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    1. View Conversation
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      Also you better change your user title back to "wants to be canadian soon"
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      Haha i assumed you were doing something. My brother needed the computer
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      IRC, get in it?
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      Haha no I live by Boise
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      It's okay. :O My brother goes to Washington State
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      o_0 Where do you live?
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      Nope, anyone can do it! On the upper right-hand corner of your profile, there's a button that says "customize my profile". Clicking on it will bring up a dashboard where you can customize colors, images, and stuff like that.
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      Thanks Kona!
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    About Kona

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    About Kona
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    Well hello, I guess I'll share a bit about myself. Dreams have always interested me as long as I can remember. I always have had good dream recall so I guess that's why I had such a great interest. I remember coming up with little theories about dreams. I am now at about 17 lucid dreams and am starting to get way more proficient with lucid dreams. Well that's pretty much it for now. Happy LDing!
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    Downhill Mountain Biking, Skiing, Lucid Dreaming
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    looking about controlling my dreams


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    View Kona's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Long lucid dream (Explicit)

    by Kona on 12-29-2011 at 07:14 PM
    Well I remember being in this little building that was pretty much a building with a few rooms and a few floors. I was with this girl I know Brooklyn and she was talking to me about lucid dreaming. I think she might've been telling me I was dreaming or something, but I remember reality checking as I was approaching this really hot girl, as I did this Brooklyn girl told me not to. I continued following this girl and I did another reality check and realized I was dreaming. I remember getting this girl on a table and taking her clothes off, I think I had lost the hot girl and was going to have sex with this one attractive girl. Anyways I got her pants off and I was about to go but then I realized that I usually loose the dream when I start having sex with a Dc. So I asked her if she could do the work and she agreed to.

    There's a gap in my recall but I remember now coming up to this one place where there were these sort of log bleachers. This was where the hot girl was with her friend, I remember going to this like saw mill area where she was and sitting on this bleacher thing. She was talking to this guy that was making her mad on a video chat or something. She stopped and I asked her to have sex with me but she was like distracted.

    I now remember being with her and her friend. Her friend got killed by these leach things. I was really excited now because I could have sex with her, so we were near a house and it was hers. We went inside and I think we were going to have sex but I can't remember anything more.

    Criminal minds dream

    by Kona on 12-23-2011 at 01:19 AM
    This was probably caused by me watching criminal minds before sleeping last night.

    I was in a house right next to a busy street. I was with a criminal investigation unit and I am pretty sure I was with the guys from criminal minds. I think we were investigating a murder but I can't totally remember. I don't actually remember the full plot of this dream and I'm not certain that I was actually with the people, rather I was watching it on tv. But anyway, they were investigating a possible murder or trying to prevent one. I remember the camera going up to the roof and I remember seeing these very confusing diagrams with these weird symbols on them. I tried my best to follow what was actually happening but I really couldn't because it was so strange. At the end of the episode they solved the crime or something. I remember being extremely confused by the end of it.

    Being in school

    by Kona on 12-23-2011 at 01:15 AM
    So this one took place in my language arts class at my high school. We were correcting a paper in class and I remember being very confused because it is winter break yet I was in school. I remember speaking to my friend Cole about this, he seemed mad at me so I ceased speaking with him. I asked my teacher if we were going to be in school all winter break and I think he just said that this was the only time.

    Pretty awesome zombie apocalypse dream!!!

    by Kona on 10-20-2011 at 02:51 PM
    So this one I can actually remember the start of it. I was in a house or something with other survivors about to go sprint to a supermarket. I remember them wanting to wait for this car to come pick them up because they saw this note from their family that told them to wait two days for a car to come get them, but it had been about two days. So I remember now waking around this strip mall area with them, I was telling them that we should go find a gas station or somewhere that has food. But my friend Avery said no because there would be too many zombies there. So then I remember a mad dash to a supermarket. We got inside and I was really hungry at this point. So I told them and they said they would find food in a minute. I remember just walking around this store just looking for some food. I found a kit kat bar and quickly devoured it. I met up with everyone else and they said that we should leave soon. So when they were done talking I looked in front of me and found some drawstring backpacks and then I realized it was a gift bag. But I looked down and there were drawstring bags, I grabbed a few and tossed them to my fellow survivors. They said they were useless and threw them back. I was a big angered but I continued to stockpile whatever I could. I then remember this thing about death coming up behind me and telling me how long I had to live. It was weird and didn't really mean much. Anyways I remember one of the guys hearing this groan from behind the store. We though it was zombies so we all prepared to leave. I looked out and saw this green thing that looked like the grinch. I shouted that it was a zombie but it actually wasn't. I went out to it and it had the note on it that my friends read. So I came back in. I now remember running down the street away from zombies. I remember a guy with razor numchucks killing zombies. We continued to run and then I saw these kids like 18 yrs old with a chainsaw. I got pushed into their garage and they were all getting pumped up to kill zombies. They started beating me up and were possibly going to rape me but death came up behind me and told them to leave me alone. So I got out of the place but lost all my stuff in my bag and everyone was mad at me. We then came to a safe house where there was food.

    That's pretty much it
    non-lucid , memorable

    Going to china!

    by Kona on 10-19-2011 at 02:49 PM
    I remember this one starting out where I was going to china with my dad. We arrived and went over to this buffet and I had my road biking helmet on and we were watching people get food and we really wanted some but couldn't have any. *I remember just walking down this buffet, then my dad asked if we could have food and this one guy said we could and we could just pay later. So I started grabbing some food and then I sat down on this big bench seat and started eating. Then the guy came around giving everyone high fives, but when he came to me he didnt give me one. He did this a few times and then I realized that I still had my bike helmet on and this probably offended the man. So I removed it and suddenly, it got super quiet. I looked up at a mountain and then I began to eat and everyone went back to eating and talking. I then remember being in this big valley that was right next to the ocean and had a really flat bottom to the valley. I was kinda walking around looking at the bordering mountains and wanting to climb a particular one. I then remember turning around an seeing a deer that had black fur and a guy next to it. I went up to the deer and it got pissed off and started attacking me. *I grabbed its legs and started like pushing it away. Then this guy showed me a video of how to take them down. So I grabbed its hind legs and pushed it over, it seemed to hurt the animal and I felt terrible. But it got up and attacked me again and so I put its legs up on this ledge thing and it couldn't move ( I was in this little mine thing underground now ). So I climbed out of the mine. I now remember going to this big corporate guys office on the top of one of the mountains. So we walked in and I think my dad pissed the guy off at first but we came in a second time and he liked me. He owned sunline bike components and some other companies. So we started talking and he really seemed to like us now and we talked to him about his house and everything and it was pretty pleasant.*

    I apologize for the lack of detail, I have limited time to record my dreams in the morning