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    1. Linkzelda
      Linkzelda liked post by Calisia On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      I quit my job because I hated it but I still have to pay my rent.
      Liked On: 05-28-2018, 05:47 AM
    2. lucidbunnie
      lucidbunnie liked post by Calisia On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      I quit my job because I hated it but I still have to pay my rent.
      Liked On: 05-25-2018, 07:19 PM
    3. Zhaylin
      Zhaylin liked post by Calisia On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      I quit my job because I hated it but I still have to pay my rent.
      Liked On: 05-25-2018, 07:10 PM
    4. Nebulus
      Nebulus liked blog post by Calisia On : Space Feeling
      I felt like my physical body was all the space surrounding my body and it was firmly pressing against the outside of my actual body, which felt like a hollowed out shape in the center of the...
      Liked On: 03-15-2018, 11:07 PM
    5. Verre
      Verre liked blog post by Calisia On : Demon Possessed Corpses
      There was a battle between humans and demon-possessed human corpses. After fighting off the demons in a few locations, me and the crowd of people I was with settled into a large house near the coast...
      Liked On: 02-10-2016, 02:20 AM
    6. Nebulus
      Nebulus liked post by Calisia On thread : Calisia Introduction
      Since I learned about lucid dreaming I have had a few lucid dreams and have been reading about lucid dreaming and astral travel on the internet and in ebooks. My lucid dreams have mostly been DILD...
      Liked On: 12-13-2015, 10:25 PM
    7. m4ra
      m4ra liked blog post by Calisia On : Puzzle in a Building
      There was a white building, to be entered by one person each day, alone, to solve a puzzle. The solving of the puzzle involved finding items in the building and putting them together somehow to...
      Liked On: 12-11-2015, 11:41 PM
    View Calisia's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Space Feeling

    by Calisia on 03-15-2018 at 10:28 PM
    I felt like my physical body was all the space surrounding my body and it was firmly pressing against the outside of my actual body, which felt like a hollowed out shape in the center of the surrounding space. I couldn't breathe because I didn't have lungs. The space felt very solid like a rock wall and my actual body felt like a space carved into the middle of the rock.
    memorable , dream fragment

    The First Bit of Lucidity in a While

    by Calisia on 08-13-2017 at 10:57 AM
    Fluffy cats are curling up together on the other side of a wooden fence while my boyfriend and I watch. The man who owns the land gives a signal and many animals start to run around the yard, including a gray horse and a brown horse. A young man tells me that his dog has been over there for a while now. All the lost animals like to congregate in the man's yard for some reason but my cat is not there.

    My parents have driven all the way to Colorado and are in the process of buying a house here that is not far from my apartment. The house is currently a house and a restaurant and the people are still there serving breakfast. My parents are wanting me to move in there. I start to walk back to my apartment using Google Maps but I get lost anyway. I wander through a warehouse with trucks and truck parts in it and I wander through a school and I wash some dishes in the park and other strange stuff happens and I become lucid. I want to jump off a balcony but am afraid I may have awoken. It's night and the stars are sparkling and really pretty so I try to fly to them by flapping my arms. I'm really high up but not into the starts yet so I try to get there by flying up on top of a nearby building first. I can't get to the building and then next I am no longer outside, but am inside my parents' former house banging my head against the ceiling because I am still trying to get to the stars. I am afraid I will wake up my parents so I stop and start trying to walk back to my apartment.

    I've lost lucidity and am lost still. I accidentally walk through portal things that transform me into cartoon animals so I change my path but end up back at the house my parents are buying in Colorado. I lost my cat somewhere along the way but I call his name and he is running back to me now.

    I am at my apartment on the balcony. A man says he is chopping down a tree and needs to get on my balcony. He climbs on the balcony. Then a bunch of neighbors are on the balcony and two men are fighting while the other neighbors watch. An old woman tries to discourage them from fighting. Another is chanting "Fight, fight." My boyfriend cracks open the door and tells everyone to come to the front door if they need anything and to never climb onto the balcony again.
    lucid , non-lucid

    Disappointment at the Library

    by Calisia on 05-31-2017 at 02:42 PM
    I was in a library. I found the book I wanted to read which had a title beginning with Z. There were also alcoholic beverages on the bookshelves. I chose a bottle labeled Heineken but it was clear liquid in a clear bottle so it actually looked like vodka. I was carrying my book and beer to the counter to checkout when a female librarian snatched the book from my hand for some reason. I think the reason was that the book was in the process of being banned from libraries and was inadvertently left on the shelf. I was wanting to drink my beer and read the book at the same time so the beer without the book was useless so I put it back on the shelf and left the library disappointed.

    Lost Library Books

    by Calisia on 07-02-2016 at 04:21 AM
    I accidentally dropped two library books into the ocean. Actually one was accidentally kicked in by my niece and I tried to catch it but couldn't. I was on a large ship in the middle of the ocean and I was afraid that the water was too deep for me to retrieve them. I was worried about how I was going to return the library books.

    Riding Motorcycles

    by Calisia on 06-04-2016 at 03:22 AM
    My mom, another person, and I were driving motor cycles around town. Mine was neon green and black. The other's were yellow and black and orange and black. My mom rode on the back wheel all the way up the road. We were all going kind of fast. We did a short loop around town before we got back. I was relieved because I had't driven a motorcycle before and didn't know how to drive it very well.