I have achieved emotional detachment. I feel absolutely nothing. Nothing is real.

    5. #18480
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      Quote Originally Posted by 101Volts View Post
      Thanks on that.

      Re: car; I once drove 2 hours one way to see a Caravan. They said it needed nothing. The rockers were rusted even after Dad asked about that specifically. About the Suburban I have: While it's much better than it was upon purchase it needed many things replaced. The biggest thing was the transmission which lost its rear gear a few weeks after purchase. If it's an automatic transmission and the gear shifter is ridiculously hard to shift (like it was when I got this) maybe think twice; the fluid (if conventional ATF) could have turned to thick black/brown muck.

      Chrisfix has some good videos about buying used cars:

      On Caravan's look underneath at the frame if you see rusted rockers, If the frame (unibody) is badly rusted you don't want it even if it's free !
      Also, Tranny fluid tells most of the story. Under normal circumstances you should never have to change transmission fluid, It should look like new for the life of the vehicle unless towing. If it smells burnt it is and if you see metallic coloring it's about done for!
      Last edited by woblybil; 07-21-2016 at 11:53 AM.
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    6. #18481
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      Funny thing is I'm still driving a severely rusted, engine-ticking and rattling Caravan as-is until the inspection runs out in a few months' time. At least it's preventing wear on something else.

      The Suburban was used for towing before I bought it. As for ATF I realize there's "lifetime factory fill fluid" but I prefer to do things a little differently than that. I'm not using conventional fluid in the Suburban but still, the ATF should be replaced at some point.
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    7. #18482
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      Been having fun practicing scales on guitar and learned how to play a little bit of Amazing Grace on keyboard. Working through a piano and guitar book. Recorded something recently it's called Cue 1. If any of you want to check it out it's at soundcloud.com/oneiroer that's just me messing around. I'm looking foreward to being better at my instruments.
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    8. #18483
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      Here I thought fraternization was a huge deterrent where I was working, but now looking at a certain picture I saw someone post in social media, it seems that’s thrown out the window. Now, technically, they’re not really breaking the policy, as one co-worker seems to not really work at the location anymore, but it’s the fact that the relationship was probably pre-meditated months ago until she left. She’s with the person that I least expected to be with, and it’s no wonder the dude seems to avoid me a lot because he probably knew I was close to being with her until she started to move on with college, and all.

      It’s a huge disappointment that it’s from the very same leadership that would’ve been strict on these things, and yet try to loophole the whole system. Man, this is hitting me hard because I constantly had to create a persona that I couldn’t engage with any of the women that wanted to be friendly with me. I can’t even justify my actions to them anymore, and it’s probably too late, especially with someone I was good friends with. She literally did what she could to talk things out with me, and casually avoiding her for the sake of making sure we’re not going to get in trouble was something I thought would be good for the long term. But now, after what I saw, it just doesn’t seem to matter.

      I guess he has the advantage since I’m sure he knew when she would leave, and I’m sure the one that I’m interested in is pretty much leaving, but, I don’t think she’s going to bother now since it’s been drawn out for so long. Oh well, just going to have to accept that no matter what position you’re in, love seems to trump logic and your own standing with the company. Should’ve been open to the other girl from that start, but I’m happy for the other one that’s with him, though. It was just odd that she was showing interest in me before then, but I have a feeling there was an ulterior motive for the other guy to have a grudge match against me; good thing I avoided that probability, though. This would've made HR come down here like WWIII.

      I just think I lost all respect for the guy, though. Here I’m trying to avoid being a hypocrite, and they’re just doing this casually. But I can’t blame them, one of them moved on, which means anything can happen. What a waste of cultivating a working persona; I seem to be wasting so much time trying to uphold to something that not even the same people that I’m supposed to respect the leadership over is doing. But really, I’ll just suck it up, but, at least I know there is a loophole to it all. All those beautiful women in the past, man….FUCK. Forget beautiful, they were down-to-earth.

      Damn it, Zelos, now I understand what you're going through.

      Rave: The commissioner is interested in me making another model. Oh. My. Bloody. Heavens.

      Stop throwing money at me!
      Last edited by Linkzelda; 07-24-2016 at 07:10 AM.
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    9. #18484
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      How is this thread still alive? xD

    10. #18485
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      Gah! I finally recovered from my trip. We left Wednesday morning and got back yesterday (Saturday) morning. It was shorter than usual. It was also eye-opening... ish.
      I discovered or rediscovered some things.

      Before I left, my son was complaining that he overshares. I might of already written about this. Sorry if I have lol. I was surprised by the words falling out of my mouth. I told him it's a self-protective mechanism. I told him it's like "here I am, warts and all, accept me or not". Because it's much easier being rejected by a stranger than putting time and energy into a relationship and then being rejected because they discover something they don't like.
      I'm an over-sharer but I had never really thought of those things quite like that before.

      Which brings me to the first leg of our trip. We left at 7:30AM (Wednesday) and drove to visit one of hubby's childhood friends. We got there at 9:30 and didn't leave until around 1PM. I shared way too much but I discovered something new. When you reveal what most people consider "secrets", people tend to open up and share more than they normally would too. You can tell because they blush. You can almost read their minds "why am I telling you this".

      I took a Vivance as we left. There was 4 hours left to travel. I started falling sleep behind the wheel 2 hours into it. Instead of doing the responsible thing and having me pull over so he could take over, my hubby just chastised me and egged me onward. It was terrifying. Hubby said it was terrifying Traffic was bumper to bumper and there I was passing out.
      When we got to the room, I was wide awake. Hubby couldn't understand it and it made him cranky. I told him I think of it as a sort of sensory overload- like a kid falling asleep in class or during a car ride. I'm bombarded by so much stimulation, it literally knocks me out. I have VERY LITTLE control over it. Once the stimulation is removed, I'm okay. I still had vivance in my system, so I was awake.

      We left the auction on Saturday at 3AM (I took a Vivance as backup) and I told him to watch me. There would be little to no traffic, so I would be okay, despite having gotten less sleep than on the way out. And I was. Once we hit traffic, I started getting my yawns (anxiety), but the traffic was light, so I made it all the way home with no trouble.
      My weirdness still confuses him, but he seemed to accept my explanation and understands a little better.

      As for the auction, hubby bought "me" a gold necklace for $4,000. We're not jewelry people. We knew it was 18k and he knew the weight, so we had to run numbers to find out what it's melt value was. It also has a strangely cut aquamarine gem in it. I thought it was a tigers eye cut, at first, but it's actually prism-ed (multifaceted?). He got it for less than the melt value, so it was a good buy.
      I wore it to dinner the last night and I looked silly. I wore my usually hippy-ish garb with my large camo "Turkey Thugs" fanny pack and then this Egyptian looking necklace around my neck I told the group I was very eclectic but they all laughed and said it looked good on me. And they were happy it went to such a nice person.

      Which leads me to my next rant... which I will save for later. I loathe being called a good, kind or nice person. I'm exhausted from this wall of text, though I'll explain why it bothers me later.
      Last edited by Zhaylin; 07-24-2016 at 08:43 PM.
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    11. #18486
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      I'm just every exhausted!! It was a Long day! I walked outside, earlier today, I just took a shower after work and a bird shit bombed on me. It was ALL OVER my arm and my hair. BLAH-EEEW!! So, this is my computer's lock page picture!
      Spoiler for Computer nest:
      Last edited by Lang; 07-25-2016 at 04:56 AM.

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      “It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”

    12. #18487
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      Where I work people ask for cigarettes all the time from me and at the end of the day I'm out cause I'm too nice and give them. Today is the start when I say no. I actually said no today and I'm proud of myself...
      Last edited by oneiroer; 07-25-2016 at 09:42 PM.

    13. #18488
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      I decided to delete my Facebook account last year. Yes, I had people who were angry with me about it but, I just felt like I needed time away from people on FB and their issues and their endless sharing of selfies and annoying posts. It wasn't like my account wasn't active! I somehow attracted all kinds of people on there. I would even get friends requests from some legitimate celebrities and their fans.
      Only a few people I know from college and my family know me well enough to know that I like my privacy more than being popular.
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      “It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”

    14. #18489
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      Pretty picture, IBeauty

      TRIGGER WARNING (animal, suffering, death related)

      New rant:
      Pumpkin, the cat had her babies outside somewhere and she brought them to the porch, yesterday, to be brought in. They were dirty (looked like poop in their fur) and wet. I dried them off then set them in a box for her.
      Today, Miley told me one of them wasn't going to make it because it was pooping blood. I had the kitten brought to me and it was so much worse. It looked like it's insides were coming out of it's backside and it was infested with maggots.
      I can handle bot flies and most minor injuries... when it looks like a creatures blood is boiling because there's so many worms; well, it's better to put the poor animal down.
      So... I had to smother another kitten. After 10 minutes, it still wasn't dead and I was beside myself shaking and crying. I called my daughter back and told her it was their turn. It was their cats baby and they needed to take care of it.
      I've never been unable to smother an injured animal before. The poor dear had a lot of fight in it. I NEED TO FIND A MORE HUMANE METHOD THOUGH.
      They need to have their cat fixed. She is the world's worst mother. None of her kittens have ever survived.

      Her surviving kitten has the worms in its ear. They look like very small maggots. It looks like her skin is boiling. There is no apparent injury to the ear. SO.... do I leave them be. Maggots do an absolutely amazing job getting rid of infected and dead tissue. When the maggots get bigger, they'll just plop out. But, could the ear just have been an opportunistic dwelling? But no, something has to be keeping them there. They would starve to death otherwise.
      The kittens eyes aren't even open. The girls wont get rid of their cat so I can't drop them off at the pound. I can't just dump a baby without its mother. If the kitten starts doing poorly though, I'll walk it in. Maybe the pound has a nursing cat who could foster it. If nothing else, the Pound could put the kitten down painlessly.

      Gah! Why do all stray animals end up at my door?

      Well, this is new http://www.petplace.com/article/cats...aggots-in-cats Apparently, maggots sometimes feast on healthy tissue too. I have never read that before. Looks like it's time to start extracting them...
      Last edited by Zhaylin; 07-28-2016 at 02:32 AM.

    15. #18490
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      22 is the number of maggots the little one had in her tiny ear. They were much easier to get out than I thought they would be. If you apply pressure at the bottom of the ear, the little devils surface for air.
      Thanks to that link, I know also know that the "poop" was actually "fly blow".
      Miley found another "injury" on the kittens back that looks like a perfect bot fly hole. I just put some triple antibiotic ointment on it and left it alone.
      Now I need to find a way to get all the fleas off the kitten. I can't use any poisons. I also can't use essential oil because Pumpkin is trying to be a good mom, giving her baths and nursing appropriately.
      The baby looks okay now. She's having a hard time staying warm, so I still doubt she'll make it (anemia from the fleas). She *looks* healthy though, so it's a step in the right direction.
      I treated her ear last night and it looks much better today too.

      Rant: My period showed up last night. My back has been absolutely friggin killing me. Hubby sent me out for dinner earlier and I nearly fell in street because my back spasmed so intensely and unexpectedly. I think I'm going to take part of a valium and go to bed. I can't remember when my back hurt THIS much before.

      Rant: I spent $15. on a sock loom on Monday. I've yet to figure the darn thing out. I've even been watching YouTube videos. The spaces are just too tight to work.

      Rave-ish: Paula got another car. I had to drive her the next town over. A guy sold a 2002 Oldsmobile for $400. On the way home, we stopped at the State police to get temp tags and they told her she couldn't leave without insurance. No one would insure her for less than $150. So we were stuck there. She finally called the guy who sold her the car so he could drive it to our house. They weren't going to let him leave with it either because he had insurance switched to his new car
      The police had to leave for an accident, so we hopped in the cars and drove down the road to swap plates just so we could get it home. They realized they didn't have the Title anymore, so we had to drive back to the Police Dept, praying all the while the cops hadn't made it back. The Title fell out of their pocket, so we found it in the parking lot... soaking wet because it poured down the rain the whole time we were out.

      BUT!- we finally got the car home, dropped the guy back off at his car and all is well and good with the world once again. She still doesn't have temp tags... still doesn't have her drivers license from where it was stolen or lost a couple weeks ago... still doesn't have insurance, but she has a car which is a definite step in the right direction.

    16. #18491
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      Yesterday was my last day at the job I've held for 2 and a half years. It was a great experience, and in my field, that isn't super common. I start a new one, closer to home on Tuesday.

      I miss reading here.
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    17. #18492
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      Rave: Pay raise coming next August, and I exceeded expectations, apparently. Thought they were going to curb stomp me to the ground with criticism, but, it turned out well; that one constructive criticism seems manageable, and just shows that I was right in trying to talk myself into calming down in hectic situations, even if the other person doesn't get in trouble for being aggressive. Not sure how that works out, but apparently being serious with one co-worker one time caused them to not talk to me for a few days. At least they'll stop spamming memes on their phone to me. They're too afraid to address it to the leaders though, which is hilarious, and probably means in terms of documentation, they're not going to win. How do you coach the coach?

      Anyway, starting next Monday, I'll be working out, and I have a better plan of what I need to do, and knowing how to diet in general might make it easier as it's just a matter of going through the motions with the exercises. I wanted to get fractional weights, but the gym I'll be going to probably doesn't have free weights like that, or whatever you call them. I think three times a week on non-consecutive days will work out for me, which means on days with work where I'll be working early afternoon to late at night, I'll just have to make it a habit to go to the gym, and get the motions done and over with.

      Hopefully, like the 5 months progress I had before with the 70 lb. loss, in 3-4 months, I'll hopefully get somewhere with this routine I have set up. It's basically the diet + a few more calories, and remembering to alternate with certain workout routines. I just feel that whatever happens, it's not going to change my personality much, I think, but we'll see. It's just annoying having to think about getting new clothes in the future, though. It really adds up.

      I end up being a billboard at work for progress, which can attract some weird people, man. And it seems people create some high standard that just one minor slip-up and they feel disappointed. Like, if you have time to do that, why not change yourself as well?

      Rant: Women and their non-existent boyfriends-- really, you don't need to ask for my opinion because you want a guy's point of view because "he" did something that didn't jive with you. He doesn't exist, and you've been doing this for months, and I'm surprised you haven't moved on. It was hard getting her to give up on what I wanted to say to her. She started saying please please please numerous of times, but it's nothing to feel anxious in knowing, hahaha. Somehow, this scrambles their mind, or rather, anyone's mind.
      Last edited by Linkzelda; 07-29-2016 at 10:32 PM.
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    18. #18493
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      I'm a cold mess lately. Gonna let it out here and see if it feels better. While I was studying in another city I met this guy I've developed feelings for. While I was there we were pretty cool, we were meeting almost every day for dinner or other plans together, but now I'm in my city for the summer and we don't talk that much anymore. He had the excuse of having too much work or being studying, which I understood, but he already ended and we've just met yesterday for a few hours. There's nothing "strange" here but it's just that I notice him being so much colder than before, the unexpected calls ended too and when I ask him if something's wrong or why is he being like that he just doesn't agree with my opinion and says everything is normal, there's no problem between us.
      You know I want to believe it and don't give it that importance but it just doesn't feel right with me, I don't think I'm the abnormal person here... Idk what to think or do anymore.
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      I like destruction and reality, and one invariably leads to the other.

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    19. #18494
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      Rant: I'm finding a lot of nice bike trails around with Bike Trails, Walking Trails & Trail Maps | TrailLink.

      Not a cry or a complain but more of a "Well, it's not quite what I expected": The southern 16 miles of a trail I found appear pretty remote and I"m note sure I want to ride there. They also don't connect with another trail miles down the river yet I thought they did until I looked it up. Oh well.

      Rant 2: Google Maps sure can be interesting when used with TrailLink.
      Last edited by 101Volts; 07-30-2016 at 12:38 AM.
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      my kitty went missing for a day and i woke up at 3 am. randomly. wide awake and started hearing her meowing at the front door. im glad we got her back
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    21. #18496
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      Quote Originally Posted by Zhaylin View Post
      Pretty picture, IBeauty .
      Thank you!! Which one? The picture that I posted or my avatar that I drew years ago?

      Anywho, my Mom was choking on a piece of roasted chicken the other day. I told my brother to call 911. Used the Heimlich maneuver on her, and it worked. Glad, she okay. Anyone would do the same. Making pies with my mom today! Cherry Pies.
      Last edited by Lang; 07-31-2016 at 10:06 PM.
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    22. #18497
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      The Eggs But your avatar is great too. Glad your mom is okay!!

      Link, grats on the raise!
      Astaroth Trust your instincts. Maybe he just needs a person with him all the time (doesn't do long-distance).
      Erii, so glad kitty came back safe and sound!!
      Volts. Go on an adventure anyhow. Maybe the trails aren't quite what you were hoping for but still offer a good time?

      Rant: The kitten died the day after my last post. She passed in her sleep.
      Rant: We have another sickly (much older) kitten. Her mom's very small so I thought she might just have mom's frame. But she just doesn't look well. Decided to give her a bath to get rid of fleas. The little witch (errrr.... poor baby) bit me HARD. I have 3 punctures towards the base of my left index finger. That was some 5 hours ago. The finger is swollen and oozing and very sore. I'm going to lance the punctures and drain the ooze. Little brat.
      She was such a cuddle bug afterwards though

      Rave: Hubby's vacation is over I can now get back to doing nothing without feeling much guilt. I wish I made his vacation better instead of being sick and in pain all week. Thankfully, he didn't seem to mind the down time.
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    23. #18498
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      ( Rave ) Yay got my 500th post on the site
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    24. #18499
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      Congrats! Saizaphod!
      Quote Originally Posted by Zhaylin View Post
      The Eggs But your avatar is great too. Glad your mom is okay!
      Thank you! She is doing good too. We were going to make more pies today but, it's warm here now. Sorry to hear about your little kitties.
      Saizaphod and Zhaylin like this.

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    25. #18500
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      Freakin' soundcloud. Can't post anything without some idiot liking my stuff and then them having a track titled 'Are you making this mistake on soundcloud?' That's it I'm not uploading anything until I can create an actual song and after a year or more's practice. I guess I'm trying to fly before I can walk...
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