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    1. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Welcome!
      Thank you so much for joining DreamViews! If you found your way to this section, then you started in the right place. Please feel free to give anyone on DreamViews Staff...
      Liked On: 11-03-2015, 01:48 AM
    2. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by Redrivertears On thread : Lucid dreaming update
      Hey there Annabeau, Likely you wake up quickly cause you're close to awakening anyways. When you get into a lucid dream, try to immerse yourself in dream sensations. Don't focus on being calm...
      Liked On: 11-02-2015, 11:52 PM
    3. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by TicTacoToe On thread : A new way of becoming lucid?
      I heard that day dreaming helps with lucidity the same night, does it?
      Liked On: 11-02-2015, 11:29 PM
    4. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by Laurelindo On thread : A new way of becoming lucid?
      That probably depends on how "active" you are during those daydreams. I would say that visualization, which I personally like to think of as "lucid daydreaming", can be very powerful, because you...
      Liked On: 11-02-2015, 11:29 PM
    5. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by Patience108 On thread : What am I doing wrong?
      Keep going TicTac:) Join a tutorial, make a work book do whatever it takes - use Dream views to LD - you can do it! :hug:
      Liked On: 11-02-2015, 11:26 PM
    6. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by Laurelindo On thread : What am I doing wrong?
      Well, my attitude to lucid dreaming has always been that it's all about simply trying to bring your critical thinking with you into the dream. This can be done by regularly observing your current...
      Liked On: 11-02-2015, 11:26 PM
    7. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by HelloBro123 On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I fell down into a creepy sewer filled with thousand of sleeping crocodiles and had to force myself stepping their bodies to get across to the exit and also hoping for them to never woke up.
      Liked On: 11-02-2015, 11:23 PM
    8. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by louie54 On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      207. Interview a dream character 208. Jump off a sky scraper in New York City 209. Explore Bikini Bottom from SpongeBob 210. Make stuff float with my mind 211. At nighttime in the city, start at...
      Liked On: 10-29-2015, 09:11 PM
    9. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by acatalephobic On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      206. Ride on the magic schoolbus.
      Liked On: 10-29-2015, 09:11 PM
    10. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by sisyphus On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      126. Divide by zero 127. Go back in time and meet yourself as a child 128. Befriend your worst enemy 129. Laugh 130. Cry
      Liked On: 10-29-2015, 09:09 PM
    11. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by Patience108 On thread : First lucid dreams, but a question...
      Congratulations annabeau :dancingcow:
      Liked On: 10-28-2015, 11:26 PM
    12. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by porcupine On thread : First lucid dreams, but a question...
      Congratulations on your first lucid dream! The hard work has paid off:) I can't really answer your questions - I'm not too experienced myself. But I do know that I first got the feeling of...
      Liked On: 10-28-2015, 11:26 PM
    13. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by gab On thread : WILD - Wake Initiated Lucid Dream
      Wake Initiated Lucid Dream - WILD Basic tutorial for Beginners WILD stands for “Wake Initiated Lucid Dream.” The goal is to pass directly from a waking state, to a state of lucid dreaming,...
      Liked On: 10-25-2015, 04:23 PM
    14. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by hotchips On thread : Just a thought...
      Yes you are very close! Just be in the mind set that you are dreaming unless proven otherwise. Keep questioning whether you are dreaming or not deeply and you will get there. Good luck!!
      Liked On: 10-25-2015, 04:12 PM
    15. annabeau
      annabeau liked post by dolphin On thread : Just a thought...
      Yes, this is progress. Don't do more reality checks, just reimagine the same dream where you were close, only with you remembering to do a reality check and becoming lucid. Then tell yourself, "next...
      Liked On: 10-24-2015, 09:51 PM
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    View annabeau's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    WBTB, lucid dream, and possible sleep paralysis

    by annabeau on 03-05-2016 at 05:42 PM
    Last night was a very, very interesting night. I woke up at 4:00 to do a WBTB, and I stayed up for about a half hour, writing down my dreams and keeping my mind on LDing. When I went back to bed, I used the MILD technique. I wasn't very tired, but once I had repeated lucid dreaming mantras many times, I was ready to go to bed. I imagined myself in a dream walking home from school. Several times my brain drifted away, but I got it back on track pretty quickly. Then I found myself imagining I was flying along in the hallways in my school, thinking about lucid dreaming. I'm not completely sure if that was a dream or not, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't. All of a sudden I felt and heard a loud pulsing in my ears. I was terrified, I thought I was having sleep paralysis. Nothing happened. I made a note to myself, if it happened again, I would open my eyes to see if anything was different or scary, like in sleep paralysis. It happened a few more times, and once I remembered to open my eyes. Nothing happened. I was just in my bedroom, like normal. Somehow during all this I managed to fall asleep, thinking about lucid dreaming. In my dream I was in my technology class in school, completely naked. I thought it probably was a dream, but I was still rather self conscious. Hiding myself under a desk, I started talking to someone. She ignored me. It had to be a dream. I stood on the desk and shot out of the room up into space. Stars were everywhere, but there was nothing else. I wished to see Earth, and all of a sudden the plant shot out of nowhere, and I was back at my house. Although amazed, I decided to stay down on Earth. I began flying around in my neighborhood, using the bouncing on air method. I saw a mom, not mine, waving to me down by my driveway. I landed, and asked her where she was going. All she said was "goodbye." I said "not even a goodbye kiss?" and she bolted away over the tops of the trees. In the dream I was still lucid and had been doing reality checks to make sure I didn't sleep back into unawareness. But somehow the scene had saddened me. I did not know the person at all, but it somehow it had made me extremely emotional. I laid down on the ground and started crying. I thought to myself, if I keep crying like this, I'm going to lose my lucidity. At that moment, I was back in my room, and had a false awakening.
    This was my best lucid dream yet! I'm really excited to do another WBTB tonight, and I'll report tomorrow on what happens.
    lucid , false awakening


    by annabeau on 02-17-2016 at 04:40 AM
    I am in the living room flying around with some of my friends. I am a demi-god and we are trying to figure out which god is my favorite. Because of the way I am flying my friends tell me that my god parent's name starts with a T. They seem very excited about this. Then I see this lady that is stuffing these perfect looking snowballs into a little cubby hole where the fireplace usually is. She is shoving them in really fast, so me and my sister close out the cubby hole and throw all the snowballs outsideas though they are dangerous. Then we go out into the garage. I am going to be in a Harry Potter movie. Someone says "Anyone in the new Harry Potter movie come over here!" J.K. Rowling is there and I am joking with her. But she doesn't seem to be very happy. I would describe her as dull in this scene.
    I am at a wedding, and I notice that the people getting married are lesbian. Then I see Matthew Lewis and ask him if we can get a picture together. He is very friendly and agrees, but we don't have a camera. I consent to just asking for his autograph, which he willingly gives. It is not a very good autograph, barely more than a scribble.
    I am at a lunch table with my friends. Then I notice someone who looks like Hayley from Bratayley. I realize that both Annie a and Hayley are there, so I move down the table to talk with them. Annie is acting really sad and ignoring me.


    by annabeau on 02-13-2016 at 05:35 PM
    I am at Pizza Ranch, filling my plate with food. I then realize that the counter looks suspiciously like the counter in the kitchen at my house. I look up and realize that I AM in my kitchen. I decide to do a RC, so I count my fingers. They seen to flash by my eyes and my right hand has eight fingers on it. I realize I am dreaming. I go out onto my deck and decide to use the rail as a gymnastics beam. It isn't working for me, so I decide to just fly around in the woods behind my house. My sister is there and both of us are flying. There is one point where she starts to fall, but I lift her back up. I decide that I want to fly around in the mountains, so I go on YouTube to get inspiration. At this point I loose lucidity all together.
    During this dream I was lucid, but not really all that aware.

    Doughnuts from Church

    by annabeau on 02-10-2016 at 01:31 AM
    I am at my church eating doughnuts and m&ms. When I sit down in the pews, I am next to a girl I don't recognize. She recognizes me, though, which is strange. Then all of a sudden I am outside with my dad. We are walking up a long, tall stairway. When we reach the top, the girl from church is sitting there. I ignore her. I see my friend sitting down on the streets far below. She shouts up at me, asking me if I am going to Iowa. I tell her no. Then, she throws me a snowball, and I drop it. It lands right in the center of a garbage can, and I give her a thumbs up to show her that it was a good throw. I walk around a bit and suddenly I am at the entrance of my church. There are tons of different political signs. There is a lady putting up Hillary Clinton signs really fast, and I am rushing around like crazy to take them around. I remember also taking down a Marco Rubio sign too. When I walk back into the church I go to get another doughnut. There aren't many m&ms left, but I eat them any ways. Then all of a sudden my grandma is there and my mom is telling us that we are going to go to Pizza Ranch. My grandma says that she isn't going to come with us. So, just me, my brother and my moms are suddenly at Pizza Ranch filling up our cups. I fill it to the brim with Dr. Pepper and it starts to overflow, but I drink it before it does. We are in the car driving away from Pizza Ranch. My mom makes a turn onto the highway, and I think that she did I good job driving.
    Lately either in DEILD, naps, or during WBTB's I've been able to gain a small amount of control over my dreams, but I loose control very quickly.

    2/7/16-An eventful school day

    by annabeau on 02-09-2016 at 01:00 AM
    I am on the school bus on the way to school. I realize that I am standing in the middle of the isle, slowly walking to the front of the bus. Then the bus driver yells at me, and I sit down, in the wrong seat. I laugh at my stupidity and push my finger through my hand to see if I am dreaming, but it doesn't work. I move one.
    I am in my school library with my classmates. It is first hour. Rosa Parks is going to be coming to school to give a presentation. I remember thinking that she already died, but I dismiss the idea. When she comes, she is the only one standing, everyone else is sitting. I think that she should get a chair because she is so old. All of a sudden, she is sitting down.
    I am back on the school bus at the end of the day. It is my stop. I walk up to the front of the bus to get off, but I realize that I forgot to bring my backpack, water bottle, and eos from my seat. I go back to my seat to get them, but they are scattered under the seat of the bus. I do an RC, but it doesn't work, so I move on.