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    10-22-2015 08:23 PM
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    1. LouaiB
      LouaiB liked post by Iskatu On thread : If you post in this thread you will have a lucid dream tonight!
      Tonight I didn't hope that much I was gonna have a lucid dream, but I just discovered this thread and couldn't resist trying :)
      Liked On: 07-22-2015, 05:24 PM
    2. Kaitakaro
      Kaitakaro liked post by Iskatu On thread : How influenced by movies are our dreams?
      Lately I've been thinking about this. There are some elements of my dreams that flow as normal life/time would, in first person and with a "natural" sense. However, sometimes I can appreciate fun...
      Liked On: 07-09-2015, 06:14 PM
    3. Sensei
      Sensei liked post by Iskatu On thread : How influenced by movies are our dreams?
      Lately I've been thinking about this. There are some elements of my dreams that flow as normal life/time would, in first person and with a "natural" sense. However, sometimes I can appreciate fun...
      Liked On: 07-09-2015, 05:17 PM
    4. Patience108
      Patience108 liked post by Iskatu On thread : Tell me about successful Reality Checks you've done!
      I've started practicing again recently, so I can talk about myself as a newbie. Even though, I remember about 4 or 5 lucid dreams I've had in the last years, and the best memory I have of them is...
      Liked On: 07-07-2015, 07:57 PM
    5. robertcox88
      robertcox88 liked post by Iskatu On thread : Do your dreams generally have a similar quality (not common detail) between your dreams?
      Thanks! Actually it was :D Last one, I was at the edge of the remaining civilization of a half destroyed earth. Before me, I could see a great wasteland filled with smoking craters, ruins and some...
      Liked On: 06-04-2015, 05:50 AM
    6. Odahviing
      Odahviing liked post by Iskatu On thread : Tell me about successful Reality Checks you've done!
      I've started practicing again recently, so I can talk about myself as a newbie. Even though, I remember about 4 or 5 lucid dreams I've had in the last years, and the best memory I have of them is...
      Liked On: 06-01-2015, 12:56 AM
    7. dutchraptor
      dutchraptor liked post by Iskatu On thread : I keep dreaming of the same girl, and now I love her. Can you fall in love in dreams?
      I understand your experience, I haven't lived it that strong, but something similar happens to me. Sometimes, I dream about someone. This could be any person I know, maybe even someone I don't...
      Liked On: 05-28-2015, 04:14 PM
    View Iskatu's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Dreams from May 5

    by Iskatu on 07-06-2015 at 11:00 PM
    I had these dreams the 5th of May.

    One: I'm in the top of a buiding, about 4 or 5 floors high. It's still under construction, so there's no stairs or anything I can use to go down. Only pillars an the concrete floors. Is already dark and I feel I have to go down, but I cant. I look for a way to jump from floor to floor, but there's no safe way. I realize later that there's more people walking around, in the same building, but they don't pay attention. Each one walks or simply stands alone, looking around or thinking.

    Two: I'm in the country yard of my old high school, sitting on a chair. There's a circle of people also sitting in a circle with me, like in a debate. We're talking about dreams, our motivations, etc. One of those persons is a famous actor from my home country, and he's leading the discussion. Suddenly, he interrupts the conversation violently to ask me why I'm there with them. I answer that I'm there because I simply enjoy my dreams. He nods calmly and says "Me too".

    The Festival

    by Iskatu on 06-15-2015 at 08:33 PM
    I was in a festival in a small town a bit far from mine (I don't recognised exactly which). It was already dark, the town was full of colourful lights and music, and everyone were out partying. I was with my girlfriend and some other people, and I suddenly realized that we didn't have a way to get back home at the end of the night. I phoned my dad because he took us there and he could still be around, but he was gone and he had already arrived my hometown. I took a look on my cell looking for someone from my hometown who could be there, but I found no one (and it was really hard for me to use my cell). I stayed for a while thinking how to go back later, but finally I didn't mind about it and kept partying.

    [Time lapse]
    After some hours I'm walking the streets, now with some different friends. One of them has the looking she had years ago, when I first met her. We leave the festival, like we are going home, but I don't really know whose home are we going to. After the dream, I realized those streets were similar to some from my hometown.

    [Time lapse]
    We arrive a place made of wood, looks like a skiing resort, but I don't remember going that high. There's many people with elegant clothing, and I think I wasn't with my friends by then. There, still outdoors in front of the main entrance, I find an extrange pice of furniture designed to keep hats on it. They are all the same; white fancy sailor's hats, with golden cords and emblems. They look so ridiculous to me that I start climbing the selfs, steping over those hats and laughing.

    [Time lapse]
    I'm in the front of a house, still dark, and there are some people who I can't recognise. Suddenly, a furious man comes, holds one of my legs (making me fall to the ground) and starts pulling me to the street. Then, hidden next to a car, he takes a long PVC pipe and holds it over his head, threatening to hit me. In that moment, a friend appeared (now awaken I don't recognise him), took that PVC pipe away from the furious man and threw him to the ground. The man who tried to hit me started then yelling about how we couldn't hit him because of him being someone very important. Then, suddenly, I see an scene (I'm not there) of that man in a hospital bed.