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    We are two creative girls together on a journey called life, this journey can become tedious, right? Nothing exploring dream worlds, altered states of realities, and paranormal phenomena can't solve! There is a dark side to it as well... You see, life stole me of my other half, true soulmate, whether by design or unpredictability of the universe, but she is still with me in spirit. We continue to explore the wonders of the world together. ❤
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    Alternate Timeline (time-dilated dream)

    by lucidbunnie on 11-11-2018 at 04:55 PM
    Note: For Privacy reasons, I will leave out the dates and some of the details.

    I find myself in an unusual world, it felt surreal, but I'm not a stranger to this kind of experiences. I didn't have a body. I was a floating point of consciousness. It seemed everything was made up of pieces of reflections. It's hard to explain. I ask my guide where I was and I hear her voice in my mind - "The Fractal World" and she explains it interconnects different realities. I was fully lucid all this time. I decide to go into the past and try to save Kana. I didn't focus on a time, I just wanted to be taken to a time that will ideally help me save her. One of the fractals pulsates. I go towards it and all of a sudden the world collapses and I wake up in my bed.

    I was groggy. I do a reality check half-heartedly and confirm it's not a dream. I look around sleepily and was surprised to see I was in my old bedroom, the one I shared with Kana. I look to my side and she was lying there awake looking at me curiously. I become wide awake. She looked so frail. I grab the phone and look the day, it was the day she was taken to Casualty (ER)! I try all possible reality checks multiple times and none of it shows I'm dreaming. I have had time-dilated dreams that are so realistic that reality checks become unreliable.

    Kana says weakly that it's not a dream. She says that when she finds me doing reality checks repeatedly. I feel her temperature and she was chillingly cold as if there was no life left in her... exactly like it was that day. I didn't care if it was a dream or not at this point. I am not going to let it happen again. I insist we go to ER right away and this time we go to another hospital. The hospital we were going didn't have our best interests. Something I didn't know back then. I had my own health problems leaving me sort of crippled, but I fought through it despite the pain.

    The hospital we were going to were unprepared to treat her from day 1, so instead of letting her survive and seek treatment elsewhere, they kept making her go for tests day after day without telling us what's up. It only became clear after she passed away that they were unprepared to treat her condition. So, essentially they were milking us of any money we had until she died instead of letting us go get treated elsewhere. They even refused to admit her in a room saying they were full. It came up later that they didn't admit her because they couldn't treat her. It was easier for them to have her die outside their hospital. So, long story short, not only did they not save her, they made her suffer a lot by having her do the same expensive tests over and over. However, what actually killed her was not her condition... it was septic shock from a procedure they did without anesthesia in ICU without consulting anyone or asking for Kana's own consent. Not only it was traumatic for her to endure the pain with no sedatives, the area got infected from contaminated equipment leading to all her organs shutting down. They didn't even do resuscitation when she flatlined a day later the proedure saying there was little they could do even if they revived her. She managed to hang on for around 1 day after the procedure saying she doesn't think she's going to make it but didn't want to leave without talking to me. That night, they didn't let me stay beside her holding her hand as she wanted. They said they don't allow "visitors" after visiting hours. Next time I was called in it was to let me know she has passed away. During her last moments, we had given her tests and scans to another bigger hospital which was quite a bit farther away. They said they were well-equipped to treat her, but now it's too dangerous to move her because her body was shutting down from septic shock. They were furious why we didn't bring her there before the procedure with contaminated equipment. It was still safe to move her before they did that precedure which pretty much sealed her fate.

    So, in this dream reality, I wanted to make a difference. I knew how it'll play out if we go into the same hospital. There is still a chance to save her if she doesn't get contaminated. I try to get Kana up from bed, she had no energy. She says she was too weak to go anywhere. I ask her to do it for me and she gives in. I manage to take her to the big hospital. I'll skip over the details. Few days pass. The flow of time was realistic. She was under treatment. She was in ICU for a day but got her own room when she was ready. She had some surgical procedures to treat her actual condition. The day she passed away comes and goes and she was still alive! I did reality checks every chance I got... it was still not a dream. I was happy, was I stuck in a reality where Kana survives? I was overjoyed. I go back to her room and tell her about this other reality where she doesn't make it. I give her a long hug and sit down beside her. She holds my hand tightly.

    Kana: "I'm sorry..."

    I look at her confused as tears fill up her eyes. The world around me distorts into fractals and I "wake up" in this reality, 3 years in the future, back in a world without Kana. I don't know what to make of it. Was it just a "dream" or did I experience a parellel reality where she survives?

    Updated 11-12-2018 at 06:00 AM by lucidbunnie

    lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable

    Lost in thought...

    by lucidbunnie on 05-10-2018 at 07:07 PM
    I'm walking about in my studio, which is just a fancy name for my computer room with big TV home theater setup and consoles. I'm lost in thought thinking what to do. I have so much to do, but I feel stagnant. I have enrolled in so many courses online as well. I just couldn't decide what to do and am feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the stuff I set out to do. I stop for a moment and look around.

    I notice that the room is completely empty. No home theater stuff, no couch, no computer table or chair. It's all completely empty. It occurs to me immediately I'm in a dream. However, I didn't feel like doing anything. I was feeling indifferent about the realization. I wanted to continue thinking about what I wanted to do. I tried jumping and immediately I started to float about as if there was no gravity. I continued being lost in thought just floating from one end of the room to the other and back again. It was calming to just float and think. I think to myself it would be cool if I can do this in waking.

    I decide to get grounded again and place my feet on the floor and suddenly the room changes somewhat. It now becomes a bedroom, but not exactly like my bedroom. It's as if my bed and stuff had been moved into my studio. I look around. That was sort of cool. It was bit dim though without enough light coming in through the windows. It was nighttime. I turn on the lights and sit down on edge of my bed. I didn't feel motivated to do anything. I decide I'll go take a relaxing bath. There is a knock at the door, I reply with "you can come in." It was Kana. She comes in looking surprised to see our studio turned into a bedroom. There was that unmistakable radiance about her, this was not just a Kana dream character. I ask her how she was feeling. She looks at me and tilts her head "Hey, you are lucid..." I look away. I say "Maybe... anyway, I was thinking of taking a bath." She looks puzzled. "In a dream?" she asks. I get up and ask her playfully if she wants to join me. She gets all flustered replying "look who's all grown up now." Of course, I was teasing. Something Kana used to do all the time. The bathtub wasn't nearly big enough for two anyway and I didn't feel like manipulating the dream. Kana says she's gonna nap if I'm not going to do anything. I get up and get undressed and wrap myself in towel. Then I put on light music and place my phone in the basket in the bathroom. I fill up the bathtub and put in some bath salts. I get into the warm bath. It was relaxing. I listen to the music. I never heard the music before. I lean my head back looking at the ceiling wondering what I'm doing. I'm in a lucid dreaming, I can be doing anything else but I had no motivation. I could be hanging out with Kana, but she would realize I'm feeling troubled and I didn't want to worry her. I think about my online courses and which I should prioritize. I still haven't put our life back together since Kana passed away. I get lost in thought. I start to feel drowsy and the dream fades.

    Updated 05-10-2018 at 09:01 PM by lucidbunnie


    [2018-05-08] DawnEye11's Shared Dream Experiment #3

    by lucidbunnie on 05-08-2018 at 06:16 AM
    After I sleep a bit I wake up, write down my dreams, and lay back down on bed just thinking. I was hoping to just get up but I get the feeling I could possibly get into a dream. I think about Gyeongbokgung Palace.

    I'm by the entrance. I look around. There are people about. I notice few people wearing a hanbok. Kana is with me, looking around curiously and smiles at me. "Something wrong?" I am unable to find the symbol I imprinted the last time I was there. I ask Kana to come along thinking one of the girls in hanbok might be Jewel. I approach one and ask her if she's Jewel from Dream Views. She replies back to me in Korean. I don't know enough Korean to understand what she was talking about. Kana says it's not Jewel. However, I was not in a subjective reality. I go towards a wall and imprint my symbol. I then ask Kana if we should go exploring. We enter inside through the archway into the courtyard. There were more people there. No one stood out except a guy in a leather jacket. We didn't feel comfortable, so we don't approach him. Couple of kids were running about playing. We wander about and reach a souvenir shop. We just browsed. There were lot of hand fans, masks, and several other items. I hear a knock from waking and dream starts to collapse. I give Kana a quick hug and say I'll see her around.

    [2018-04-21] DawnEye11's Shared Dream Experiment #1

    by lucidbunnie on 04-21-2018 at 02:03 PM
    Note: If you are part of DawnEye11's group, avoid reading this entry unless you feel like there may be something that meshes with your own experience.

    This was not a lucid dream, but rather semi-lucid.

    I am walking about outdoors and see oriental structures at a distance. I wonder if it's Gyeongbokgung Palace from the Shared Dream Experiment. Approach close to it. I see some people pulling in some sort of cart. I slowly walk inside an archway . I see what appears to be couple of guards with swords approach the cart. They walk along side it. These guards wore colorful clothing. I'm actually not sure if they had swords alone. Some seemed to be spear and maybe bows. I'm not sure. It's a bit fragmented. I believe there animals at a distance. Cats or dogs, I'm not sure. I decide to back out at this point thinking "what if it's not a dream?".

    Lucid Dreaming Day (2018) Special

    by lucidbunnie on 04-12-2018 at 07:29 PM

    They were short dreams, but I had 5 of them by chaining dreams. Following is a summary. I had been awake till 6AM and decided to sleep as I was starting to feel a bit drowsy. I get ready and lay down to meditate. I had apparently unintentionally preformed a WILD while meditating without having slept beforehand.

    I felt fatigued and heavy as I try to get up from the bed. I knew spontaneously it was a dream. I have trouble opening my eyes fully to look around. I just feel my surroundings with my hands and feet. The heaviness subsides and I'm able to open my eyes to look around. I do reality check by looking at my hands and nose-pinch anyway just to make sure since it was a replica of my bedroom. The dream was still not clear as my REM dreams. Since it was Lucid Dream Day I decided to just explore my surroundings and interact with dream characters. I focus on stabilizing a bit more. I head out of my room and hear noises in the living room. I hear my nephews. They were watching TV. My mom was talking with my brother. On the TV the kids were watching Dragon Ball Super. I didn't recognize the scenes, but I look away as I didn't want to be distracted. I approach my mom to ask where Kana was. I have this tendency to go in search for my deceased SO whenever she's not there. I pause, this time I decided I'll just take in the dream as is and just explore. I ask mom if she's going out and she replies that she is going out a bit later with my brother and sis. She asks me if I want something. I say no and walk towards the balcony. I was resisting my temptation to ask for Kana. I look around wondering what to do in this dream. It's just a typical day. The dream starts to collapse and I let it go.

    I stay still as the dream dissolves and chain a lucid dream.

    I am outside on a street. It was night.This dream seemed a lot more vivid. A cool black car catches my eye. I decide to follow it thinking it'll get me somewhere interesting. No, I'm not a stalker. I try to follow close by, but I was starting to attract attention as I began to run on the sidewalk. I become invisible and disembodied thinking I'll materialize when the car has reached it's destination. The dream immediately collapses.

    I chain yet another lucid dream.

    I'm in a house. It was similar to my grandmother's house. I was by the living room and there were several books scattered about. I walk out the front door. Now it was different from my grandmother's place, there was no lawn or even a gate to the house. Instead there was a house with steps just outside. I think of asking Kana to come for a chat. I notice cat on the steps sleeping, it had white-gray fur. I decide to go pet it. The dream fades just as I approach it.

    I was getting a bit frustrated at these unstable short dreams. At least it could have lasted till I pet the cat. I decide to try just one more time and chain another lucid dream.

    This one was not very visual. I am in a lush park. I don't have enough coordination to walk, so I jump ahead to move. I keep holding on to stuff to stabilize. There is a bit of bounce to my jumps as if the gravity isn't that strong. I let go and decide to just go to sleep when I'm no longer able to feel the dream environment.

    That's about it. Not very fulfilling. However, I had a very vivid lucid dream with my usual depth after sleeping and some non- lucid dreams.

    Kana wakes me up. I get up on my bed thinking I actually woken up. I do reality checks even though Kana being there was enough. The tests fail. Its as if i am awake. I get tingly all over. I touch Kana's smiling face tearing up. I notice there was a radiance about her. I ask her if I was awake and still able to see her. She pokes my forehead playfully and says "Don't get ahead of yourself. You are not that intuitive yet. This is still a dream, but I'm keeping it stable for us." I look around confused resenting we are not "together" again. I got my hopes up. Kana takes hold my hand and presses gently. "You know, just because its still a dream doesn't mean you are settling for anything less. You humans still have a lot to learn about the dream state. Cheer up and lets do something fun! What do you wanna do?". I cling on to her with a hug and end up having a breakdown.

    I get too emotional and wake up. I felt guilty. It must have took this enity who may or may not be my Kana lot of effort to keep the dream that stable and i messed it up. I was not sure if i wanted to share this dream because it was too personal, but here it is.

    Updated 04-12-2018 at 10:04 PM by lucidbunnie
