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    • cedwards105's Avatar
      04-13-2024, 09:52 PM
      I found it! One fragment about my Dad's leftovers in the refrigerator. Night 12 1 fragment: 0.5 Decent RC's: 0.5 Night Total: 1 point ...
      189 replies | 4906 view(s)
    • cedwards105's Avatar
      04-13-2024, 09:45 PM
      April 11th, 2024 Fragment 1 On Myst island, doing something near the big tree. It involves turning on water in order to get the plan to work...
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    • cedwards105's Avatar
      04-11-2024, 02:04 AM
      Night 10 https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/cedwards105/comp-night-10-96967/ 1fragment: 0.5 Decent RC's: 0.5 Night 10 total: 1 point Night...
      189 replies | 4906 view(s)
    • cedwards105's Avatar
      04-11-2024, 01:59 AM
      cedwards105 created a blog entry Comp Night 12 in cedwards105
      April 10th, 2024 Fragment 1 Soap or candle in bathroom. At my grandparent’s (on my Dad’s side) house, I think? In a bathroom, I think. Someone...
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    • cedwards105's Avatar
      04-11-2024, 01:55 AM
      cedwards105 created a blog entry Comp Night 10 in cedwards105
      Up early, and took some diphenhydramine to help me sleep. That seems to either repress REM or make it harder for me to remember my dreams the next...
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    View cedwards105's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Last nights of competition

    by cedwards105 on 04-13-2024 at 09:45 PM
    April 11th, 2024

    Fragment 1

    On Myst island, doing something near the big tree. It involves turning on water in order to get the plan to work completely, and I try to remember how to turn on water. I think maybe you access the controls by pulling a lever in the clock, or maybe by flipping the marker switches.

    Planets. In space. Space ship, maybe? Something about gravitation pulls, I think.

    Fragment 2

    A bunch of cheese. It’s of the consistency of a cheddar cheese ball, but seems to be a kind of moldy cheese.

    Fragment 3

    Something about dating.

    Fragment 4

    Something about Dr. Who.

    Fragment 5

    Playing Lurkers.io (?)

    April 12th, 2024

    Fragment 1

    In an Everglades-type place. Someone says that they have seen a huge snake. Upon closer inspection, it turns out to be a giant earthworm. I look at it and say “lumbricus terrestris! It’s a giant earthworm”. There is some kind of discussion about it. Then it goes crawling along and goes underground.

    Dream 1: Dieselpunk Stuff

    Some people living in a post-apocalyptic sort of world. It might have something to do with the End Times. I think it starts out with me in jail. A guard, or someone, is hitting another prisoner with something. I intervene, and suggest that the guard hit me instead. I think I’m in better shape than the other prisoner. Then I think there is something about wondering why we don’t stand up to the guard (who also seems to be a military officer and we are in the military). It seems like he could get in trouble for this kind of behavior.

    I might have a false awakening or something, or maybe I do wake up and then go back to sleep. Anyway, I find myself “coming home” very late at night, and someone is making a big deal about it. Some kind of family patriarch is bound to come along and get after me.

    Then there are some military officers and/or elite-type people wanting to cross a street. Someone else is driving along in a car, and the elites are in the crosswalk. I think the driver is reluctant to stop for them, and there is a sort of standoff. It seems as though this sort of thing has been going on, and other types of rebellion perhaps, and as a result the elites are abandoning the area. Someone is showing a map with the areas that are now in their control. “They’re mostly wastelands,” he says.

    Then there is something about a sort of canal nearby, with a diesel punk kind of vessel going down it. The vessel is made of what looks like 4 smaller boats, connected by some sort of platform. People are doing something on it – harvesting something from the canal, maybe? I discuss with someone else how neat it would be to work on the vessel, if for no other reason than to sit there and enjoy the ambience during my lunch break.

    The vessel is going down the canal, seemingly pulled along by some belt/cables. There are small, narrow bridges crossing the canal. These are so low and close to the deck of the vessel that I barely even have to stand up to jump over them when we go under them. I just kind of raise myself up a little and the bridge slides between me and the deck. We get to the end of the cables, and I hop off. The cables are connected to some other machinery, and drive elevators I think. I go into a large building, sort of like an early 1900s city building. Then the vessel is about to depart to head back to where I came from, and I go to get on it again. There is something about someone being excited about it – they are either acting like a child or actually are a child.

    Fragment 2

    At a small community where my mother lives. There is a small lake here. We are discussing whether or not there would be deck hands on the lake. I think that if there are any commercial vessels on the lake, there are probably deck hands.

    Fragment 3

    Writing in my dream journal.

    Nap in the afternoon from around 4:00 to around 8:00.

    Fragment 4

    Somewhere, talking with a friend online. There is a sort of large canyon, and a fort built on the edge. Someone there is called a “General” or “Major”, or something. He is a dwarf, or something...

    Fragment 5

    ...Something about ground covered in frosting. There are worms in the frosting. They kind of look like gummy worms.

    Comp Night 12

    by cedwards105 on 04-11-2024 at 01:59 AM
    April 10th, 2024

    Fragment 1

    Soap or candle in bathroom. At my grandparent’s (on my Dad’s side) house, I think? In a bathroom, I think. Someone wants me to fill a bucket with water for class or something.

    Dream 1: Pirates, Buffet, and Lucidity

    Robert Newton (“Bob” Newton, I call him in the dream) or someone like him giving me advice. I think it’s advice on being a pirate. This includes not eating too much or too much seafood because it can make one chubby. It’s a temptation for pirates, apparently, and he himself is kind of chubby. He leaves, and I walk out to his car (?) with him. It feels kind of emotional, as though we had become friends. I walk back in to the building where we were, and go to the buffet table. I realize that he had warned about not eating too much, but I feel like he wouldn’t mind me eating some of this free food. I become lucid spontaneously, apparently. I realize that I should eat something for points. I pick up a piece of cake or a frosted brownie and eat a bite of it. Then I do a reality check to be sure that I’m lucid (in case I had some doubt, I guess). I look at my left hand. Counting the fingers is difficult, and as I look I see that my fingers are kind of dark colored and sparkly, as though they were made of night and stars. Somewhere around here I lose the dream.

    Dream 2: Camping and Post Office

    I’m camping outside. I have a sort of a shelter beneath a leaning tree trunk, and am using a tent or a tarp (or maybe just a blanket) to try to shelter myself from the rain. There is also a cat girl walking around. She looks a lot like a cat, but also somehow seems human. She might be a human cosplaying as a cat, or something. She walks near me and I pet her. I try to make room for her to join me under my shelter. She says something about not coming out here as often as she did when she was younger.

    I go into a post office to pick up something that is supposed to have been mailed to me. The post office looks like something out of an old western movie on the inside. I stand in a line with some other people, but it seems like the line isn’t moving. After a while, I realize that I’m in the wrong line. I go to the proper line. While I’m at the counter, someone working there says something about being in St. Augustine. A bunch of people in the room all correct him at the same time telling him he is in C--.

    Updated 04-13-2024 at 10:06 PM by cedwards105


    Comp Night 10

    by cedwards105 on 04-11-2024 at 01:55 AM
    Up early, and took some diphenhydramine to help me sleep. That seems to either repress REM or make it harder for me to remember my dreams the next morning. Anyway, I just remember one fragment.

    Fragment 1

    Something about my Dad's leftover food in the refrigerator.

    Comp Night 8

    by cedwards105 on 04-07-2024 at 02:49 AM
    April 6th, 2024

    Dream 1:

    There was apparently a movie that once scared me a lot. It was so frightening that I stopped watching it. There was one scene especially, in which a woman goes down a set of stairs. When she gets to the bottom, there is some greenish light and something horrible apparently happened. There is also a scene in which a little dog is put into a box, and slid into an opening in a wall. Also, people that live in a suburban house, and something happens here. Some episodes of a TV show that had a strange and unpleasant noise all through them. I can hear the noise now.

    I am now watching this movie, facing my fear of it. The woman goes down the stairs to where the horrible thing is supposed to happen, but now that I watch it, it doesn’t seem to be that scary. In fact, I think I might have misinterpreted what was going on, and it wasn’t scary at all. A door at the bottom of the stairs opens up, and there is a big face. I had expected it to look scary somehow, but it looks kind of normal. The woman goes through the door.

    Some things about cloth, I think.

    At some point, I’m walking along and see an open elevator door. The elevator car inside is surprisingly large, and there is a sink, and possibly a table, inside. It sort of looks like a cross between a kitchen and a bathroom inside. It reminds me of a dream, and I try counting my fingers. Sure enough, I have more than 5 fingers on my hand and I become lucid. I see a couple of kids next to a water fountain, and try to think of what to do for the competition. I think about drinking from the water fountain, but I already did that in my 3-step task. I remember that the third step was to teleport, which I don’t really know how to do.

    “Hey kids,” I say to the kids at the water fountain, “how do I teleport?”

    They don’t give me much of an answer, so I try on my own. I try imagining a new scene behind me and turning around, but it doesn’t seem to work. I try to “walk into” the new scene, the way I “flew into” Synthos a while back. I keep repeating “up a grassy green hill” to myself while walking, or something like that. I’m still in this building, but as I look to my left I see another room/corridor where the floor tiles are green. I go this way, repeating the scene to myself, and I might actually find that there is a slight upward slope. But that’s about as far as the scene change gets. As I keep walking, I find myself going into more of these hallway/room type sections, and it’s getting darker. Eventually I find myself in a room that has either a person or a mannequin in it.

    I think I might lose lucidity around here somewhere. There is something about bringing the person/mannequin closer to me, and then I leave the room. I find myself in the front/side yard of the house from earlier. Now it’s more like a “liminal place” – the yard looks as though it’s artificial, and there is a large hole in the ground shaped like an inverted cone and made of a yellowish color.

    Something about Disney World, I think. And Jurassic Park (I think that they might be headed toward a Jurassic Park scenario – at least I joke about it).

    Something about someone on a train. They are possibly being chased, and escape by dropping down and hanging on some pipes below. He later is walking or running beside the tracks, and someone might be with him. Someone is lying on the ground later, possibly hurt or shot.

    This was one of those dreams that seems like it had a sort of emotional or personal aspect for me. Something about the terrifying movie that I was going back and watching. Maybe facing a fear from long ago?

    Comp Night 7

    by cedwards105 on 04-07-2024 at 02:44 AM
    April 5th, 2024

    Dream 1:

    There are two toilets set up facing each other. They both seem to be broken. In the one, there is a light down in the bowl that goes out. The other one might also be a washing machine. Anyway, when you try to flush the one, the other one spurts out a bunch of stuff into it, but neither of them really flush very well. Someone advises not to look at it. There is a small dog around. I think it might be one of the dogs we had when I was growing up. She hears me and gets excited. She is also trapped under a tarp. She might be able to speak English, and asks me for help. Also something about piles of odds and ends that I’m trying to wrap up into roofing shingles to tidy up.

    Then there is something about people that look like they’re homeless. One of them is a woman. I’m pacing up and down the edge of a parking lot, and she asks me where I’m going. So I show her. “I’m going from here...” I say, pointing to a spot on the ground and then walking a couple of paces away, “...to here.” The police show up and take away a homeless man. I try to give him reassurance as they do so.

    Then there is something about escaping what seems to be a space ship or a space station. It starts out with watching the beginning of a Star Wars movie. This movie starts around the present time, and shows people leaving Earth on space ships. There is a large swarm of them headed somewhere, but as they go they blow up until only one of them is left. This one barely makes it by landing on a nearby planet – a “sucker”, they call it, because gravity pulled them in.

    The scene switches to the inside of the space craft. There are a couple of guys in there who apparently stowed away. There is something wrong with the ship, and people are walking around spraying a white fog. The fog itself is difficult to breathe, but the air might be deadly. The stowaways now try to escape. They go down some steps. At some point I become one of them. We get to a sort of catwalk above a lower floor. I find a way to climb down some of the supports. Then I realize that this probably made me conspicuous, so I pretend that I’m just a normal guy who won a bet that I could climb down this way. I pretend to celebrate and say something like “all right! Where’s my five bucks?”

    This floor is like the lobby of a hotel. I start walking out the door. Then there is something about people being put in jail. I almost seem to be a cat now, and there is this plan to turn around and try to lead someone to the jail cells to rescue them. I/the cat is able to move one of the guard’s keys in such a way as to unlock the cell. But it’s the wrong cell. Inside this one is a huge vicious-looking animal. We close the door again and try another. But this is the wrong one too. We go to another cell, which has a label on it saying it contains, among other things, a donkey. We open the door to this one, and it is a scene from the old Droopy cartoon. The next cell has two of the three stooges and a couple of monkeys. We start talking with them, and the “cell” turns into a sort of stand-alone device almost like a gumball machine.

    I need to go somewhere. Someone tries to give me directions, but they are a little complicated so I try to write them down. I have a bit of trouble trying to figure out what they are telling me. Something about going down one road, and taking another road. I study a map. Then I find myself walking, trying to find my way to where I am going. I don’t even think I know where I’m going in the dream.

    Fragment 1

    Something about pastries.

    Fragment 2

    Professor Plum, and the characters from Clue. There is either a play or a film version, but it doesn’t seem like the characters are acting like they should. Professor Plum isn’t absent-minded (as he was in the books, if anyone has ever read those).