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    1. View Conversation
      ohhh I hope your heart didnt fall lol!
    2. View Conversation
      you mean the shared dream b/w me and Katsuno?
    3. No never heard of it. The flying around the floating buildings and fireballs (a new command added to our server a few days before that dream) came from too much Minecraft. The world did appear to be quite similar to that video game when it came to terrain.
    4. View Conversation
      Oh geez, look at yours and Aqua's Dream. You dreamt of having someone shoot fireballs at you at chichen-itza, she dreamt of shooting fireballs at someone at chichen itza.
    5. View Conversation
      Have you heard of the movie: Raw 30 Days?
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    About joshdamighty
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    I need to sleep more....
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    Guitar, Basketball, Video Games, paintball, dreaming, collecting knives and swords.
    How you found us:
    I dreamed about it and here it was. (JK Google :D)


    Dream Goals:
    ()Dogfight Warhawks style (A+) Generate custom surroundings ()Fight Dragons from Skyrim (Mastered) Use Mirrors, doors, teleportation, and flying to travel. () Go to Sword Art Online (A+) Falcon Kick something
    () Falcon Punch something (Mastered) Use the force (A) Use shouts from Skyrim () Use maneuver gear from Attack on Titan () Use Alchemy like from Full Metal Alchemist


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    Creepers gun'... Go to Last Comment
    09-22-2012  07:40 AM
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    11-28-2011  02:54 AM
    View joshdamighty's Dream Journal

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    Creepers gun' creep! (no date recorded)

    by joshdamighty on 09-22-2012 at 07:40 AM
    This dream perspective was me and a friend of mine, sitting in the dark on a laptop, and I was watching him play minecraft. About when he started playing, the perspective changed to the players screen being all I could see hear or feel. He was with other players and they were on an expedition to find diamond (pretty average for minecraft actually). He went underground and eventually lost his group. When he got plenty of iron, he started digging faster and faster and then...


    *picture sums it up*

    He started finding creepers everywhere and they weren't hard to fight off at first, but they got to be in groups of two or three at a time. Digging became difficult and soon they're everywhere and we could only run. We ran for a good while, but not back the way we came, but down further into the mine.

    We hit a room that had some sort of vessel in it and creeper print on the outside of it and two diamond were inside! Then, a super creeper came out of this vessel and he was dark bluish colored and had bright green eyes! We found two diamond in the room before the creepers came in. He ran back the way we came, dodging creepers left nad right, but when he reached a dead end, there would be a dark brown block that would teleport him to a higher section of the mine and closer to the start. He grabbed the last one and we teleported out.

    We weren't exactly back with the expedition as we planned, but instead the start of the mine was flooded! We swam to the base (a floating ship) and told the crew of the vessel that contained two diamond. They excitedly stored them in a vault. We found out we could craft movies and dvd discs out of iron on minecraft next, and we started making minecraft videos on minecraft with the craftable dvds and playing them on the minecraft ship's dvd player (still in minecraft game). The rest of the dream was us making videos of minecraft, on minecraft.

    May not look like it, but this dream was pretty intense! Creepers everywhere O_O
    non-lucid , memorable

    Because I'm Batman. 8-5-2012

    by joshdamighty on 09-22-2012 at 07:20 AM
    *I haven't been typing my dreams online lately but I have written them down. So I am about to go on a typing spree to catch up on posting them.*

    It started with me in a theater and a new batman movie was coming out. We got the tickets and went into the theater and after the movie started I don't remember what happened but it transitioned to me in the bat-cave as batman.

    I rush to a scene and scale a huge skyscraper, and there were cops at the top. Cat women I noticed, was also climbing the building and when I got to the top I fought some bad guys and then the cops started coming for me. They pointed their guns at me and I jumped behind an air-conditioning unit and searched around the roof for an exit. I jumped off the ac unit, ran toward cover, and jumped off the roof.

    I don't quite remember the transition to the bat cave, but when I got there, I undressed from the Bat-suit and I was in my underwear! I thought I would have some pants on under this suit. As I walked toward my room to get some clothes, I heard cat woman walk into the cave. I hurried back to get dressed and then walked back out in a suit, looking like Bruce Wayne. The next thing we did, was go invade the villains base. We had to invade a base in an extremely tall tree with a dome-like building near the top of it. We fought some bad guys, saved the world, and then said some corny one-liners before the scene changed to me in the theater watching the ending credits!

    Another scene of my head movie that night involved me fighting some 7' tall mafia dude for sport. I won and he complimented me over my skill and strength.

    Pretty fun dream.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Lucid-Pocket God moment and the elevator of death

    by joshdamighty on 07-26-2012 at 06:10 AM
    The dream started with me in a business office building and I got on an elevator. the elevator was surrounded by glass and moved fast. Suddenly, it started spinning sideways around me and two other people out of control. We were still in place some how as if we were floating, but the elevator car wasn't rectangle shaped it was an oddly shaped polygon and would hit us over and over again even if we tried to avoid it.

    When we got to the first floor and other people started to watch in fear, I took my chances and dove off the elevator car and was hit many times on the way out. I lay out in the open and look back at the other two that didn't jump and the elevator was still spinning in place even though it wasn't plummeting down. The people looked up at me with fear in their eyes as the elevator car hit them over and over again and I could see them losing their strength. Then, some workers tried to run up and turn it off and two guys dressed like construction workers jumped in to save the two people and the people jumped out, but then right as the construction workers were about to jump out, this giant arc of electricity shot out and a boom went off. The elevator picked up speed and the workers started floating toward the top of the elevator car.

    Then more lightning and electricity and the people were being fried by it and I just stared in horror. Right when it didn't seem it could get any worse, flames burst out in every direction and the elevator car caught on fire and in this moment, the scene of all this chaos made me realize this had to be a dream.


    So I turned and looked at a clock twice and at a closer examination it did change (unlike most dreams where that reality check doesn't work), and my hands weren't misshaped. So I figured I'll just fly then. I jumped up and failed the first time, got mad, and then jumped with more grunting and frustration and I launched.

    I flew high above the building and outside was a magnificent view of a sunset with reds and oranges blended in and a 360 degree view of it with cities off in the distance. I notice the sunset is about to go away and I point at it like I would in Pocket God, and I lower my finger and make it dark and the moon comes up. Then I grab the moon and lower it until the sun comes up and I raise the sun much higher until the scene looks good.

    I then make it dark and make some lightning strikes and laugh while enjoying myself. I then think that I should try out a dream goal and I fly to a city in the distance and start to realize the dream is almost over when I get there so I just observe some of the city for a minute and my alarm goes off.

    Great dream, haven't been lucid in a long time so this was a great feeling.
    lucid , memorable

    Freak deer and SUPER SHOUT - lucid

    by joshdamighty on 06-23-2012 at 04:59 PM

    I barely remember the dream before this point but it was awesome.

    We were at my old house from two years ago and my old dog was even there.
    There were some strange raccoons in the backyard and my dad shot one and the rest ran off.

    These weren't raccoons, they were freak deer with raccoon shaped things on their heads. The raccoon parts of their heads are near useless and made no sense.

    When we walked out in the open some more came out into the open and right about then, I realized I was dreaming.


    Then a fawn came up to me and I yelled, " FALCON, KICK!!!!!" and kicked it and it flew, FAR.
    I guess the mom of that fawn was pissed, because a big freak deer came toward me. It had its huge sheep-like teeth showing and would stay 2 feet from me and block my way when I wanted to walk somewhere.

    I then sucked in all the air I could and then yelled, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! !!" and made this mega shout that made trees push back, bird feeders fly, and most importantly, that deer flew over the woods!

    After that, I flew straight up to observe the landscape around me. I flew above the clouds and there were two mountains off in the distance that had a roller coaster around them. I saw lots of tall buildings with neon lights, floating islands, hills and landscape, and random street signs floating around. I turned around and flew a different direction and there were streets and traffic lights above the clouds and then everything started fading and I woke up.
    lucid , memorable

    Today I passed out from low blood sugar this is what i experienced *dream and reality*

    by joshdamighty on 06-14-2012 at 06:53 AM
    The following is a true story of a near-death experience I experienced today...

    I won't go into details about the passing out part because it really isn't important.

    Today I passed out from low blood sugar and while unconscious i dreamed this:

    I was on clouds, I was surrounded by endless mist and clouds. I had no idea how I got there, where I was before this, and no knowledge of ever falling asleep. It felt real as real gets. I was floating above endless landscape but in the clouds only, no closer. I thought, I was just living how did I get here? Am I dead? I thought I might be due to the odd circumstances and that I couldn't wake up from this dreamlike world.

    Was I ever living? What am I now? Am I still human or some sort of spirit-being? I then heard voices, "it will be alright." Who is that I asked? No answer. Then I walk around questioning what is real and what is imaginary. Then everything goes dark and I see light and a face but I can't make it out. The person says, "stay with us, wake up, you're going to be alright."

    I thought, is this still imaginary or is this all real?

    The face goes away and I am back in the clouds.

    What is going on? Then I felt like I was dieing of thirst and I was soaking wet.

    I was cold.

    Then I give up thinking and just relax and it all goes dark again. The light comes back in a few minutes. Now I see flashing lights on a firetruck and 3 paramedics. Then I blink and now there is only 1. Then I close my eyes again rest. I try to figure out what had happened.

    I wake up and now realize I had blacked out. It takes me a couple of minutes to realize what had happened. I had low blood sugar and blacked out in my truck while backing up a trailer into the driveway. Thank God it was in park when it happened.

    It takes me at least an hour to remember the whole story from the little bits and pieces of memories I could remember from before I passed out.

    It was a very scary feeling, to be awake an active to dream state in a blink and no memory of what had happened.
    This is a first time for me when it comes to passing out.
    nightmare , memorable , lucid , non-lucid