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    September 29, 1993 (30)
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    Yo! I am Terramine Light, I am Agnostic Atheist, Anti-Theist, Egalitarian, Trans-Intellectual, Bidemisexual. I am a musician, I also make digital art. I love music and art in general, working out, debate, discussion, anime, homestuck, mass effect, etc.

    I'm trying to master lucid dreaming of course.

    Libra sun, Pisces moon, Scorpio rising. ENFJ. Lord of Light. Caste: Indigo Blood
    Multiverse, Type 3
    I don't have hobbies, I have dreams and passions.
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    1. Darkmatters
      Darkmatters liked post by IronicAtheist On thread : Dreams being other worlds, OBEs, Dream Sharing, etc
      I'm not so sure about this random youtube video, im not sure about that dactor. The video is also skipping, things could be taken out of context. And just in general this is not a very credible...
      Liked On: 08-21-2014, 01:50 AM
    2. StephL
      StephL liked post by IronicAtheist On thread : Dreams being other worlds, OBEs, Dream Sharing, etc
      I'm not so sure about this random youtube video, im not sure about that dactor. The video is also skipping, things could be taken out of context. And just in general this is not a very credible...
      Liked On: 08-20-2014, 04:14 PM
    3. Darkmatters
      Darkmatters liked post by IronicAtheist On thread : Dreams being other worlds, OBEs, Dream Sharing, etc
      So this is going to be, a critique thread if you will. My addressing these different ideas. I don't see this as particularly off topic, it is very on topic to this sub forum. I also am not trying to...
      Liked On: 08-19-2014, 10:34 PM
    4. Mikasan527
      Mikasan527 liked post by IronicAtheist On thread : 3 new lucid dreams!
      So, I've had 3 different lucid dreams since the last time I've been here. 2 around the same time a few weeks ago, and the third one just last night. The 2 before were fairly vivid, and this is where...
      Liked On: 04-09-2013, 01:47 PM
    5. djmarkspence
      djmarkspence liked post by IronicAtheist On thread : Losing lucidty possible?
      I was wondering if losing lucidity during a dream is possible? You see during dreams, I can remember a lot of details... including for example the intentions my dream-self had when doing something,...
      Liked On: 02-08-2013, 08:48 AM
    6. dutchraptor
      dutchraptor liked post by IronicAtheist On thread : Yo, I joined.... also body moving?
      Thanks guys, good stuff, happy Lucidity!
      Liked On: 01-20-2013, 10:20 PM
    View IronicAtheist's Dream Journal

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    Lucid Dream Research 10/9/2014

    by IronicAtheist on 10-09-2014 at 06:57 AM
    I had a lucid dream. Note however that I wanted to test to see if going with the flow of things as if I were in a real world would improve dream stability. This doesn't mean I didn't express control over the dreamscape, but I did so based on my whim. On what I wanted and desired. If I did anything strictly out of logic, it was simply AVOIDING doing this or that for the sake of avoiding losing dream stability early. But this also means that the dream was decided the same way real life is to an extent, if something made me emotionally react that would propel my behavior and the dream as a whole down that way. So basically, if someone insulted me for instance I would react like I would in real life. Probably fighting them, street style. Also note that another reason for going with the flow of the dream, is to leave dream symbolism in tact. So as to be able to still use dreams to interpret what is going on with me mentally.

    It wasn't lucid automatically, what happened was I woke up in my bed(in the dream) and I got up, went into the living room and a female friend who I have feelings for was there, as was another chick I didn't know. I acknowledged my friend first hand, I told her I didn't realize she was here. She was like "duh". But then she moved and sat into the lap of the other chick, and they made out. This messed with me, I told her I thought she was asexual and she was like "well I lied" now I reacted emotionally because seeing that was very much so troubling to see. I wanted to escape the situation and apparently what happened was my brain did just that, ejected me out of that dream scene and I ended up waking up in my bed again. Instead this time, the bed was placed in a hallway on the other side of the living room from the side that led to the original bed I woke up in. This bed was placed by the entrance of the house. But suddenly there were loads of people, of all kinds. There were cowboys and modern teens, there was even a stereotypically old man who was having difficulty walking and he fell from having trouble walking due to his physical condition from being old. So it was distressing me, I was worried it was going to fuck with my dream stability. So I jotted out the door, to the outside.

    In front of me was a walking path made of cement, and lots of trees in the background. So I walked down the walkway, on the side the house was on, there was the ocean in all it's vast glory. Now during the dream I was testing things, I summoned people, using the power of expectation. If I made any demands of my subconscious or of individuals in my dream, it would only go as expected if... as I said... I expected something in the first place lmao. What is more is that they all appeared in a seamless way. My friend left the trailer as I turned around intentionally with the expectation for her to show up again. My mom by turning around again. So then I started following the walking path, my friend and my mom started following me. The path was basically just trees on one side, the ocean on the other and it stretched out for like a quarter mile. It came to a mountain with a big hole in it, with a wooden walk way leading inside, that lifted above the ground. As we walked into this cave, I started seeing massive cockroaches. I reasoned it as making sense because there are big versions of species all over the world, they otherwise might've been small from your location. Rats and ants are examples in the real world. So I reasoned, this is where my subconscious based them on.

    Now halfway down this wooden pathway, my mom tells me to remember that my bro is waiting for me back at the van. Note, that there was no van back at the house and also never any mention my bro was waiting for me. So this was all out of the blue. But instead of walking back down the pathway right away, I went ahead and summoned my bro expecting him to be as if what my mom said was true. That me and him were going somewhere, and sure enough as I turned around there he was telling me to come on because he's been waiting for me. So I go with him, backtracking on the path. Now when we arrive at the end of the wooden path, things are different. There's trees all around us, the cement walkway is now pointing to the RIGHT of the cave instead of continuing the wooden walkway. The van is there, and so is this square structure with a door.

    My bro gets in the van, but as he does so a lady comes through the door of the structure. I decide, that I've been satisfied with my success so far that I might as well take things up a notch and test dream sex, see how well the dream stability stays in tact. So I demanded that she have sex with me, with the expectation that she would comply. She just stood there, so I went to do something and she didn't resist. So what I did was, I fondled her breasts and I could feel it and everything. The sensation didn't affect the dream's stability, it was perfectly stable... UNTIL I started feeling lust. That was probably too intense for my current Lucid ability. The sensation triggered my lust, making it build up. This is a physical sensation to my real life body laying in my real life bed, so it starts destabilizing the dream and I wake up.

    So with that I will conclude massive success in general. The dream stayed perfectly stable for a whole hour in real life. I cannot have dream sex yet, but it's almost the final frontier basically. If I can master that, not much will wake me up. Not even massive battles against the Reapers themselves.

    Some final notes: During the whole dream, I purposely was semi-going along with the dream like you see in Inception. This kept the dream vastly more stable. When I think about it that movie was actually pretty great in terms of speculation. It's almost as if they knew that messing with the dream and the flow of things, risks dream stability and therefore risks waking you up. All you need to add to the picture then, is shared dreaming where the dream isn't maintained by you, and as you start to destabilize things YOU simply get tossed out forcefully by being killed.