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    1. Draeger
      Draeger liked post by Hecaloth On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      Being a hairy monkey that didnīt catch his fiancee falling from tall tower and wiping my body with birch leaves to smell fantastic again. :crying:
      Liked On: 08-13-2020, 03:40 PM
    2. Voldmer
      Voldmer liked post by Hecaloth On thread : A gratuitous self-congratulatory post
      Keep it up Voldmer :) @michael79 You can try to imagine that surroundings change as they would if you were flying - ground growing away. It helped me twice. :armflap:
      Liked On: 05-14-2020, 04:40 PM
    3. Lichi
      Lichi liked blog post by Hecaloth On : Dream in a dream fragment
      So I was in some house where are two groups of people, one was studying dreaming and other group were wizards all working together. People usually came here to have a lucid dream, funny. I spoke to...
      Liked On: 02-08-2020, 03:53 PM
    4. DarkestDarkness
      DarkestDarkness liked blog post by Hecaloth On : Princess of Desert
      Somewhere deep in the desert in a small camp of 19 men under the ridge of red rock.. 10292 The sun is burning and not moving, on the top of the ridge an unfamiliar rider appeared. "Soldiers!"...
      Liked On: 02-07-2020, 07:40 PM
    5. DarkestDarkness
      DarkestDarkness liked blog post by Hecaloth On : Dream in a dream fragment
      So I was in some house where are two groups of people, one was studying dreaming and other group were wizards all working together. People usually came here to have a lucid dream, funny. I spoke to...
      Liked On: 02-07-2020, 07:14 PM
    6. Lang
      Lang liked blog post by Hecaloth On : cool fragment
      There is a falconīs eye stone in my hand throwing shiny reflection. Was adoring itīs beauty moving it from side to side when I started to see reflection of some place in it. 10296 I moved with it...
      Liked On: 11-12-2019, 05:35 PM
    7. dolphin
      dolphin liked post by Hecaloth On thread : July 2019 Competition Thread
      Wow, I am simply amazed how many things you can do, like remember to ask someone something.. I have a lot to learn. :fly: And hope to compete in the future. Have a great night.
      Liked On: 10-18-2019, 06:55 AM
    8. Lang
      Lang liked blog post by Hecaloth On : First glimpse of lucidity
      February 2019 Itīs a day and I am walking with parents of my girlfriend and some other two guys to a table nearby small lake. There are four chairs and I am taking the chair on one side and they...
      Liked On: 09-13-2019, 06:50 PM
    9. Caradon
      Caradon liked post by Hecaloth On thread : Hello
      I am getting into lucid dreaming, had few but still working on it. I hope I find answers to my questions here and hopefuly i will be able to help someone else as well. Have a beautiful dreams and see...
      Liked On: 06-29-2019, 05:03 AM
    10. Lang
      Lang liked post by Hecaloth On thread : Hello
      I am getting into lucid dreaming, had few but still working on it. I hope I find answers to my questions here and hopefuly i will be able to help someone else as well. Have a beautiful dreams and see...
      Liked On: 06-18-2019, 10:50 PM
    View Hecaloth's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Dream in a dream fragment

    by Hecaloth on 02-07-2020 at 05:32 PM
    So I was in some house where are two groups of people, one was studying dreaming and other group were wizards all working together. People usually came here to have a lucid dream, funny. I spoke to one of the wizards, he was kind and put a spell on me. Go to sleep now, he told me so i laid down, closed my eyes and suddenly I was in other dream vividly flying over the city. Then I woke up from that one and I was telling the wizard how I regret I was just flying and havent done things that I really wanted to do in a lucid dream.. uncounscious of the fact I am still in a dream. He said I have still some time left before the spell ends, but it was only few minutes left so I left the house.

    Don't have to examine to see the message

    cool fragment

    by Hecaloth on 11-12-2019 at 12:56 PM
    There is a falconīs eye stone in my hand throwing shiny reflection.
    Was adoring itīs beauty moving it from side to side when I started to see reflection of some place in it.

    I moved with it and saw a different place, then next and after that I saw a water and a boat in it.
    I looked really closely and suddenly found myself underwater. It teleported me!
    dream fragment

    Princess of Desert

    by Hecaloth on 10-14-2019 at 02:20 PM
    Somewhere deep in the desert in a small camp of 19 men under the ridge of red rock..

    The sun is burning and not moving, on the top of the ridge an unfamiliar rider appeared. "Soldiers!" He screamed and in few seconds we saw silhouettes of another hundred riders of cavalry on the edge of the hill. I pulled out my repeating rifle with an old scope and aimed for the officers, got four of them down. They shot at us and then the whole cavalry rode down the hill. Few of our man who also had horses confronted their first lines to give us enough time to escape. I jumped on my horse and left the battlefield in a fast pace finding myself alone in desert after a while.

    I wander thru barren sandbanks. I see a small wooden house in the middle of nothing. When I got inside there was this weapon looking more like a rolled carpet. I hear shouting from outside and when I get out of the house I see a group of mongols on horses heading my direction. I again jump on the horse galloping away. This gun has a rope on it with two knocks that I pulled and released. I turned that against them and shot them all down in last second. There were Arabs watching me from a distance, they were camping among the old ruins. They came to me and invited me to join them. There was a beautiful woman with them, we talked for a while and I fell in love with her. I remember only her name. At night we all sat around a fire and she dissappeared in the dark between two sand pillars of the ruin. The chief of Arabs, her father said that they are heading to Iran for his daughter to marry Prince of Iran.

    When everyone went to sleep I jumped on my horse and quietly got inside the ruin and there she stood. „Letīs escape together to Europe.“ I said, she really wanted to but had to stay, because of the importance of the marriage.

    I only remember that I was rescuing this princess somewhere else and taking her to safety, then I woke up again and went back to sleep.. I am at the beggining of the dream, the cavalery is riding down the hill but this time I donīt run because I knew these guys were responsible for her imprisonment. I killed their commanders and the last one didnīt die even after two shots and shot back at me. I believe I dodged the shot.. I am lying down, but cannot move I have a sleep paralysis in a dream.

    In reality I googled her name and it is real persian feminine name but I have never heard it before.. also the picture attached.. it is from persian desert and looks almost identical.. do you have any experience with such a „glitch“?

    Lmk and have great dreams


    Updated 10-14-2019 at 02:29 PM by Hecaloth


    The falcon, wolf and the witch

    by Hecaloth on 09-18-2019 at 07:09 PM
    Somewhere deep in the forest, me and my companion exercise, then we take our bows and arrows and we practise archery. When we are finally good at it, two archers ambushed us. We hit them both with our arrows on first shot, it didn't hurt them, they were amazed how good we are and stopped shooting at us.
    Me and my companion changed form into two falcons and flew above the trees to a lake that was not so far from here. When we reached second shore we landed and changed back into humans. There were few log cabins built into each other. We walk inside, there are many dead valkyries on the wooden floor and in the very end of the building there is a hole in the floor and a big rattlesnake in it. My companion jumped inside (in that moment i experienced my companion's point of view) he catches the rattlesnake by the neck right under the head with no fear and tears the head apart from body. We walk outside the building, there are like 10 warriors men and women with swords taking positions and preparing for defense of this building.
    They are coming, it is like twenty enemy soldiers running to us. We shoot them with our bows but it's not enough, another dozens of enemies are incoming. When our front lines fell my companion and I drew our swords and ran into them. After we slaied many the rest retreated.
    My friend decided to stay with those who survived. I agreed and changed the form into falcon again and flew across the lake to a small island in the very middle. I am landing on the shore and transforming myself into wolf running along narrow path leading deeper into island where I meet a witch, she has brown hair and a red dress. I am asking her about rangers and their abilities (telekinesis, pyrokinesis and telepathy). "It is so and you can learn it" she said. Then i hear somebody coming so I try to hide but he sees me so i show him my middle finger and he says "I am a pyromancer" and starts to show me how to create a fireball. I am trying it as well but first, there is just a small flame coming out of my palm and with enough concentration it changes into fireball and I am happy although it's structure looks more like a red bacteriaball. Then we speek of arrows and the witch says there is a spell to create them. She brings a wooden bowl full of salt and puts some arrowheads inside. I only remember having look at the elvish arrowhead in my hand with a beautiful shape I haven't seen before and then I woke up.

    Updated 09-19-2019 at 07:30 AM by Hecaloth


    First lucid dream

    by Hecaloth on 09-16-2019 at 06:40 PM
    18th of February

    I am at my old home packing my stuff into backpack. I want to leave because others think i am gay but I am not. I left the house and walked down the street and I jumped really high and flew away, cant recall where exactly but I remember I flew nearby big tower where I asked some guy how to get home and he pointed some direction which I didn't think is the right one so I continued my own direction.

    After a while I reached my house, it's a big house and I am floating in front of our window (5th floor), my sister sees me and smiles then goes for mother and she takes a photo of me, then i knocked on the window and they openned and let me inside. It looks different here I walk inside the room for our maids and there is this ginger haired girl who told me " So it was you who did it to me" (I think it was the same girl i made love with last dream, same night) then I went to my room and became lucid so i went back to maids room. There were two older maids and seven ginger haired girls (also maids) I asked which one is the one I slept with last night, but none answered so i started to look in their faces but I didnt recognize her. I wanted to tell her that we are in a dream.. The older maids were asking me what is going on. I didn't want to tell them and i just said " I would never believe it can be so real" i almost started to cry be ause of how powerful the experience was and then my sight started to fade and I felt like I am about to wake up for real. They took me to main hall and put me in bed. Closed my eyes and could feel my physical body I was shifting between dream and reality and few seconds later I returned to that dream. I get up and go to the living room where I am fully aware that I am in a dream, everything looks so real. There are some guests and some small brown haired boy walked out of the kitchen. I stopped him and told him that we are in a dream. He looked at me and said "Come with me I prepared something for you." He took me by the hand and we walked outside on our balcony. We started to fly high into the sky a minute later he asked me to fly a little bit lower. I could see big hills covered with forest and great lake in front of it. Then I noticed that waterskies appeared on our feet and we skied across the lake together.

    Updated 09-19-2019 at 07:31 AM by Hecaloth

    lucid , memorable