Ladies and gentlemen,

So I would think most of you know about binaural beats and less of you about isochronic tones.
They are pretty similar in what they try to achieve, although they are quite different.
I have tried binaural beats before without much success and I've found out about isochronics quite recently when looking for an alternative.
I haven't tried many, but one of them definitely had an effect.
That was one music track playing all the Schumann resonances in succession. I was only expecting some basic calming effect, but after about 10 minutes into the track, my whole body began vibrating. Sounds like pre-SP vibrations, but they were not! I could move my hands while it was happening and I could even open my eyes! As soon as I closed them back, the vibration would keep on going. They lasted for another minute or so and then they started receding.

I don't know about you, but I'm going to try these tones more often.
Here are some lucid-dreaming related isochronics: Iso-Tones - Lucid Dreaming
This is the website where I also got the Schumann one.

Yours truly,