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    About Extremador
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    I like to smoke weed, dream, make music, eat food, play games.
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    Chapel Hill, NC
    DJing, producing music, bboying, dreaming
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    1. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by Sageous On thread : On Shapeshifting and Extension of Self
      ^^ In truth, LeaoLouro, I don't believe there is a limit... even the whole universe. I think Him already sort of mentioned this, but in a dream the entire universe is "You," period; there are no...
      Liked On: 09-06-2017, 05:56 PM
    2. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by Voldmer On thread : Instant REM
      I tend to believe that we are dreaming all the time - whether in REM, or otherwise asleep, or awake. The trick, as I see it, is not dreaming as such, but focusing on the dream, to the exclusion of...
      Liked On: 03-09-2016, 06:25 AM
    3. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by Sageous On thread : Exploring Delta Sleep
      A few days ago, while on another thread (http://www.dreamviews.com/lucid-aids/141941-cant-get-back-sleep-galantamine-no-problem.html#post2003309), I confirmed that a state of self-awareness like...
      Liked On: 08-31-2013, 06:16 PM
    4. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by MasterMind On thread : Instant REM
      What you described above is kind of the end goal of this tutorial: http://www.dreamviews.com/wake-initiated-lucid-dreams-wild/144830-focus-level-theory-wilding-seconds-daytime.html Whenever I hear...
      Liked On: 07-15-2013, 05:26 PM
    5. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by Sageous On thread : Instant REM
      I think you guys might be overlooking a major point here: Even if you go straight to REM, you still have to be able to initiate a lucid dream. REM does not equal LD, by any measure. Indeed,...
      Liked On: 07-15-2013, 01:16 AM
    6. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by Zoth On thread : What if life actually is all a dream?
      Imo, no there's no way to prove that our lives are not a dream. If you could put our brain in a jar and connect it to a computer full of data, anyone could make us believe that we were a bunch of...
      Liked On: 05-28-2013, 07:09 PM
    7. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by JoannaB On thread : What if life actually is all a dream?
      I am not saying that this is what I believe, just speculating: What if life is all a dream? What if what we perceive as being waking reality is just a repeated dream, with laws of physics and such...
      Liked On: 05-28-2013, 07:09 PM
    8. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by SIMDML On thread : LDD-Lucid Day Dream
      Ok, it's been a while since I haven't posted here, I've been really busy. I dont know if im going to translate the article because I am still very busy... As promised, here's my guide into snapping...
      Liked On: 05-15-2013, 05:31 PM
    9. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by LucidMoon On thread : Next year looks like it'll be exciting for lucid dreaming!!!
      I'm really excited about 2013 so many cool things happening! This show looks like it's going to be AMAZING... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcySXwA5WJw there's more... (can only post one...
      Liked On: 12-26-2012, 09:46 AM
    10. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by Chimpertainment On thread : Is dreaming a product of the brain or are we in in an alternate reality?
      This seems then like reality would be subject to the observer. Why can't everything be subject to everything? Quote from Bill Hicks: "You never see positive drug stories on the news, do you? Isn’t...
      Liked On: 09-11-2012, 08:45 AM
    11. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by dms111 On thread : Have you seen Lizard Man?
      Now that I think about it my lizard man most likely came from the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. The scene where Thompson is acid tripping in the hotel lobby and everyone turns into a lizard....
      Liked On: 09-05-2012, 08:17 AM
    12. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by Ekyu On thread : Aren't there any secrets for this?
      Well at the moment there isn't any "easy" way to do it. The big problem with lucid dreaming is to find the right technique, and how to execute it in a correct way. People on this forum can only give...
      Liked On: 08-30-2012, 08:51 PM
    13. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by Chimpertainment On thread : Attempting to pull back ones perspective
      Ive noticed this as well while meditating. My perception is definitely focused on my right side. The left side of my body is also less flexible than my right. During meditation, I do color exercises...
      Liked On: 08-23-2012, 02:37 AM
    14. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by Baron Samedi On thread : Secrets of the Dream Plane
      Question: If this information is important, why are you only revealing it now? Answer: Because, when I learned of this, there was no one ready to hear it. Question: And why are people ready...
      Liked On: 08-14-2012, 07:22 AM
    15. Extremador
      Extremador liked post by telethiese On thread : Eyelids
      Your eyes don't see reality, your brain does, your whole body is like a giant eye. The feeling of 'being behind your eye organs' is just a convenient hallucination that your body uses.
      Liked On: 08-13-2012, 04:02 AM
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    View Extremador's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Airport Security

    by Extremador on 06-18-2013 at 04:30 PM
    I was going through airport security and was stopped when the guy sitting down examining your documents asked for something I didn't have that had been mailed (original copy) to immigration. It went like:

    Examiner: Where is your proof of (can't remember)?
    Me: *in annoyed tone* I don't have it because I had to send it to them.
    Examiner: Ok... arrogant response noted.
    Me: Sorry... I don't mean to be arrogant, it's just that you have to send them the original documents and I don't have them.

    After quite a bit of questions he's like:

    Examiner: So how much meth did you take?
    Me: I didn't.
    Examiner: Okay so only a little? Because I can see the look in your eyes.
    Me: No, I didn't take any of that.
    Examiner: Okay so what *did* you take some of?

    I wanted to be honest and responded, "Marijuana." Then he comes to an end with the questions and signals to the security guard standing by to take me and the guy points a gun at my head. I didn't know what to do, and then I ended up thinking about what Trinity does in the first Matrix (when the cops find her and she does her split jump) and it really happened. I ran out the door and started running to where I needed to be, trying to get my mom to run as fast as she could with me as well. Then I was eventually caught but was able to rewind back to being behind the table, like as if I had seen the future of what would've happened if I did the Trinity thing.

    Breaking Badder

    by Extremador on 07-28-2012 at 07:51 PM
    I had a dream this morning that I was trying to kill Walter White and Gus (from Breaking Bad) and I managed to blow them up with an RPG that was controlled through my iPhone. I went over to their bodies to make sure they were dead, kicked Walter in the head, and then I got shot in the stomach. My friends John and Tom were with me, and Tom was holding a .44 Magnum, and was getting scared at everything. Earlier in the dream, I was getting chased by people, and I found this "base camp." We were in the middle of some African's war base, which was weird as fuck but I told them I was not a threat (came to him bearing no arms with hands up) and someone wanted to kill us. Tom was moving around so much with the gun that he ended up shooting me in the lower right back. I was freaking out and started crying, and went outside to find an African sitting on some ammo crates reading a magazine. I started unzipping my winter jacket and showed him my two wounds. Lower slightly-to-the-left-of-middle stomach, turned around and showed him the back wound and asked "How long do you think I have left?" He told me I should just "Go to sleep." I was like FUCK no man I don't wanna just go to sleep and not wake up.
    non-lucid , memorable

    My longest lucid!

    by Extremador on 07-09-2012 at 05:42 PM
    My dream started when I was at my house with a friend and saw a guy come in the front door with 2 guns aimed at me. He got closer and started shooting, but they were paintball guns and it was my friends friend. I was so scared that I still punched him in the ribs, and then somehow the dream turned into some competition to see who could get hit in the ribs and different body parts without crying. I was over there getting hit and also happened to have a gun on me, which I guess called for an arrest warrant and for the police to come get me. At a rooftop somewhere in Los Angeles, police started coming. Everyone saw them coming up the stairs and I was going to try to escape off the side of the building, but decided not to in case I WASN'T dreaming. I climbed up and then immediately got on the ground with my hands up, surrendering myself saying, "I'm here!" The cop came and had begun to arrest me, but as he was taking my left hand I was able to plug my nose and realize I could still breathe through it a little bit, so I broke free and ran away. I ran downstairs in my house and started heading out the front door before hearing sounds of some entity inside. I poked my head back in and yelled at it and then continued outside, where, amazed by the landscape, I started to go about it trying to create a beach scene and then even tried to bboy on the ground.

    People trying to kill me and the wrath of God

    by Extremador on 06-26-2012 at 07:26 PM
    At Carrboro Elementary school, where I went to school, there was some huge party there and a pool outside the main office which doesn't exist. It was already over and everyone was leaving, and I went back inside because I was really thirsty. I went inside to the cafeteria and grabbed a glass (specifically, a high ball glass) and then ran all the way to the 5th grade wing and found a water fountain I could use. When I got outside, a teacher (Brett) was walking behind me talking a bunch of stuff that I didn't really pay much attention to until he started talking about this phone he had. He pointed out the fact that the material was excellent because of its grip, and the smell it gave off. We were both trying to catch buses down town, and he almost missed his bus.

    When I got in my bus, the front was mainly empty, so I walked all the way to the back. This guy on the bus asked if he could have my high ball glass, because I had no water in it and had no interest in keeping it (I even told him I already had a ton of them at home.)
    At some point I ended up on Franklin Street and there was these guys who didn't like me and were trying to kill me at a parking lot. This one super fat guy even decided to try to squash me by sitting on me, but I kept rolling around the ground to get away, and then eventually ran off. Despite their best efforts, I managed to run away all the way around the buildings in downtown franklin, trying to find a cop to follow me back to the scene. upon coming back, i found a friend i knew at a restaurant. i managed to spill this girls water all over the table and pissed the whole table off to the point that I was dragged across the hood and almost killed, but they let me go and I ran back towards downtown. it became night soon and i was roaming around downtown.

    At one point I was sitting at a prepared dinner table outside a restaurant with a bunch of people. My brother was sitting across from me to the right, and when this guy was coming around he was telling us to thank the bible or something, and both me and my brother exclaimed that we only believe in God and I said "I don't believe in the bible and all that shit."

    Then for some reason (i think I sensed god's anger or heard thunder) I looked up and said sorry and that I was just kidding. Instinctively I knew it was about to start raining like a motha, so I jumped across the table in a rush to get the HELL out of there. Three seconds after I jumped over the table, a terrential downpour started and everyone started running away. I ran towards the east, trying to find safe shelter. Building fronts were getting blown away from the inside and I decided it would be best not to go inside a building like that. I stopped at a brick building with a metal gate and looked up to see a huge lightning that was about to strike. I was thinking it was going to hit me but it hit about 100 yards behind me (to the west). I felt the heat of the lightning, and the impact of it. I didn't look but I think someone was killed as a result of it and some building/car was destroyed. I tried to keep going with the dream but despite my best efforts, I moved my body a little bit which caused me to wake up.

    NYC Dreams / Chase Dreams

    by Extremador on 06-23-2012 at 08:22 AM
    Lately I've been having a lot of dreams that I'm back in NYC (YAY!) or that I'm getting chased.

    The ones in NYC sometimes consist of just roaming the city, but they also coincide with the chase dreams.

    Last night I had a dream that I was getting chased by the feds again and I had the upper edge the whole time because I could jump super high and super far, and I'm pretty sure I was running a lot faster than usual too.

    In another unrelated scenario, there was a bad guy chasing me and some friends. He was trying to shoot us with some acid or some kind of chemical which was supposed to really fuck your shit up. I remember it was some wooded area that I was running through, jumping over tall fences and buildings, and then I was able to get far enough and hide on top of a brown house. I watched the guy continue to run after my friends and then jumped down to try to kill him from behind, but he turned around and sprayed me with the chemical, which tasted sour and definitely didn't do anything to me. I ran back to the house and he came after me, still spraying me with this shit.

    The dream ended shortly after that cause I woke up.
    dream fragment