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    Summon the Sword of Lucidity / Gravity Shifting(Walking on walls)


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    1. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by LifeDreamer On thread : Tulpa/Tulpae
      Hello, I read the link that you gave and I have to say that I never would of known that my imaginary friends that seemed to have their own entities where very connected to a Tupla. I remember...
      Liked On: 10-19-2012, 11:40 PM
    2. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by TruMotion On thread : has anyone had sex in a lucid dream?
      You better ask who hasn't had sex in lucid dreams.
      Liked On: 07-21-2012, 12:38 AM
    3. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by DreamGuy On thread : Is it ethical to hurt your DCs?
      I don't really know how to answer that. I'll try though. Ethics is concerned with what is right or wrong, good or bad, fair or unfair, responsible or irresponsible, obligatory or permissible,...
      Liked On: 07-07-2012, 12:47 AM
    4. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by Mindraker On thread : "Finger through hand" cracked! Try this :DDDD Are you awake?
      OR, you could just take a scalpel and make a slit in your trachea, and insert the straw there. Pinch off your nose, and ta-da, you've beaten the pinch-your-nose reality check with a tracheotomy. ...
      Liked On: 07-04-2012, 12:01 AM
    5. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by Mzzkc On thread : Lucid Dreaming on CBS This Morning
      Are you real? Edit: Oh, you're a twilight fan. Disregard this post.
      Liked On: 07-01-2012, 01:08 PM
    6. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by Mzzkc On thread : Lucid Dreaming on CBS This Morning
      ... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3cLpmZJw6qY/T-HqRUrjyBI/AAAAAAAAC3w/0stx-dLVMtY/s1600/jackie+chan+my+brain+is+full+of+fuck+meme+blank+template+lol+wtf.jpg
      Liked On: 07-01-2012, 01:08 PM
    7. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by ace55 On thread : Lucid Dreaming on CBS This Morning
      ladusence Science claims there are 300 billion galaxies in our universe (although no one has seen all 300 billion and most of is based on theories based off of massive galaxy clusters of what can...
      Liked On: 07-01-2012, 01:00 PM
    8. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by Darkmatters On thread : 3 stages: dreaming,realisation, reality check?
      Oh I'm not saying you shouldn't do RCs - it's vitally important to do them! It keeps you used to always thinking "is this waking life, or am I dreaming now?" - and that's the mindset you need. ...
      Liked On: 06-30-2012, 11:29 PM
    9. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by littlezoe On thread : Strange experience
      I had a similar experience, but this only happened once so far. I just entered a dream from Sleep Paralysis, but once i opened my dream eyes, i've seen thousands of horrifying pictures flashing at...
      Liked On: 06-30-2012, 03:51 PM
    10. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by n00bf0rlyf3 On thread : Opinions and advice from experienced lucid dreamers
      Please use periods and commas.
      Liked On: 06-30-2012, 12:27 AM
    11. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by Robot_Butler On thread : Is it ethical to hurt your DCs?
      I don't think ethics depend on how real something feels. I think they depend on how real it is. No matter how real it seems, as long as you know it is fake, it is not unethical. This is the...
      Liked On: 06-29-2012, 06:15 PM
    12. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by Robot_Butler On thread : The Dream Machine
      This sounds like the plot of a sci-fi movie. I've seen enough of those to know this will not end well :lol:
      Liked On: 06-29-2012, 06:03 PM
    13. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by TruMotion On thread : Elderly people and lucid dreams?
      sleep (http://www.baillement.com/sleep-evolution.html) http://www.baillement.com/images/rem-duree-graph.gif
      Liked On: 06-29-2012, 03:28 PM
    14. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by TruMotion On thread : Elderly people and lucid dreams?
      Well, I guess not in that graph. I've found graphs where it is much more noticeable though. http://academic.pgcc.edu/~mhspear/sleep/Image4.gif I guess you can't really know for sure, but in...
      Liked On: 06-29-2012, 03:28 PM
    15. Ladusence
      Ladusence liked post by Robot_Butler On thread : Is it ethical to hurt your DCs?
      If you know it is a dream, you also know it is not real. It is a story. Sometimes you do something unethical to further the plot of your dream story. I think of it like writing a novel. The...
      Liked On: 06-29-2012, 02:49 PM
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    View Ladusence's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Longest DILD in months (if not ever)

    by Ladusence on 05-09-2012 at 12:36 AM
    I haven't had any good Lucid dreams of late, most I had lasted only until a couple of seconds after realizing it was a dream, but this one was different.

    Non lucid / Lucid

    The first thing I remember is me getting a package I ordered online, it was a package containing laptop parts, but also iPhone parts.
    I was thinking about upgrading my laptop with the parts when I started becoming suspicious, I just ordered the parts and they were already delivered.
    So I did the nose pinch reality check that I do as often as possible, mostly when I think something strange occurs, it worked it was a dream
    After realizing I started rubbing my hands to stabilize the dream, afraid it wouldn't be enough I also looked at my hands, which looked pretty normal, but after looking for a few seconds they started deforming and I felt that the dream was stable enough to continue. I found myself somewhere outside in my street (I didn't pay any attention to the scenery switch at the time), I went on walking, thinking of things to do. I came across some plants and inspected the leaves, they seemed so real, when I looked very close I could see more tiny details on the leaves then I probably ever could with my eyes in real life. Before continuing on I stabilized the dream again by looking at my hands until I felt I could continue.
    Next up was flying, I wanted to fly and so I did, I flew about 5 meters up in the sky and went back to the ground being afraid I would wake myself up, but I wanted to fly higher than the buildings I wanted to look over the entire neighborhood, so I flew again straight up, this time about 15 meters, just above the buildings. I could look over a lot of houses, and in the distance there was nothing there but sky. (as in a video game where the map has not yet been loaded) I realized this and was again afraid the dream would end so I went back to the ground and decided to walk around a little.
    I kept thinking to myself "This is a dream" because I was afraid I would lose lucidity if I didn't. I came across streets with lots of Dream Characters, to my regret I didn't interact with any of them, I just observed and continued walking.
    When I came to the park I saw an empty bench and I decided to summon someone to it to interact with, because the park was very empty at the moment, I looked away from the bench and back expecting someone to be there, and there was. It was a unknown girl, who I do not recognize other than the slight representation of Kurisu from Steins;Gate
    I went over to talk but as I got closer the dream started to fade away very quick
    , and I found myself back in my bed, trying to DEILD but to no avail.

    This is as much as I can vividly remember, although I'm pretty sure there was more going on as I walked through the streets, as I started to think to myself "This is the longest lucid dream ever" during the walks in the dream.

    Updated 05-09-2012 at 12:39 AM by Ladusence

    lucid , non-lucid

    Lucid dreams from before I knew what they were.

    by Ladusence on 04-15-2012 at 03:39 AM
    This entry will be a little bit different, they will be entries from lucid dreams that I had before I even knew what lucid dreaming was (I was about 8-12 years old back then, which is about 10 years ago now).

    Dream 1:
    This is the first lucid dream I ever had as far as I can remember, it probably also was the most vivid and long lucid dream I ever had and remembered even until this day. Its quite ironic that the only thing I thought about doing back then was waking up.

    I remember walking in a mall, and there was nobody close that I knew so I got scared and thought I was lost. Somehow I became lucid and just knew it had to be a dream, still being scared I just had to wake myself up, but how? I didn't know.
    So I went around asking different DCs if they knew how I could wake myself up, but nobody knew. Eventually there was a nice older man that wanted to help me really bad (Dream guide?), so he took me to a place that was a little higher then the rest of the mall, and he shouted to other DCs walking below, asking if anybody knew how to wake "this boy" up... But still nobody knew. I said that I shouldn't be worried and that we would find a way to wake me up. This calmed me down.

    Dream 2:
    I have a very vague memory of this dream, and I only remembered it after reading my own post about the previous dream.

    It was at a train station, there were a lot of people and we were all waiting for our train, somehow I knew it was a dream (I have no idea how I knew this back then). This time I wasn't scared and wanted to test what it was like to die in a dream, and I thought that it would probably just wake me up. So I stepped on the railway and I saw the train coming.
    After a little while as the train came closer, I decided not to do it because what if it wasn't a dream o.o . I was lifted off the railway by one of the DCs, and he also said it was probably better if I didn't do it.
    This is when the dream faded away and I found myself back in my bed, this is the first lucid dream where I actually noticed the transition.

    After remembering these dreams I wonder how many more lucid dreams I have had in the past that I don't remember.
    lucid , memorable

    DILD/Regular dream - A shared dream? Yellow truck

    by Ladusence on 10-03-2011 at 01:13 AM
    First of: I don't really believe in shared dreams, though this was kind of awesome. x)

    Lucid / Non-Lucid

    The primary 'shared' dream took place on a airport, It was near a beach. I was lucid but I knew that I was together with another dreamer(don't ask me how I knew). We both thought it was awesome and we were running around sort of attacking random dream characters, this is where we saw the yellow truck, and I told the other dreamer to remember the yellow truck. That would be our way to prove that we had a shared dream. He agreed, and we continued the dream for a bit.

    After some time the dream started to fade and I tried desperately to stay in the dream but everything faded so I gave up This is where another dream began of which I had no idea it was a dream.

    It was on a dock with small boats, one of the boats was made of paper or something similiar? The other dreamer was there aswell, and we started to discuss our dreams and we soon found out that we both remembered the yellow truck So it had worked and we succesfully had a shared dream (or so we thought). We had written down our dreams and experiences on a piece of paper and folded it away into the paper boat, so that the person who was lucky enough to find the paper would be learning about our adventures o.o

    Soon after awakening of this dream I realised that it probably all was part of my dream, a little disappointing but this way I don't have to change my beliefs about shared dreaming xD
    Unless there is somebody out there who remembered me telling him to remember the yellow truck O.O let me know.

    Updated 10-03-2011 at 01:15 AM by Ladusence


    DILD > DEILD - Closed streets & Weird hand

    by Ladusence on 08-26-2011 at 04:42 PM
    Not lucid - Lucid

    I don't remember the starting dream very well but I know I was at a street of a good friend (which I visit quite a lot) but the street was closed at the end so I had to walk around it, I then noticed that all the other streets where closed at the end too (they had build extra houses at the end).

    I thought it was strange so I did the nose pinch RC and I could still breath so it was a dream, but I had wondered during the day if that means that your real breathing is the one in your dreams (which it probably is) so I paid attention to my breathing and I felt my real body (What I experienced as my real body) which made the dream instantly fade.

    I did the regular DEILD method next, just laying still I noticed that I still had my dream arms (I could move them very easily), so I started rubbing them together to make the use of my dream bodies senses and before I knew it I could actually see my hands and I got out of my bed.

    Which was a false awakening, I luckily thought doing the nose pinch RC again but this time not paying attention to my actual breathing. I noticed the dream was very vague so I paid attention to my left hand and the more I paid attention to it the sharper it got. Until I could spot some birthmarks on the inside of my finger (which I don't actually have) and there was a weird line through my vision like with a old VCR where the tape has been damaged, But the sharpness of my hand amazed me.

    As soon as it was sharp/clear enough I continued to walk through my house, I walked downstairs where my family was but I remembered I should summon a sword for my dreamgoal but I didn't care enough and was too fascinated by the vividness of it all, I went back up the stairs again to look for fun things to do... when the dream vaded. My vision was gone but I could still feel the floor onder my feet so I knew I just had to stabilize. I rubbed my hands again and when I could see them I would look at them closily to regain vivedness again. I still had the birthmarks on the inside of my middlefinger so I thought lets continue the dream and do my dream goal.

    But before I could start it vaded too fast to do anything about it and I woke up for real this time.

    I also remembered myself writing down a Call of Duty like dream that I had, but when I checked my dream journal there was nothing there. So I actually dreamed about writing in my Dream Journal.

    Updated 08-26-2011 at 05:36 PM by Ladusence

    lucid , false awakening

    Pretty long DILD - On holiday at the International Space Station

    by Ladusence on 08-09-2011 at 11:17 AM
    Not Lucid - Lucid
    The dream started out with the space shuttle launching and other mainly visual things (I just watched it like a movie). Eventually I got to go to space to visit the ISS(International Space Station) with my family, I remember that we were discussing how cool it would be to just relax in space for a week or so, but we knew we couldn't stay any longer than just a few minutes.

    When suddenly I realized that this wasn't very realistic because I went from the outsite to the inside of the ISS without any problem breathing, this is when I slowly started to realize it was a dream so I went inside the ISS and confronted my family.

    I wanted to tell them its a dream but I couldn't speak, well I could but I was afraid I would be talking in real-life and wake people up, but then I thought I'll just whisper to them. So I whispered that it was a dream and everybody just sat there like I cought them in doing something bad.
    The next thing that I finally remembered to do was my dreamgoal of summoning a sword! (I did some kind of mantras before going to sleep insisting on remembering to do my dreamgoals so I gues it worked.) So the ISS was somewhere during the conversation turned into my livingroom so I went up to my room to focus on the task of summoning a sword. But when I got to my room I was dissapointed to see that the lights were out, I tried to put them on but no success, the lightswitch didn't work... But I found a way, I walked away from the door, and expected my eyes to be blinded by the light when I came back, and as I turned around I saw the bright light coming from my room, it worked!
    When I got into my room I noticed the dream become very vague, but I remembered how to stabilize the dream! (also from a mantra that I did) So I looked very close to my hand to make the dream more stable and more clear, apparantly there already was a sword in my hand because while I was focussing on my hand I noticed the brand name of the sword on the blade that I was holding. But I somehow didn't pay any attention to this sword, so once the dream was more stable I searched for a cool looking blade in my room, and I found one! but it was a miniature of a sword so I had to enlarge it quite a bit. When I started to visualize the sword to become bigger the dream faded away fast

    and I could hear the ceiling fan of my room. I tried to DEILD but I was too far out and waaay to excited so I had to write the dream down.

    The picture below is the miniature sword that I found and tried to draw from memory. (It reminds me of a sword from the game 'Monster Hunter')

    Updated 08-09-2011 at 01:56 PM by Ladusence
