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    1. Alyzarin
      Alyzarin liked post by MushroomTip On thread : Weed and becoming lucid?
      most people will tell you that it is detrimental to dream recall without even trying it themselves. this is due to studies claiming REM sleep is inhibited by THC. Speaking from my own experience,...
      Liked On: 06-05-2012, 10:46 AM
    2. syth406
      syth406 liked blog post by MushroomTip On : Twice Lucid in One Night
      Continuing my experiments with supplements, last night I tried 100mg of 5-htp at bedtime, 6mg of galantamind + 500mg of Choline Bitartrate at WBTB. This resulted in two lucid dreams. They were each...
      Liked On: 05-09-2012, 01:27 AM
    3. Linkzelda
      Linkzelda liked blog post by MushroomTip On : Twice Lucid in One Night
      Continuing my experiments with supplements, last night I tried 100mg of 5-htp at bedtime, 6mg of galantamind + 500mg of Choline Bitartrate at WBTB. This resulted in two lucid dreams. They were each...
      Liked On: 05-06-2012, 12:09 PM
    4. EarthInferno
      EarthInferno liked blog post by MushroomTip On : Nam's Garage, Felicia Day
      I was in Nam's garage with a group of people. I cannot recall what was going on prior, but it was fragrance related. We are on our way out and we play an obscure fragrance game where each one of us...
      Liked On: 04-29-2012, 02:52 AM
    5. Saizo
      Saizo liked blog post by MushroomTip On : Dream Signs
      1. back in school 2. Teeth falling out 3. Fragrances 4. In my car 5. Hodge Twins
      Liked On: 04-29-2012, 01:57 AM
    6. Arch
      Arch liked post by MushroomTip On thread : Melatonin Timing
      if you want to suppress REM, then you must take it before bed. Melatonin has an elimination half life of just 40 minutes, so after about 5 hours or so, you will have the REM rebound.
      Liked On: 04-26-2012, 04:08 PM
    7. faceonmars
      faceonmars liked post by MushroomTip On thread : Marijuana/Cannabis got me Lucid
      Hi everyone, I know there are plenty of threads on Marijuana already, but all those seem to claim that Marijuana is detrimental to lucid dreaming. Last night I had the exact opposite effect, and...
      Liked On: 04-09-2012, 01:34 AM
    8. SilverBullet
      SilverBullet liked post by MushroomTip On thread : Dreamer's Blend Tea/Smoke
      came across this while i was looking at the FAQs What Gives? - Are You Guys IAmShaman? (http://www.shamansgarden.com/faq/article/what-gives-are-you-guys-iamshaman-59.html)
      Liked On: 01-10-2012, 08:23 PM
    9. maboroshi
      maboroshi liked blog post by MushroomTip On : Ice Cream
      I was inside a fast food shop that resembled the el pollo loco on imperial hwy, but instead they were selling ice cream. I am looking at the menu located behind the counter and had a hard time...
      Liked On: 12-08-2011, 03:25 PM
    View MushroomTip's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Jackie Chu

    by MushroomTip on 05-21-2012 at 10:42 AM
    I was in my restaurant and was shopping online. I was at the saddleback website and saw a leather wallet with a fabric interior, like i've always wanted. I ordered this item along with a hoodie to be delivered to my restaurant. I somehow knew that it was going to be delivered by Jackie Chu. I pretend to be sleeping at table 3 when she comes to deliver the package, though I keep my eyes slightly open so I can look at her. She enters the front door to an empty dark restaurant with me sleeping in the corner. She looks confused, leaves the package on the table, and walks out. After I get up, I notice that she left her hoodie in one of the booths. I pick it up and I smell it, then run out the door trying to find her.

    Twice Lucid in One Night

    by MushroomTip on 05-06-2012 at 08:49 AM
    Continuing my experiments with supplements, last night I tried 100mg of 5-htp at bedtime, 6mg of galantamind + 500mg of Choline Bitartrate at WBTB. This resulted in two lucid dreams. They were each fairly lengthy, but not the most clear. Dream recall is also nothing spectacular.

    I've come to realize that attaining lucidity is an overrated aspect in lucid dreaming. Dream recall, and control are also extremely important to master, otherwise the experience will be a forgetful one, literally.

    Updated 05-06-2012 at 09:32 AM by MushroomTip


    Supplement Effects

    by MushroomTip on 05-02-2012 at 03:24 PM
    Vitamin B-100 at Bedtime
    - Long uninterrupted sleep
    - Somewhat vivid & memorable dreams
    - Improved dream recall
    - 8/10

    4mg Galantamind + 250mg Choline Bitartrate at WBTB
    - Did not induce lucidity

    6mg Galantamind + 500mg Choline Bitartrate at WBTB
    - Induced Lucidity twice
    - Minimal side effects compared to 8mg

    Updated 05-06-2012 at 01:42 AM by MushroomTip


    Weak Lucidity, Almost WILD

    by MushroomTip on 04-29-2012 at 01:06 AM
    I added an additional 250mg of Choline Bitartrate to my 8mg of Galantamind and it triggered lucidity for me. Although this dream was somewhat short and unclear, I was definitely conscious. I woke up by feeling an itching sensation on the back of my neck, maybe there was an ant on my bed.

    As I went back to sleep, I almost experienced my first WILD, although I had to bail in the middle of it. I felt my body entering sleep paralysis and the sensation I felt was one of a steady vibration as I lost feeling in my limbs. It was scary, and I thought to myself "Am I dying?" This was when I decided to quit and wake myself up. I regret that decision, as I now realize I was very close to a WILD. I do not remember seeing any particular hypnagogic images.

    Updated 04-29-2012 at 01:09 AM by MushroomTip


    lucid dream

    by MushroomTip on 02-03-2012 at 06:35 PM
    had an unexpected lucid dream with about 2 mg of melatonin + B6 at bed time. it started out in a regular dream where i was in a school walking with someone looking for someone else. i was going up a flight of stairs when i heard the cue from my phone to do a reality check. i am not sure if my actual phone in waking life created this noise, which then transferred into the dream world, but when i woke up it was 15 minutes past the hour. in the dream i thought, this would be a great situation to check my reality in as the scenario is somewhat different. it was not until i did the check that i realized i was dreaming.

    The scenary changed and I am back at home, or a version of my home. I am kind of wandering around again at this point but I open a door and go out to a back yard. It was sunny outside and the sprinkler was on. I move the sprinkler away and the grass started to flood. I step into this flooding grass with my bare feet. I actually feel like this decision was not made by me, but I was completely lucid at this point.

    I look at water droplets that are in the air from the sprinker and try to suspend and move them with my fingers. It worked. They turned into solid crystals/diamonds and I was able to move them.

    I remember something that I wanted to do, but when I try to steer the direction of the dream in the way that I want (changing the setting), I lost a lot of clarity. It felt like I was just imagining it or day dreaming about it in my head, rather than actually being there and doing it. I ended up back in my bedroom, and I actually focus on waking myself up.

    The last thing I remember was me sitting on my bed, looking at my own reflection in the TV that I used to have in my room. I think to myself: this is my dream, I can't have a better physique than that?

    This lucid dream was not nearly as vivid as the one I had before this (on galantamind). But without a doubt, I was lucid and had some control. I also feel like this proves that my hourly cue to RC actually works. I remember after waking up, I looked at the clock and it was 15 minutes past the hour. The dream felt like it was around 10 minutes, so I do think that hearing the cue while I was dreaming caused me to RC in the dream.

    Updated 02-04-2012 at 12:01 PM by MushroomTip
