I have been home with the flu for three days, and my son has been sick as well.

While being sick is no fun in many ways, but it has it's side benefits. I believe my dreaming has been enhanced by my being sick.

First of all while sick I have had more time to obsess about dreaming, spending time on here, reading about it, thinking about it.

Second, as part of trying to cure my flu, I have been napping during the day, going to sleep early and staying in bed longer. More time dreaming.

My son being sick has worried me, and this worry has I think stirred up additional powerful emotions, enhancing the chance of dreams.

I took NyQuil last night, and I think my dreams were enhanced as a result: I had several phenomenally vivid dreams throughout the night.

I also read that indigestion can often cause nightmares.

Do you know of other ways in which being sick may enhance dreaming? Mind you I am talking here about simple common illness, like the flu or indigestion, and I would appreciate it if we keep this topic light so if you have examples of serious deadly illness causing vivid dreams, that's not what I mean this thread to be about.