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      Haha nice profile pic... I an trying your FAILD technique tonight. I'll pm you the results.
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      I love your profile picture.The funniest so far in DV.
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      Hi, I am Interested in your WILD lucid dreaming group and would love to be apart of it! I wake up after almost every dream cycle while sleeping, able to recall my dream. I recently decided that I should start trying to wbtb + wild since I could try around 4 times a night. I have had a couple wilds before and would appreciate being apart of your group.

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    About iFatal

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    June 24, 1997 (26)
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    I like to skateboard and Lucid dream
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    Current status: Practicing my WILD method.

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    Page 1 of 2 1 2 LastLast
    1. LifeGoneWild
      LifeGoneWild liked post by iFatal On thread : falling asleep during wild and wild not working!!
      First make sure you actually get out of bed for at least 1 minute. If you are just waking up in the middle of the night and staying up for only 10 seconds then trying to wild then you are obviously...
      Liked On: 12-08-2016, 04:00 PM
    2. starletdreamer
      starletdreamer liked post by iFatal On thread : iFaTaL's Fatal LD Tutorial (FAILD)
      Intro This is a technique that is working REALLY good for me (That I made up in a way) Now as you do the technique you wont always become lucid from a False Awakening but it is what you will...
      Liked On: 09-26-2014, 05:44 PM
    3. Miguelinileugim
      Miguelinileugim liked post by iFatal On thread : falling asleep during wild and wild not working!!
      First make sure you actually get out of bed for at least 1 minute. If you are just waking up in the middle of the night and staying up for only 10 seconds then trying to wild then you are obviously...
      Liked On: 01-15-2013, 07:32 AM
    4. MarineRecon
      MarineRecon liked post by iFatal On thread : iFaTaL's Fatal LD Tutorial (FAILD)
      Intro This is a technique that is working REALLY good for me (That I made up in a way) Now as you do the technique you wont always become lucid from a False Awakening but it is what you will...
      Liked On: 12-16-2012, 06:33 AM
    5. StaySharp
      StaySharp liked post by iFatal On thread : Using Dreams to Recall Forgotten Thoughts.
      I've been thinking about something for awhile and I wanted to do some research on it with everyone here at Dreamviews. This thing I have been thinking is using your dreams to recall forgotten...
      Liked On: 01-27-2012, 07:04 PM
    6. Linkzelda41
      Linkzelda41 liked post by iFatal On thread : iFaTaL's Fatal LD Tutorial (FAILD)
      Intro This is a technique that is working REALLY good for me (That I made up in a way) Now as you do the technique you wont always become lucid from a False Awakening but it is what you will...
      Liked On: 10-28-2011, 05:10 AM
    7. Xox
      Xox liked post by iFatal On thread : The New iPad 2!!!!
      I just love the new design. The first iPad looked like this: http://cdn.venturebeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/apple_ipad_2.jpg And now it looks like this: ...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:11 PM
    8. Surukien
      Surukien liked post by iFatal On thread : Falling into Sleep Paralysis
      I have a fan that makes a white noise I can fall asleep easily with that on. If you do decide to use some music I suggest you use speakers so you don't have to have things in/ on your ears. And if...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    9. olgra009
      olgra009 liked post by iFatal On thread : What technique do you use?
      For flying I just jump up in the air and I start flying I need to work on my dream control though because I can't summon things.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. Mantralucide
      Mantralucide liked post by iFatal On thread : ridiculous dreams not making me RC
      Well when your dreaming, the logic center of your brain turns off. (From what I have read). This is why it's hard to recognize things like a giant horse chasing you. I'm going to test something out...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    11. gameoverlord345
      gameoverlord345 liked post by iFatal On thread : How do i wake up after every dream??
      First, you have to be aware enough in the dream to realize that the dream is ending that way, you will remember not to open your eyes or move. You can also train yourself to recognize the back of...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    12. Shadow27
      Shadow27 liked post by iFatal On thread : Sleep Paraylsysi: Awareness shift
      Also try not to think about it to hard. Just lay back and relax. If your thinking about SP then you can't go to sleep and if you can't go to sleep, then you can't wild.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    13. Shadow27
      Shadow27 liked post by iFatal On thread : Lucid Dream Groups
      Hey Today I was thinking... "Wouldn't it be cool to have your own group with people who are determined to lucid dream. A small group where people can share there LD experiences and post there...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    14. ElectaGuitar
      ElectaGuitar liked post by iFatal On thread : Dream Within a dream theory
      In my opinion you can't have a dream in a dream. If you are dreaming that you fall sleep in that dream and dream it's basically just the same dream turning into that dream you think is another dream....
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    15. deepsleep
      deepsleep liked post by iFatal On thread : iFaTaL's Fatal LD Tutorial (FAILD)
      Intro This is a technique that is working REALLY good for me (That I made up in a way) Now as you do the technique you wont always become lucid from a False Awakening but it is what you will...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    View iFatal's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Not so much a DJ entry

    by iFatal on 04-12-2013 at 04:08 AM
    Today is April 11th, 2013 and I am currently 15 years old.

    For the past couple years, I've been inactive in my Lucid Dreaming practices unfortunately. My friend Austin just called me up asking about lucid dreaming though. He's curiosity got me thinking to get back into lucid dreaming so I just spent time reading through my current real DJ entries laughing about my fails and wins of LD'ing.

    I got a new house, new room, new school and now a new chance to get back into lucid dreaming.
    Maybe this time I'll succeed .

    Weird 20th lucid

    by iFatal on 12-13-2011 at 06:38 AM
    My dream started off in some type of hotel. Kind of unusual because there was a swimming pool in the bathroom and an unusual shower. (You will find out in a second).

    This dream was weird because I thought it was reality and the shower in the bathroom acted as some type WILD device. I would stand in the shower and think of the type of dream I would like too experience and the shower would some how turn "reality" into a lucid dream.

    This is how it happened.

    (this is semi - lucid)
    I was in the shower wanting a lucid dream. Being a 15 year old, I said in the shower, that I wanted to look very attractive and be right next to a hot girl.

    The shower surprisingly worked it's magic and got me that lucid dream. I don't remember much after this but I do remember my self looking very attractive and there was a hot girl in a bikini right next to me.

    The dream sadly faded and the next thing I remember was me back at the hotel.

    (this part right here again is semi - lucid)
    I am back the hotel and there is icicles around the swimming pool. I remember my self thinking that if I bring the icicle in the shower with me, it would give me another lucid dream because I had that icicle to look at or something.

    That was my weird 20th lucid.
    lucid , non-lucid

    14th Lucid

    by iFatal on 03-12-2011 at 02:21 AM
    14th Lucid

    I wake up, just got out of a vivid dream. I say to myself, "The next time I go into a dream I will be come lucid."

    I go back into a dream being aware right as the dream began. I was in my room. I did three reality checks. The nose plug, hand, and finger through palm. All failed but because I was aware right when the dream started, I still knew I was dreaming. I tried to walk straight out of my window to go outside. That failed to. I opened up my door and walked to the front door. The dream started to go away so I stood still. It started to come back. Once it came back I tried to walk straight through the front door too but that failed. I just opened it up.

    I fly into the sky and see that my sister is by my side. There is a huge tree in from of my house that is not suppose to be there. I fly to the top of my house finding it difficult because there was a lot of wind outside. A lot of houses were also on fire!? It was a beautiful day too.

    I look to the next house determined to fly over to it. I jump up into the air but then get knocked back down to roof of my house by the wind. I gave up and flew back down to the ground. There was also a sign on the huge tree giving me instructions on how to fly down. It was like a video game almost. It said, "Kick down to fly down" or something like that.

    I was on the ground now with my sister. We started jumping around the backyard because it was too hard to fly. I finally imagined I was wearing the Iron Man suite and to my surprise it worked really well. I was able to fly around my neighborhood but then decided to fly back down to the ground. Me and my sister and my brother (who came along) started running around the neighbor hood jumping on things while I started to have random weapons appear in my hand.

    When we got to a corner, me my brother and sister saw someone running towards us saying if we didn't stop he would pull down his pants. I got kinda freaked out and started to imagine a gun. I pointed out the ground say things like, "Gun!" My little brother was able to get a gun but missed the guy who was running towards us. He started taking off his shirt.

    I finally put my hands behind my back and thought, "Ok, when I see my hands, there will be a gun." It worked. I shot at the guy that was chasing us and stopped and looked at me kinda confused. I was also confused because he wasn't dying. I look more closely at the gun and turns out it was just a be-be gun.

    I finally just picked up my brothers gun who for some reason didn't reload it and as I re-loaded it and pointed at the guy who was now getting closer, my brother kept on getting in the way so I couldn't shoot him. I started saying, "Get out of the way!" and right when I shot him, I woke up.

    Updated 03-22-2011 at 11:12 PM by iFatal


    Vivid Dream (2-24-11)

    by iFatal on 02-25-2011 at 12:30 AM
    Vivid Dream (2-24-11)

    After a failed WILD attempt, I had a very detailed vivid dream.

    I was at an ice rink where me and my friends were skating and we were about to leave. I out the door and we were outside and it's night time. I forget my ice skates so I go back inside to look for them. After looking for them, I go back out the door and i'm in my school. I see a 9th grader that goes on my buss and he is wearing like some type of air bag on his back that allows him to jump really high.

    A random kid comes up to me and says something like, "That suit makes him weigh only 10 pounds."

    I wake up from my vibrating cellphone.

    Vivid Dream (2-23-11)

    by iFatal on 02-24-2011 at 04:07 AM
    Vivid Dream (2-23-11)

    This is after a failed WILD attempt.

    I was in a dream and in that dream I felt like I had been to the exact dream before.

    The dream was basically a secret passage into an area where I think I (And my friends.) had to blow up. (I say this because my friend had some sort of bomb.)

    The passage consisted of multiple tunnels that we had to crawl through. There was also a guy at the beginning that threatened to do something to me if I didn't show him how to get in the secret passage way.

    Because I had a dream like this before, (I think) I new how to get through the tunnels. There were also dead ends everywhere and the passage ways were kind of like a maze.

    As me and my friends made it through the maze, we made it to a part where in the maze, there was a party where kids at my school where. There was pizza, drinks and everything.

    I sat down and talked to my friends. I woke up to my vibrating cellphone.

    Updated 02-25-2011 at 12:30 AM by iFatal

    non-lucid , memorable