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    View Muggler's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    06.22.2010 Morning & Before Bed

    by Muggler on 06-23-2010 at 03:20 AM
    06.22.2010 (Non-lucid)



    Woke up this morning from my alarm. I forgot why I set my alarm, and went back to sleep. -.- I do remember a little bit from a dream.

    - Jumping around on four trampolines adjacent to the next

    I am in a little tent with what felt like another person. There was a little girl on a table with a gradient, smooth, silky green dress. The person I was with was cutting out a face mask of purple, gradient, smooth, silk material. I was thinking to myself, "Wow.. that definitely does NOT match." I looked at the girl on the table. Her face was kinda chubby, and she had dark circles under her eyes. She had blonde hair!

    Before Bed

    Alright, so I'm not really feeling like going to bed early. I'll just go to bed when I feel like it, and hopefully, I can stay awake.

    06.21.2010 Morning & Before Bed

    by Muggler on 06-22-2010 at 03:10 AM
    06.21.2010 (Non-lucid)



    I got rested up from the weekend, didn't try for a lucid, remembered a little bit of one dream.

    I was in a small room with two friends. The area looked like it was childish. It was made up of those foam puzzle pieces. There were green, red, and blue pieces. We were all sitting there, using our cell phones. (This must have been during school because the principal came in wearing a shiny vest) We all quickly hid our cell phones, because they are banned at my school, except for my one friend. He didn't see the principal, and dropped his phone on the floor due to fatigue. I looked at him in a way that told him to get his phone. The principal picked it up, slid it open, and lifted a piece revealing 12 dialing buttons. She gave the phone back to my friend. She looked at me, "Let me see yours." she said. She must have known that I had one because of the buldge in my pocket. I took it out and handed it to her. She slid it open, touched the screen a little bit, and handed it back to me.

    Before Bed

    Just gonna be a normal night tonight. Wake up via alarm, chill for a little, then attempt a WILD.

    06.18.2010 Morning

    by Muggler on 06-18-2010 at 10:22 PM
    06.18.2010 (Non-lucid)



    This morning when my alarm went off, I had no idea where it was. Turns out, my phone was under my bed. No clue how it got there... But it took me about three minutes to find it, and it was semi-loud, so it kinda took me out of the relaxed state, and into the panic state. I didn't want to wake anyone up...

    After I turned it off, I went to take a quick pee and then lay back in bed. I had my legs stretched out, was on my back, and had my hands on my chest. After a few minutes, it was like the darkness I saw with my eyes closed started to get brighter, and I got a little excited. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster, but that just made me more excited. I had to open my eyes and release the attempt, because I knew it wouldn't work if that kept continuing.

    I waited a few minutes, then tried again. Nothing. I turned over, and I felt my legs and arms going kinda numb. So I tried to keep calm, but just thinking about it made the numbness go away. This is when I gave up and got in a comfortable position to try and fall asleep. The funny thing is, my body got even more numb! I didn't turn it into an attempt though, I just fell asleep.

    06.17.2010 Morning & Before Bed

    by Muggler on 06-18-2010 at 03:10 AM
    06.17.2010 (Non-lucid)



    So this morning was very strange. I actually woke up before my alarm. (that is strange because I used a mantra "I will anticipate my alarm and wake up before it." This was the first night that I did this and I think it actually worked. The strange thing about it though is that when I woke up, I look out my window, and it was light out. At 4:30 in the morning, I don't think that is supposed to happen.

    Anyways, when my alarm went off at 5:30, I turned it off, didn't remember anything from my dreams, and just kinda sat there. I was in my boxers and it was too cold for me to get up, so I didn't do that. I easily fell asleep unintentionally, and that was it.

    When I woke up for school, and I went into the shower, I remembered a few little fragments, and from those I was able to remember larger pieces. This is what I can remember:

    I was on my school yard, which actually wasn't a yard, it was a large body of water at least 8 feet deep. The water was greenish, and looked kind of dirty, yet everyone was enjoying it. And it was like the ground was dug out 8 feet, because the doors to go inside were still above the level of the waterline. I was in the alcove, and I was in my bathing suit and scuba gear. A few of my friends were pointing to a large shipwreck-looking thing, and saying that there was a Great White shark inside of it. I swam over and looked inside. I could see it, but it was only about two feet long. The asked if I could get it out because they wanted to see it, so I tried poking it with a stick, but it didn't come out. At that moment, I really had to pee. So I swam over to a nearby teacher and asked for a hall pass.

    As I got inside, all the water started to drip off of me. I could hear Mr. Sousa yelling at a student as usual. I walked into Mrs. Caetano's class which seemed a LOT bigger. She was busy lecturing a student, as always. I walked to my left and walked into the bathroom. (That class doesn't have a bathroom) As I unzipped, I noticed the toilet was... strange. It didn't have a part where you sat down, and the lid was more like a urinal. I started to pee, and looked around the room. The walls were turqouise at the top, and white at the bottom, and they were seperated by this wooden moulding, I guess you would call it. As my gaze shifted to the mirror, I noticed a little black child slowly opening the door and looking at me! I quickly covered my shlong and asked the boy what he was doing. He told me, "When I was younger, I had a dog like that." I was completely confused. There was no dog in the room, and I hoped he wasn't talking about my tool...

    That's all I can really remember for that dream. I remember a little bit from another one.

    I was in a desert city. The wind was blowing the sand all over the place. I was older, and in a military outfit, like a soldier on patrol. I heard bullets whiz past my head, and quickly hugged the wall and looked ahead of me. There was a middle-eastern man there with a gun pointed at me. I swiftly aimed my gun at him and emptied a few rounds. The man fell down, dead. I continued forward alone. I came to what was like the bottom of a bridge, but still in the city. The wall had a gap, and one bridge support was on the ground. I ran to the bridge support and hid behind it. A shootout began, at the other side of the support, another middle-eastern man was shooting at me. Bullets flew back and forth for what seemed like forever. Finally, I gathered the courage to pull out my pistol with a knife, and run of to the guy, and stab him. He was on the ground, injured before I got to him.

    That's all I remember. A BIG difference in recall from yesterday.

    Before Bed

    I won't be trying anything special tonight, just the usual things that I have previously done.

    06.16.2010 Morning & Before Bed

    by Muggler on 06-17-2010 at 03:20 AM
    06.16.2010 (Non-lucid)



    When I woke up at 5:30, I was able to actually open my eyes (yaaay), so I found my time. Also, I was able to write down a few dream fragments. But looking at them now, I have no clue what the rest of the dream was. I had lots of trouble staying awake also. Not because I was tired, but because I had no clue what to do! So I'll figure that out, and give it another shot tonight. Here is some of the dream.

    - (Friends name)
    - Movie
    - Gauntlet
    - Points
    - Ghosts

    Before Bed

    This night will go a little different. When my alarm goes off, I plan on writing down the dream I can remember, then I will get out of bed, walk to the bathroom, grab a drink, and collect my thoughts for a minute. Hopefully, something happens tonight.