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    House on a hill far far away... England!
    How you found us:
    surfing the web to find other people who experience strange dreams like myself. Also to learn more about Lucid dreaming etc


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    Tell a DC I love them! (x)
    Transform into a dragon (x)
    Become a superhero ( )
    Get DCs to start dancing with me ( )
    Become a vampire (/)
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    1. Jacob46719
      Jacob46719 liked post by Dreamdreamdream17 On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      Recently, in a dream, the phone rang and I answered to a sales person (so annoying), anyway as soon as I woke up I wrote down the conversation, it went like this... Me- "Hello?" Sales Guy...
      Liked On: 07-19-2017, 02:04 AM
    2. JoannaB
      JoannaB liked post by Dreamdreamdream17 On thread : Time in Dreams?
      I think time works differently in dreams in that our concept of it changes. In waking life we have routines and organise ourselves around time, such as, 'i'll have my tea around noon ish because i...
      Liked On: 05-04-2013, 04:02 PM
    3. jwbaron
      jwbaron liked post by Dreamdreamdream17 On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      Recently, in a dream, the phone rang and I answered to a sales person (so annoying), anyway as soon as I woke up I wrote down the conversation, it went like this... Me- "Hello?" Sales Guy...
      Liked On: 03-20-2013, 04:45 AM
    4. Sivason
      Sivason liked post by Dreamdreamdream17 On thread : Those Odd Moments
      Sometimes it happens to me, I don't know what it is but it's pretty amusing. I remember one time a few years back in my school days, I was in an IT lesson, (I always struggled with them) as usual I...
      Liked On: 12-01-2012, 05:15 AM
    5. ElMareci
      ElMareci liked post by Dreamdreamdream17 On thread : Little Badge Thingies
      Haha I know where you're coming from, I've been here a year and only just made a dream journal and was like what the heck, where's my badge?!? Heehee it appeared after I'd made a few more entries! :)
      Liked On: 04-27-2011, 07:47 PM
    6. MadMonkey
      MadMonkey liked post by Dreamdreamdream17 On thread : met another LDer
      It's so strange isn't it, you can do anything in dreams yet loads of people don't seem to care, it's the beat escapism there is, where the focus is on you and it's all yours, it can it be so amazing...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. Puffin
      Puffin liked post by Dreamdreamdream17 On thread : Cat names?
      I have a cat that is really similar to her, she's called Penny :) Any name that will suit, just don't name her after food D: XD
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    8. Novise
      Novise liked post by Dreamdreamdream17 On thread : dream characters becoming bullies and hard to control
      If this is getting you down then my advice is you come up with a plan. This is your imagination, therefore the figments of it have no right to ruin it for you. Firstly, did you keep a dream diary...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    9. Lady Grimbones
      Lady Grimbones liked post by Dreamdreamdream17 On thread : dream characters becoming bullies and hard to control
      If this is getting you down then my advice is you come up with a plan. This is your imagination, therefore the figments of it have no right to ruin it for you. Firstly, did you keep a dream diary...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. MythicDreams
      MythicDreams liked post by Dreamdreamdream17 On thread : Advice for Shapeshifting?
      Imagine you're smilar to a werewolf, so act like you can't control the change, your new body bursts through the old one. You shoud try it in front of other dream characters, I wonder what their...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    11. knmg
      knmg liked post by Dreamdreamdream17 On thread : anyone ever dreamed something and then it happend in real life?
      I wouldn’t totally rule out being able to tell the future in dreams, there are many things in this world that people still don’t understand and probably never will. Let us briefly think about the 6th...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    12. Tarsier
      Tarsier liked post by Dreamdreamdream17 On thread : 7 Dreams 1 Night
      Maybe the amount of dreams people have is different for each person. Although I pretty much always have more than one dream and last night i had lots of short ones and then the last one turned out to...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View Dreamdreamdream17's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Ghost drama

    by Dreamdreamdream17 on 11-29-2012 at 09:56 PM
    So I was reading one of those cheap magazines that have those really grim 'real life stories' in them. As I was flicking through one caught my eye, it was called something along the lines of 'My trapped with a ghost for two days nightmare". As I read the article it started to play out, like I was an invisible observer in typical dreaming style. What happened was this lady was part of this group that talked about and investigated things about ghosts. She had a special room dedicated to contacting spirits. Anyway, so one evening she brought back this guy she'd got to know at the group who she quite liked, he was European, had short black hair, pretty skinny. So they went to the room, but she popped out to go to the toilet before they began. When she got back she was horrified to find the guy hanging from the ceiling dead covered in blood. She was too frightened to leave and the lights went off so she sat cross legged in the dark. She felt a ghost reach for her hand and held it, in the article there was a quote saying "this wasn't unusual, as i'd spent a night holding a ghost's hand before, but there was something not quite right about this". After two nights she overcame her terror (slightly) and let go. But the hand in an aggressive manner stuck his finger up at her. He then appeared with a distorted demon, fanged face and had sex with her, she was pretty scared but somehow it wasn't rape. A while after she couldn't take it anymore and ran out to get help shouting at police "there's a demon voldermort thing in my house". So they went to investigate and found that the guy had faked his own death and was scaring this woman deliberately and it turned out it was a sick hobby of his as when they looked into some records he's done it before but never got caught. He was sentenced to some time behind bars, which I suppose is a sort of happy ending. Bit grim though.

    Irritating flat mate

    by Dreamdreamdream17 on 01-17-2012 at 10:18 PM
    17.01.12- early evening, had a nap, lasted about 1 hr 30mins ish

    I was in the flat-though it was set out a little differently to real life-, I was watching TV, C came in then T came in, who I find really irritating in real life, he looked a bit different in the dream, but that's the nature of dreams, anyway, he started leaning against me then I felt him grab my arse, so I pushed him away and told him to go out. I had a rant at C, saying what an idiot T was. Then suddenly, two middle aged people came in who turned out to be T's parents and the mother hugged me and I was like, "hi" a little irritated. The T was all like, "my parents are going to have coffee and something to eat in your room cos there's not enough room in the kitchen" (which was an outright lie, because there was loads). Suddenly there was a large table in my room and his mum came in with the kettle, I said, "look, this is my room, you can't come in here to eat because this is my space." They wouldn't leave and I got annoyed saying more forcefully, "right get out, just get out will you?!" and made them get out, they were playing their faces and I got annoyed as they didn't grasp the concept of privacy and that they were clearly over stepping a line. Then some of my friends cae round and they couldn't understand why I was so angry, then an alarm went off so I went out into the corridor to switch it off. I then went into the kitchen to try and prepare some food, but spilt in on the floor. I was so annoyed at this point, I went into the hallway yelling, "Have this you stupid Twa*" and smeared the food all down his door, C did the same. I went into the kitchen, not caring of the consequences, a girl came in who looked familiar, I think she must be someone I have met in real life, anyway, she said something about that she saw me earlier and that I wasn't properly dressed but I hadn't noticed. I said "oh well, good thing this is a dream then" and climbed onto the window sill. She said, "Really, which one?" but I didn't answer her as I has smashed the window and fell backwards outside into the darkness, (in the dream the flat was on a cliff) in order to wake up. I woke up feeling annoyed. Surprising!

    No reservations for us

    by Dreamdreamdream17 on 01-17-2012 at 02:12 AM
    Date: 15.01.12

    I was with S, T and N. We were going out or a meal, so started up the stairs to a restaurant we fancied, whilst walking past the toilet a guy shouted-
    "Don't come in!"
    "We won't" I said
    "Get out" he shouted, and came out. He was the owner.
    "Alright!" ..."god he's friendly" I muttered. We turned around and headed out. The gut came to the doorway and said, "No young ones tonight" as if that were any consolation.
    So, with that we headed back to our accommodations, I walked with S through what I thought was her accommodation, remarking how beautiful it was, what with the archaic architecture and light blue, frosted windows. She said it was part of main arts and that she didn't want to go back to her accommodation as she hadn't paid rent. I said she could stay at mine...
    Then somewhere along the way we were with T and N again and apparently in some sort of battle against everyone else, they were trying to stop us doing something or other, anyway, the details are hazy. We hid in the toilets, locking the doors. I had a plan to escape onto the roof, but someone had turned on the power which made the roof-covered in wires- electrical. We escaped through a different window into what appeared to be a garden centre, as there were plants scattered and growing everywhere in pots and over the pathway. People were trying to stop us pass, we kicked and punched our way through, i grabbed my bag after we'd had a rest to readdress which route we were going to take, but i saw a baked beans can on a shelf, had an idea and grabbed it. From then on anyone who got in my way, I bashed their head with it. There was one woman in particular who was lying on the floor due to my friends having pushed her over, I said "she's gonna grab my leg, don't grab my leg, don't grab my leg!" I stepped over at which she grabbed my leg, I shouted "I SAID DON'T" and bashed her in the head with the tin,a red line appeared and a trickle of blood shortly followed, I felt pretty bad, but needed her to know she couldn't stop me, she didn't seem fazed and I ran to catch my friends up. An old man stepped in front of me, in a tweed jacket holding a dandelion under his chin, (like people do with buttercups) I didn't want to resort to violence again, so said-
    "Do you like butter?"
    "I do like butter" he replied
    so I said, "Then let us rejoice in the fact that we all like butter" and strode past him. I caught up my friends and T asked, "did you just pretend to be a member of a secret club my making a bizarre, code like statement?"
    "haha yeah!"
    at the culmination of the dream we ran up into a tower, we gathered together and waited as the people after us had set up a bomb, they were about to press it. I said "we should stand together in our last moments",
    T said, "haha, right our "last moments" " and gave me a look as if to say, just wait for it. The person pressed the bomb, but instead of an explosion a special effect sound of a cow mooing was heard. We burst out laughing and that's where the dream ended and faded away.

    Those pesky werewolves!

    by Dreamdreamdream17 on 09-04-2011 at 05:57 PM
    Dream date: Thursday night, Sep 1st 2011- Non Lucid

    I was in Sardinia and in a very large property with many other people for a holiday. I remember being glad that we only had a couple of days left before we went home as the place was quite dangerous, there were wolves about.

    At night my sister and I had a room on the ground floor, where the the moonlight would cast strange looking shadows from the objects we had in our rooms, and the tatty curtains would billow in the breeze that forced its way through the cracks of the windows. The windows in themselves were pretty flimsy things and I would imagine wolves breaking into them very easily, it took me ages to fall asleep.

    In the morning our parents took us to the beach, where I spent the day walking on all fours and admiring the prints my hands make in the sand, I guess I was tired the the little sleep I had gotten.

    When we arrived back at the holiday home we found there had been a wolf attack during the day, in which a few people had been dragged into the forest.

    The locals were at their wits end, so we decided a plan was in order. We all gathered in the lobby, which had many levels, lifts and a large pool running through it. We all hid ourselves and I instructed those who were allergic to wolves should hide somewhere else. Finally a young woman entered the building, she had dark eyes and black wavy hair with an evil glint in her eye. I comfronted her and asked that she and the other wolves leave us alone. To this she laughed and carried on past me, I ran after her and punched her in the head. She did not appreciate this and we broke into a fight of kicks and punches. I couldn't seem to stop her. She stood up and in an explosion of grey she had transformed into a werewolf and was eyeing up the people that would be her next kill.

    It was at this point two women near by, who had been drinking coffee at a table and chatting, suddenly got up, looking slightly irritated. They ran to either side of the were wolf and each clung to its large neck and sank their teeth into it. It was at this point that the wolf was no more, and dissapeared into a cloud of dust.

    I made my way back to my family, my dad asked what had happened, I said everything's fine now, two vampires sorted her out.

    This is what happens when you study Dracula at college --__--

    by Dreamdreamdream17 on 03-21-2011 at 06:58 PM
    I was outside my house, by the pond. A bat flew round the corner, at first I thought it was pretty cool, I mean how often do you see them in the daytime?! Then I noticed it had a pretty disturbing looking face, it didn't seem to express any facial expression it was just fixed on a goggle eyed stared with open mouth. Then it started biting me, I tried to bat it away with my hand but it wouldn't stop, then a huge mass flew round the corner and started biting me, they were so strong that they pinned me to the ground. All the while I was shouting "F*CK OFF! F*CK OFF!".
    A mist suddenly started approacing and materialized into Dracula (if you've read it, it makes sense) to which he held up a hand and shouted "CEASE". They all flew off me, hovering in the air. I was thinking thinking and this is what happens if you study Dracula... then he grabbed me and dragged me through this portal into his world. I was not amused.

    Updated 03-21-2011 at 07:24 PM by Dreamdreamdream17
