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    1. FlyingSquirrel
      FlyingSquirrel liked post by Verre On thread : How long should you remain still for WILD?
      Staying still isn't likely to do you much good if you don't cultivate the right mental state. Once you cultivate the right mental state, you induce the WILD by falling asleep. Obviously it is hard to...
      Liked On: 03-27-2016, 08:35 AM
    2. FlyingSquirrel
      FlyingSquirrel liked post by BobbyLance On thread : SP choking me
      Like what Matte said, do not focus on your breathing. Focus on the other parts of your body like the beating of your heart, the blinking of your eyes, etc. All of the effects you experience in an SP...
      Liked On: 03-22-2016, 06:06 AM
    3. FlyingSquirrel
      FlyingSquirrel liked post by Matte87 On thread : SP choking me
      That's probably the most scary of all hallucinations you get from SP. By not focusing on the feeling and knowing that you're actually breathing fine, also knowing it's only your imagination, you...
      Liked On: 03-22-2016, 06:06 AM
    4. FlyingSquirrel
      FlyingSquirrel liked post by nina On thread : SP choking me
      When it comes to sleep paralysis, WILDing, lucid dreams, hypnagogia, etc. etc. here's a good rule of thumb that I've learned after years of experience: EVERYTHING IS TOTALLY NORMAL. No matter how...
      Liked On: 03-22-2016, 06:00 AM
    5. FlyingSquirrel
      FlyingSquirrel liked post by gab On thread : How do i keep my throat from feeling tight when attempting WILD
      I would say, same way as when you going to sleep normally. It's a common thing - when people lay down to WILD, they start really paying attention to their physical body and they are waiting for...
      Liked On: 03-22-2016, 05:50 AM
    6. FlyingSquirrel
      FlyingSquirrel liked post by sloth On thread : After 20 years, I think I have reached a new step in lucid dreaming: Communication!
      The older members here will remember me. I lucid dream several times a week, and have for about twenty years. I haven't been here in months, but I have been startled by an amazing accomplishment! ...
      Liked On: 03-19-2016, 08:20 PM
    7. FlyingSquirrel
      FlyingSquirrel liked post by Mzzkc On thread : Mzzkc's Comprehensive WILD Guide
      Hello! Welcome to my humble guide. In the paragraphs that follow, I'll be cataloging just about everything you need to know to have a successful WILD. I'm probably going to miss a few points, but...
      Liked On: 03-15-2016, 09:46 AM
    8. FlyingSquirrel
      FlyingSquirrel liked post by Sensei On thread : I am progressing quickly and am very determined
      In response to the second, the most important thing to LD is falling asleep, so it is important not to pay attention to the experience around you, falling asleep is forgetting your surroundings, so...
      Liked On: 03-15-2016, 09:40 AM
    9. FlyingSquirrel
      FlyingSquirrel liked post by TheUncanny On thread : Memory: the Forgotten Fundamental
      Here's another possibility to the bias. In general, I'd say that most oneironauts share the same two "ultimate goals" -- having complete dominion over the dream itself (when desired), and being able...
      Liked On: 03-14-2016, 07:48 AM
    10. FlyingSquirrel
      FlyingSquirrel liked post by cooleymd On thread : I am progressing quickly and am very determined
      give yourself some credit it probably took at least 2 seconds to do the digital watch check :) just remember to stay calm and try to do some kind of stabilization, rub hands, take in surroundings...
      Liked On: 03-14-2016, 04:31 AM
    11. FlyingSquirrel
      FlyingSquirrel liked post by Sensei On thread : I am progressing quickly and am very determined
      Congratulations! The first few times you LD have a high chance of being at the end of REM cycles, so don't let it get to ya, very normal to wake up when realizing it is a dream. :) If you...
      Liked On: 03-14-2016, 04:30 AM
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    Thank you Nina; this helps allot.

    by FlyingSquirrel on 03-22-2016 at 06:02 AM
    "When it comes to sleep paralysis, WILDing, lucid dreams, hypnagogia, etc. etc. here's a good rule of thumb that I've learned after years of experience: EVERYTHING IS TOTALLY NORMAL. No matter how bizarre or frightening things get, just remind yourself that it's all completely natural, your body does it every single night except you're usually never aware of it, and absolutely nothing can harm you.

    The reason you were feeling suffocated is because during sleep paralysis, the muscles of the chest become paralyzed with the rest of your body. So your breathing is more restricted, it may feel like their is pressure on the chest, or that your throat is tight. When you are asleep your breathing becomes much more slower and more shallow that what you are used to, so it can often feel as though you are suffocating, when really you are completely fine and have nothing to worry about. If you allow yourself to become scared or anxious, then you will wake your body up and ruin your chances of entering a lucid dream. Rather than thinking, "oh shit I can't breathe what's happening!" tell yourself something like, "ok my breathing is shallow, that's normal, I must be about to enter REM, cool, let's do this" (then focus your attention on something else like the hypnagogic imagery). Always try to direct your mind away from your body and any physiological changes, no matter how weird or alarming they might seem at the time. Good luck!"


    Updated 03-22-2016 at 06:55 AM by FlyingSquirrel
