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    Page 23 of 67 FirstFirst ... 13 21 22 23 24 25 33 ... LastLast
    1. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by Sageous On thread : Broke my ability to Lucid Dream.
      WILD, and lucid dreaming, is not about the buzzing, bright visuals "SP," or any of the other noise (http://www.dreamviews.com/wild/132284-wild-session-3-notes-about-noise.html) you might encounter on...
      Liked On: 02-28-2015, 08:31 PM
    2. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by yaya On thread : Broke my ability to Lucid Dream.
      this sentence should be written with gold.
      Liked On: 02-28-2015, 08:31 PM
    3. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by NyxCC On thread : Bemistaken's Workbook
      Way to go, bemistaken! This is really getting very exciting! :D Congrats on the lds, the clarity and on not giving up despite being upside down! By the way, do you meditate in a lying posture,...
      Liked On: 02-28-2015, 02:05 AM
    4. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by ThreeCat On thread : Practicing illusory body for 30 days
      Hi guys, I've recently decided to be more diligent in my practice of this technique, and want to post my successes and failures. If you are unfamiliar with the technique, it involves viewing all of...
      Liked On: 02-27-2015, 09:40 PM
    5. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by Dthoughts On thread : J.D Krishnamurti
      https://www.youtube.com/embed/WsqWkJ8fNWE https://www.youtube.com/embed/SyXP8DHj4gM I just listened to this (as a background noise that was pleasing to the mind till about min 30 of part 1...
      Liked On: 02-27-2015, 05:22 AM
    6. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Future Task of the Month Suggestion Thread
      Along similar lines to my dream-WILD suggestion... Advanced: Use a virtual reality machine/headset and describe the experience. Another random idea: Advanced: Meet Wilson (the volleyball)...
      Liked On: 02-27-2015, 05:07 AM
    7. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by WaltersDreams On thread : Future Task of the Month Suggestion Thread
      Hogwarts Edition! Basic tasks: Find platform 9 and 3/4 at Kings Cross Station and run through the wall. Ride the Hogwarts Express and try to find Harry. Look into the Mirror of Erised. ...
      Liked On: 02-27-2015, 05:07 AM
    8. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by Mzzkc On thread : Future Task of the Month Suggestion Thread
      These would prolly count as bonus or advanced tasks: - Travel into the past with the intent to change something in history. After affecting your changes, travel back to the present to see what's...
      Liked On: 02-27-2015, 05:07 AM
    9. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Future Task of the Month Suggestion Thread
      Basic: - Take the red pill (from The Matrix) and describe the effects. (Originally suggested by Queen Zukin in the Lucid Task Club) or, without the specific Matrix reference: - Take a...
      Liked On: 02-27-2015, 05:07 AM
    10. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by dutchraptor On thread : Future Task of the Month Suggestion Thread
      Drain the colour from an object?
      Liked On: 02-27-2015, 05:07 AM
    11. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by JadeGreen On thread : Future Task of the Month Suggestion Thread
      Basic Task: Look at a movie poster or DVD case. Report back with the title of a dream movie. Basic Task: Ask a DC what they had for breakfast. Advanced Task: Spring is coming soon. Change the...
      Liked On: 02-27-2015, 05:06 AM
    12. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by Mismagius On thread : Future Task of the Month Suggestion Thread
      Awesome thread! Two I thought about while watching I Love Lucy. Advanced Task: Help Lucy pull off one of her stunts/schemes. Advanced Task: Attend a live taping of the I Love Lucy show. ...
      Liked On: 02-27-2015, 05:06 AM
    13. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by Xvaiuer On thread : Future Task of the Month Suggestion Thread
      I'm not going to categorize these because I feel like they could all be put in different places. 1. Travel back in time and visit somewhere important to you. Talk about how similar it is to...
      Liked On: 02-27-2015, 05:06 AM
    14. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by Snehk On thread : Future Task of the Month Suggestion Thread
      A suggestion for the Advanced Task: Teleport to a random place by pushing yourself through a mirror - describe the place you've ended in.
      Liked On: 02-27-2015, 05:05 AM
    15. bemistaken
      bemistaken liked post by EbbTide000 On thread : Dream Remote Viewing yr8
      This is a thread inviting anyone to pop-in at any week with a target. Even if 10 people offer a target (in the same week) as well as my calendar picture target ... well ... that would be interesting...
      Liked On: 02-27-2015, 05:03 AM
    Page 23 of 67 FirstFirst ... 13 21 22 23 24 25 33 ... LastLast
    View bemistaken's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    For the love of Xanous.

    by bemistaken on 10-07-2015 at 10:49 PM
    Became lucid later on in the night when I felt some really strong vibes. I have been planning on calling on the greatest dream buddy on DV Xanous, since I was taking Galantamine for the first time. I was a little apprehended about taking it for the first time, but Xanous did a great job in educating me on how to take it. Well, it worked! I got lucid and I called on Xanous loudly and he appeared (a little blurry, but I knew deep in my heart it was him) with two of his cute little children. He was holding the hands of a little girl and a little boy. He was smiling that gorgeous Xanous smile of his and talking words of wisdom at the same time, but I couldn't remember what he said (damn it!). This was the first time that I was sure that my dream buddy Xanous actually appeared when I called him! Beyond content!

    Always humble, always thankful. Love you Xanous!

    For Donnie.

    by bemistaken on 10-07-2015 at 03:57 PM
    Date: October 7, 2015
    Method: MILD, WBTB
    Sleeptime: 10:00ish
    WBTB: 5:00am stayed up around 10 minutes
    Results:Lucid (x2) DEILD and a DILD

    Realized I was dreaming and became lucid. I tried to concentrate on an experiment I have been working on, but instead a vision of bodies floating in the sea appeared. That vision scared me so I made myself wake up.

    Decided to try again since I was still 'tingling' and a vision of women at a beauty parlor appeared and they just looked at me (like I really needed my hair done...which I do ).

    I concentrated on my experiment mission and instead a little boy appeared. He was adorable. He looked like he was about 5 or 6 years old in a baseball jacket and a baseball cap. He had no face at all (like if i was drawing him in a picture, I intentionally left out the eyes, nose, mouth, etc). I asked him what was wrong and he said, "My mommy will die before my daddy." I said, "What is your name?" He said, "Donnie." I said, "Donnie, do you want a hug?" He shook his head yes and ran into my arms. He held on to me for dear life. Let me tell you DV family, that hug felt as real as me typing these words on my computer. I immediately felt his sorrow and as I was hugging him the scene changed to this:

    His mother told him to hide under the bed and don't make a sound no matter what he hears. The father came in and was beating the mother and said he was going to kill her. The mother's face never looked toward that bedroom and at least to me, she didn't seem like she wanted to make a sound. As if she knew if she yelled, the little body would come out from under that bed.

    Yeah....I still have the goosebumps.

    Updated 10-07-2015 at 04:03 PM by bemistaken


    Task of the Month for October 2015

    by bemistaken on 10-07-2015 at 03:21 PM
    Wow, that was fast! Don't know if this count (didn't see my body) but here goes...
    Got lucid last night and found myself floating above my bed facing the ceiling and I 'flipped' over to lay down next to my sleeping body but I didn't see it. I did see my husband on his side of the bed and my side of the bed was empty (but really messy, like the sheets and pillow was out of order???). Anyway, I attempted to squeeze in the middle of where I was 'suppose' to be and next to my husband. It worked for a hot second and then I somehow got sucked back into my body that I couldn't see and I woke up. But this was still so cool to attempt!
    task of the month

    The FORCE.

    by bemistaken on 08-14-2015 at 08:33 PM
    Hey Lucy! Thanks for giving me a visit last night and boy was it awesome! I woke up floating above my body in my bedroom. I looked down and saw my husband asleep and for some reason, I had the thought that I didn't want to wake him being out of body . So I slowly floated above his body aiming for the bedroom door. Then all of a sudden a gust of wind (or force???) threw me back in my body and I DEILD my way back out. This wind or force continued to throw me up high into the sky and then throw me back down. And I mean way down...I began to see like layers of the Earth going down. The speed of being thrown up and down made my stomach feel like it was going into my throat and then down to my feet. I kept getting scared and ended up back in my body about three more time but I was still able to DEILD my way back out. This seemed to continue on forever until I got a hold of my lucid self and directed my attention on something else.

    So I decided since I couldn't do much without agitating the wind/force I would practice summoning and teleportation (I totally forgot what the TOTM was). I didn't know what to summon so I though a cross would be really good about now. I held out my hand (if I had one) and concentrated on the cross appearing...it DIDN'T. I then tried teleporting to somewhere Ancient so I concentrated on a place with old temples and turned around hoping to be there...I WASN'T. By now I was so mentally exhausted I glided back over my husband with my heart still racing and went back in my body.

    I stayed up for awhile trying to understand what that wind/force thing was. It is not really scary...well, the only thing scary about it is I don't see anything but the strength of whatever it is blows my mind! Even thought I never see anything, it sounds like a freight train! This has happened several times before but I have never been able to understand what it was and why does this always happen. When it does happen, I have no control over where I'm going (being pulled) and I'm literally being dragged to some place but I always get scared and fight my way back to my body. If anyone understands this phenomena please feel free to enlighten me. Anyway Lucy, always humble and always grateful.

    Updated 08-14-2015 at 08:35 PM by bemistaken


    Me and My Aura.

    by bemistaken on 06-14-2015 at 08:56 PM

    Hi Lucy, I had the most beautiful dream yet last night! I have been trying to see my aura for some time now and somehow this desire made its way into my dream. I was rubbing my hands together (probably trying to stabilize) and then I started rubbing my two pointer fingers together trying to see any color/shadow. Then between my two pointer fingers a small ball of light formed. The small ball of light was so bright it had no specific color at first because the light was blinding and I couldn't look directly at it. Then the ball of light dimmed a little and changed from a bright yellow to a fluorescent green. Then I began to see patterns circling and swirling in front of me with words forming almost like a crossword puzzle. In crossword puzzle format, I saw the words (She) Serve GOD with Enthusiasm (in this color).

    Then the patterns began to swirl again changing from one color to another. As they changed from one color to another words zoomed in and out like a crossword puzzle and shapes continued to form like geometry patterns. My eyes didn't know what to focus on first . Then the geometry patterns turned red and started to pulsate like a heartbeat (thump thump, thump thump, thump thump). Words started to form again but I can't remember what they said. As the patterns pulsated like a heartbeat the patterns and words turned red the heart beat got stronger and stronger. I felt the heart palpations in my physical body and woke up. I have a feeling that I was about to find out what type of heart I had but I got too excited and wrapped up in the moment. I couldn't help it...it was such a beautiful moment.

    Wow. Best. Dream. Ever.