Hey folks!

First of all I want to thank you for your patience during the transfer and Matt for the kind support. Even though I was reading every single post in the "DV for sale" thread and feeling the overall suspense, I considered it to be more adequate to wait with my official introduction until the transaction was successfully completed.

As to me, my name is Alex, I'm from Germany and I'm in the web-development business for almost 8 years. Since then I've built up a couple of large german forums and other web projects, which I step by step gave up to start working on more international projects like this. At the moment this is the only community I am working on and so I'm ready to spend a lot of time and energy on it.

My knowledge in lucid dreaming is still very limited though two days after the end of the auction I had a dream where I (for the first time) suddenly realized that I'm dreaming and within the dream I thought "ah, that's one example of a lucid dream" Anyways, I think this topic is very interesting and I'm eager to learn about it.

Since the auction started I've spent several hours a day just reading through the forum and I must admit that the general atmosphere here is like the best I've seen so far (esp. among large forums). This and the fact, that it has never been impaired by excessive ads or other inaccurate monetization strategies, were the main reasons for me to decide to take over this virtual piece of jewelry, polish it up and make it shine even brighter.

Regarding the future of DV: As some of you already correctly supposed, there is absolutely no need to be concerned about the future of DV in its current shape. It will neither turn into an ad-monster, nor will there be any other malicious changes affecting the harmony of the usership. As for now the short term To-Do-List includes a major software update introducing many new features, an individual DV skin (which is overdue imho), a new chat and much much more!

I'll try to realize these and all other ideas how to enhance DV step by step after I had some time to get used to the community and ofc to find out what the users want the most. Some patience will be highly appreciated

You are free to contact me anytime by PM, MSN or Email if you have any questions or concerns. I'll try to respond to all messages but esp. in the first weeks there might be some delays due to the massive upcoming workload.

Last but not least I want to take my hat off to Matt and the other prior admins, the staff and of course all the users for creating such a wonderful community. Great job!



PS: Thanks a lot for all the nice welcome messages around the board, makes me feel like home immediatly