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    Musician living in the desert with my wife and our menagerie of critters.
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    Music, Dogs, Spirituality
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    1. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked blog comment by GraySkiesABob On : Music Theme
      I wish i had a guitar stick that could sound like acoustic and electric :o are you familiar with a djentstick? definetely doesnt sound acoustic, but check out a wolf amongst ravens video by after the...
      Liked On: 02-10-2017, 04:07 PM
    2. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by fogelbise On thread : Odd finding?? Everyone using Awoken app, please chime in :)
      Congratulations GoCatDave! Here's to many more LD's (which will probably be from a variety of induction methods). WBTB is a huge help. @Sensei, I read back through your initial post here and...
      Liked On: 01-28-2017, 10:54 AM
    3. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by Sensei On thread : Odd finding?? Everyone using Awoken app, please chime in :)
      I think 2 years. If the OP is active and most participants then that is also fine to post. I recommend checking out this thread:...
      Liked On: 01-24-2017, 09:46 AM
    4. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by TeyrDream On thread : What is the most pointless thing you did while lucid?
      I was a horny teen a few years ago, and was losing lucidity and wanted to bang a chick at my school. I wasted the rest of the partial lucidity looking for a condom... ._.
      Liked On: 01-24-2017, 06:03 AM
    5. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by sparkley On thread : What is the most pointless thing you did while lucid?
      Oh. And ALSO, pretending to make chicken so my father won't get mad at me when I am about to fly.
      Liked On: 01-24-2017, 06:02 AM
    6. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by spellbee2 On thread : Hello everyone!
      Welcome to the forum, from one bee to another! :cheeky: As for writing down multiple DJ entries, it's ultimately up to you. I usually like to put all my dreams from one night in a single entry,...
      Liked On: 01-24-2017, 12:09 AM
    7. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by Sivason On thread : Help With Acronyms For Complete Beginners
      Welcome to Dream Views! I have put together a simple list you can refer to when you run into acronyms like WILD, HH, or RC. The concepts are kept extra basic on purpose. All of the induction...
      Liked On: 01-23-2017, 08:42 AM
    8. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by naturespirit On thread : Naturespirit`s non-dream related artwork
      http://i65.tinypic.com/smpqqa.png Just saw your post JadeGreen, I'll see what I can do! :)
      Liked On: 01-23-2017, 08:23 AM
    9. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by naturespirit On thread : Lucid Dreaming book reviews and recommendations
      I extremely recommend Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self by Robert Wagonner.
      Liked On: 01-23-2017, 07:36 AM
    10. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by BPlayer On thread : Lucid Dreaming book reviews and recommendations
      Dreams of Awakening by Charlie Morley is worth a try. Charlie gives new insights on lucid dreaming by not only discussing Western techniques but also Buddhist techniques. He wrote lots of new lucid...
      Liked On: 01-23-2017, 07:35 AM
    11. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by ezzolucid On thread : Lucid Dreaming book reviews and recommendations
      Hey, nothing wrong with necroposting if it helps someone :-) 'The Phase' by Michael Raduga is fantastic - it is all about DEILD (dream reentry)
      Liked On: 01-23-2017, 07:35 AM
    12. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by gab On thread : Lucid Dreaming book reviews and recommendations
      Free e-book https://alexdefoe.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/consciousness-beyond-the-body.pdf Just found it, didn't read it yet.
      Liked On: 01-23-2017, 07:35 AM
    13. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by gab On thread : Lucid Dreaming book reviews and recommendations
      I moved your posts here, guys. Read up on the books you mentioned. I have Gateway to LDing, and I really like it. If you need inspiration, just read around on the forum or join a competition Tasks...
      Liked On: 01-23-2017, 07:34 AM
    14. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by Matteftw On thread : Lucid Dreaming book reviews and recommendations
      Actually minutes before your reply i just purchased this exact book! Coincidence ;) Also bought me a special dream journal as well! Hope this will keep up my motivation!
      Liked On: 01-23-2017, 07:34 AM
    15. GoCatDave
      GoCatDave liked post by RelaxAndDream On thread : Lucid Dreaming book reviews and recommendations
      i really like : robert waggoner: lucid dreaming gateway to the inner self it is not about how to attain lucidity but what you can do with it. find your inner self, find out what is behind the...
      Liked On: 01-23-2017, 07:34 AM
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    View GoCatDave's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Incense Snack and Goodie Hunt

    by GoCatDave on 02-04-2017 at 11:56 AM
    2 fragments.

    Dreamt that I purchased a snack that came like sticks, perhaps Slim Jims. But when I bit into one I realized that I had purchased incense by mistake.

    Dreamt that someone had hidden treats, bags of coffee, small appliances, and other small prizes throughout a house. I along with a few other people participated in a competition, similar to an Easter Egg Hunt, where we raced throughout the house trying to find as many good prizes as we could. Many were chocolate sweets and seemed to be craving dark chocolate.

    Quaint Town, Strange Brothel in Cafe

    by GoCatDave on 01-30-2017 at 07:11 PM
    First thing I remember, I was sitting on a horse in a quaint town. There was another guy on a horse who was leading the way. He showed me how to speed up and we galloped through the town. He disappeared while we were riding. I stopped when I saw a boy trying to open a big warehouse door for a delivery. I helped him open the door and a man from inside the warehouse took it and secured it open. Then a large box was delivered (a piano?) A woman handed me a money order and said that I could cash it at the local bank and she gave me directions. I asked her about a bookstore in town. She told me there was a new one that would be opening tomorrow.

    I walked through the town admiring its quaintness and thinking that Peg and I might want to move here. I saw where the new bookstore would be opening. It was to be mostly a used book store. People walking on the street seemed to be pleasantly buzzed. I mentioned to a middle-aged, female, passerby that it was a little bit like the movie, The Stepford Wives. I was not sure if she would get the reference but she did and agreed with me.

    I went into a diner. I had a bag with clothes in it. I noticed a woman smoking at the table next to me. I asked her to confirm, “We can smoke in here?” At first, she seemed to think I was messing with her and kind of gave me a snarky response. Then I looked and saw that there were ashtrays on all the tables. I thought, “Peg would love this place.” I lit a cigarette and decided that I should take a selfie photo of me smoking a cigarette in a restaurant. By this point there were more people wandering up to nearby tables and chatting, mostly attractive women. I took the selfie and noticed that there was a flirtatious-looking woman in the background. It occurred to me that Peg might not be that happy with me hanging out at this place. I tried to text her the selfie on my phone but I could not find the photo. There were a bunch of photos that I had not seen before, of a wedding that my sister Christine had attended. I struggled with the phone for a minute but had to give up on sending the photo. (tech fail)

    Then an attractive woman approached me and asked me in a flirtatious manner if I wanted to go downstairs. I asked her what happens downstairs. She said something like, “Generous men buy subscriptions to our magazines.” I thanked her but said maybe another time. Then a young guy approached me and asked me about my refusal to go downstairs with the woman, intimating that I would have a good time. I told that man that I was married and politely refused. An older gentleman sitting nearby said that I should have gone downstairs but not engaged in anything saying that this would make me intriguing to them.

    I was getting ready to go and I started organizing the clothes I had in my bag. A middle-aged woman took my lunch tray and began walking off with it. I said that I still had to pay and she stopped. I worked out the payment with her. There was also a large pile of change that I had left on the tray. She tried to give it back to me but I told her to keep it as a donation to the women who were selling magazine subscriptions.

    I walked through a different room, intending to exit the restaurant through a different door. There were some little private boxes that were like free standing closets. I realized that men were meeting women in these boxes to chat privately before going downstairs. I ended up stepping into one of these boxes. It was a particularly small one, about the size of a phone booth. A woman stepped into the box and spoke with me for a minute explaining that the magazines were around $12 per issue. That seemed kind of expensive to me. But I said that I could probably buy a three-month subscription. We left the box and I was presumably going to meet her downstairs. But then I was captured by a group of men and put into a primitive box with sticks going through the top so the box could be carried by several men. I was afraid that they were going to send me to South America to be a slave.

    They brought me to a darkish room downstairs where there was an auction going on. They were auctioning off men for sexual encounters with men and women. I was not too happy about this. Some people told me that it was not that bad. One gave me a clear plastic glove to make things less messy.
    By then Peg had showed up and we discussed the pros and cons of the two of us working at a place like this. I guess it paid pretty well. But we would have to have sexual encounters with people of either sex. I think we were leaning against the idea. But then I woke up before we had decided.

    Updated 01-30-2017 at 07:17 PM by GoCatDave


    Alaska Snake Bite Bass

    by GoCatDave on 01-28-2017 at 10:20 PM
    I was in a house or an apartment. It might have belonged to my Dad. The floor was sand like at a beach. There were holes in the sand which seemed to be nests for snakes or insects or something. I was filling some of them up by moving sand around with my foot. My Dad asked if I could have it done by the time of some party he was planning. I said that I would try but that I wasn’t sure because it takes time.

    Then things changed so that I was no longer working on a sandy floor, but instead working on a bed or mattress, filling in dips and holes in the mattress. At one point our late dog Elvis was in one of the holes as I was moving pillows around and he came out.

    Then I was in Alaska on the road and I was running into travelers. Somebody was traveling with a bunch of young women who may have been prostitutes. I met a couple travelers who were headed to Oklahoma. They said they had begun their journey in Pennsylvania. I replied that they were really taking the long way. They said that they really wanted to visit Alaska.

    The scene changed. I might have still been in Alaska but I was at music club and I had been given an upright bass. I was just starting to fool around with it. There were two guys, one of whom had a beginner’s music book. They kept telling me to play different simple 3 note songs. At first I went along with it. But then I moved the upright bass over a divider into a corner of the room. As I moved the bass I made a joke to a man that was sitting close by that I hope I didn’t stick him in the privates with the stick-like stand that protrudes from the bottom of the bass.

    I began to play a David Lynch-type jazz scale. I was kind of managing to play that. Then Peg said that when I hit certain notes it hurt her feet or her knee. She was sitting close to the bass and it may have been bumping into her. But I said that I needed to hit those notes and asked her to be patient with me.

    So, I was playing that Lynchian piece and I had my hand high up on the neck of the bass and there were snakes up in the corner of the room and they began biting both of my arms repeatedly. I was okay, though. I posed for a photo for Peg, showing off the bites, because we thought it would look cool. Then she moved out of the way so a man from the press could take a photo.

    Felicia Day and Ketchup Reggae

    by GoCatDave on 01-28-2017 at 11:04 AM
    This dream was very creativity oriented. Felicia Day was visiting at a house/apartment where Peg and I lived. I asked her if she could recommend any good new video games to play. I mentioned that Peg was becoming bored with World of Warcraft. Felicia answered, “Oh anything.” Which I did not find helpful and which made me feel less connected with her, like she was aloof. The three of us were sitting on a big white couch watching something on TV. I was sitting in the middle. At one point Felicia re-positioned herself so that her head was resting on my knee. This made me feel more connected with her. But I was concerned that Peg would thing she was being overly familiar with her husband.

    Felicia shared that she had been feeling creatively blocked. I suggested that she tear up slips of paper, write down names of things on half of them and musical styles on the other half. Then pick one slip randomly from each half. This would produce results like ketchup and reggae. Then she should go and make herself write a song about ketchup in a reggae style.

    I think she liked the idea. I started considering using the idea myself. Then I was experimenting with art techniques like using static electricity to create patterns of strands of hair or fabric on a canvas. And I was walking through an art gallery where the paintings were large soft pastel-ish caricatures of rock musicians and I was thinking about doing a painting in a similar style.

    Mini Sports Car Joy Ride

    by GoCatDave on 01-25-2017 at 12:56 AM
    I was apparently at some sort of store where somebody was planning to steal a tiny miniature sports car about the size of a skateboard. They were going to cause a distraction and then steal it. But somehow, the distraction was caused but I ended up stealing it. I went out the back way, sat on the car and sped off and drove for a few blocks, pretty fast, low to the ground. Then I turned it around and drove back. When I returned to the store I tossed it to a friend who was there. I believe he took a ride on it too. I did not get in trouble.

    There was a mob meeting that I attended. We all wore different sorts of masks. Somebody was trying to say that I had done something bad like ratted on somebody and I was saying that I had not.
    non-lucid , dream fragment