I don't really know how to answer that. I'll try though.
Ethics is concerned with what is right or wrong, good or bad, fair or unfair, responsible or irresponsible, obligatory or permissible, praiseworthy or blameworthy. It is associated with guilt, shame, indignation, resentment, empathy, compassion, and care.
There's no correct answer to this thread because we all have our own way of looking at things.
It's our way of seeing things, our perspective, that allows us to see what is good or bad.

Yes, when someone wakes up from such a dream they may feel sad and may not feel at rest. But yet, I know people who can kill a DC of their mom without second thought.

Even in real life, there are rapist on the streets. To us, what do they do is unethical, disgusting, forbidden. But to them their just having fun.
The Terrorists who cause terror in the lives of so many people. To them, their not doing the wrong thing. To them their doing the right thing by serving their god.
Now, I'm not saying those things are good, I think they are horrible. I'm just saying they think differently, they have their own opinion of what they are doing.

What your saying, is not true for everybody, and I do agree with you we should all set a line that should not be crossed. Some people just may not agree.

I Give Up