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    Recent Entries

    10/20 - 10/21

    by orationem on 10-26-2014 at 11:43 PM
    Can't remember the beginning, but there were bats in our house - swarms of them flying around in every room. Some of them ended up dying for some reason and our cats started playing with/grabbing/hunting them. We didn't like that so we tried to stop them from doing so, and my mom worked on cleaning up the dead bats/parts. I mentioned locking the cats up or outside. Went into the kitchen to get something to eat and saw one of my siblings (sister, and brother wasn't home?) being threatened/kidnapped and they wanted to take me too. Threatened my parents and I with a weapon then took my sister/brother outside. They were gone for awhile, and I wanted to try and make an escape while he was still gone, before he came back, but my parents didn't seem interested in doing so. I tried to convince them before he came back, and it seemed like they were thinking about it, but it was too late and he came back before I could convince them to make a run for it with me. He made me look for something while he went to get something else, at which point I also tried to convince my parents to make an escape attempt, but he again came back before I got them to move. After we were all forced out of the house and moved somewhere else, two of us were forced to dig holes in the ground while he watched. A random person/neighbor stopped by to ask what we were doing, and we tried to send some meaningful warning glances at her, but she didn't understand our message. She said something about a guy being reported on TV for something, but didn't make a connection. When she saw that the holes we were being forced to dig were in the shape of people (kind of like snow angels) she got scared and understood, and tried to help us escape by throwing shovels of dirt at him/n his eyes, and we fought as well. The guy overpowered us though, and captured the other lady as well, and we were all taken back to the others. At some point later, we were on what must have been a ship/aircraft of some kind, and two of us were sent somewhere in another contraption to investigate/find something. We were met by a strange woman and brought to a weird place, a haven of some kind. She explained that there had been an experiment of some kind on war vets, including on a veteran and his black lab. Both the man and his dog were heroes of some sort. She showed us a circle made of many different segments, and one segment was gray instead of glowing a greenish blue. She explained that the place was a safe haven for the war vets/heroes, but that the man of whom she had spoken, with his black lab, had gone missing, and they needed to be found. We then realized that there had been a black lab on the aircraft we were being held on. The scene switched back to that aircraft, which was flying, and someone was playing scales on a clarinet, which annoyed another people. One lady who had also been captured had been secretly coming up with a contraption that would enable her to fly away to safety (similar in nature to the one Hiccup designed in How To Train Your Dragon 2 *awesome movie by the way*), and when the bad guy looked like he was almost asleep, she curled up, adjusted, then sprang out of the aircraft, and it woke the bad guy up, and he got angry. The woman we were talking to asked us to help her, and to be very careful. The contraption we got there on was called back to the main aircraft, with us on it. After we got back, we paid more attention to the little details, trying to figure out a means of escape, and just exactly what was going on that we had been dragged into. The end of the dream was kind of fuzzy and confusing, but no resolution had been made by the time I woke up.

    10/17 - 10/18

    by orationem on 10-26-2014 at 11:21 PM
    Remembered but didn't write down. Oops. One long, complicated dream. Started with some sort of activity/obstacle course. Then changed to my mom and sister, they pulled in with a horse trailer that had a mini camping/living trailer attached. Looked to be in Chris and Alyssa's (my cousin) driveway/house. Began talking about some kind of event we could go to, $10 per person per day, carnival/camp of some sort, I invited Ris as well. My dad showed up at some point. Turned strange, my sister was a group leader/counselor of some kind, lots of weird activities and places (underground maze, psychic cave, lots of other stuff) and a big auditorium of some sort. Caroline (girl from high school) was there at some point too. Began to involve characters from TV shows (Bones, Castle, NCIS, Criminal Minds - mostly Bones), a hunt for a traitor, deceitful schemes and strange ulterior motives, questioning. In the auditorium of sorts, hard to explain. Began to suspect Sweets of being the traitor, some bad guy (Sweets or Caroline) was missing, we (at least my dad and I, don't remember exactly who else) going through the grounds and we were looking on the way to somewhere else, for where the traitor might be hiding.
    dream fragment , non-lucid

    10/16 - 10/17

    by orationem on 10-26-2014 at 10:52 PM
    Long, complicated, hard to explain dream. It started with some sort of high school event. I went outside with my coat and wallet, threw up, (something about being pulled down stairs?), then went back inside my house to sleep. Ris (my boyfriend) came over. Later, was pulled down the stairs. Fighting with parents, got in trouble, apparently ruined my wallet and coat in the rain in the middle of the night. Ris called his mom to ask her a question, she was going to call him back. Still fighting with my parents. Something about a lunch/event in the high school cafeteria several days before a bigger one. Think I might have gone to the lunch/event with Ris (side note - I didn't know him back in high school) then came back home. More fighting. I talked to Julie (his mom) or left her a text/voicemail. Our house started to get worked on by a bunch of people. Gates were put up at driveways so only certain/qualified people could get in. Signs/pieces of paper were put up around our house, don't remember exactly what they said. Saw Connie and another person (in the same vehicle- truck?) pull in, talk to someone, and toss something on the ground. My mom asked me to go out to her and tell/ask or give her something, so I put my boots on and went out. By the time I got out there, she was gone, so I looked around. There were lots of cars parked in rows. May have started to take pictures. Connie came back, and I did what my mom wanted me to. She asked me if I wanted to see something cool, then tossed something on the ground, and it started moving around. She explained that it was a "mechanical Fido" and we laughed/talked about it. She went on to what she needed to do, and I started to look around again and maybe take pictures. Got a phone call back from Julie, so I answered, she first asked about driving then we moved onto other topics. I must have gotten into a truck and sat there. At some point Karlen? came up and got into the truck, said he had to move it but I could stay in it if I wanted to. I was still on the phone with Julie and did stay in the truck. He joked around some, swung the truck around and almost hit a line of cars, but didn't. I then got somewhere else (the command center?) but not sure how. There was a computer there. My brother and dad were there as well at some point, helping. Can't remember what the problem was or what they were helping with. I ended up getting involved somehow. A computer program was involved, started malfunctioning or got a virus or something. We went somewhere strange (a cave?) trying to either find or fix something. I was with them. There was some sort of a video game/story that started to become real. I had to jump and dodge stuff. At some point, other characters became involved (Morgan, maybe Ziva or Prentiss), somehow in the video game/story. There was something about the bad guy escaping, something about my mom leaving for a long time because of it, there was a means of escape called by the bad guy but she (or Ziva/Prentiss?) had already taken care of the bad guy and either she called it or the bad guy did before he was taken care of, was going to need to do something in order to reduce suspicion/problems etc, cover up of some sort? Don't remember if she ended up going off or not, may have woken up before the end of the situation.

    10/15 - 10/16

    by orationem on 10-26-2014 at 10:19 PM
    1. I was with some other people, going to a doctor appointment of some kind. Depression. Discussions with family, friends, relatives Something involving a boat - Ris's parents' boat? His mom was there later on in the dream. Was trapped in a strange almost alternate dream type world with some other people, told we wouldn't be able to get out for a full 40 days. Doing tasks and exploring things. Had something to do with the appointment and thinking of depression. After 30 days I saw a glimpse of reality again and talked to my aunt and uncle and cousins, shocked that I had been missing for a month. Awkward. Got pulled back into the other world and remember something about Julie (Ris's mom) being with me by the water and their boat was there and we were waving at people on another boat going by.

    2. Was in a Mexican restaurant, maybe some sort of group meeting or a high/grade school reunion? Saw some people from school (Morgan for example - looking contemptuously at me when i passed by with menus) with a specific group of people, had trouble finding seats at the table for everyone so I and maybe someone else sat on barstools next to the table. I ordered my usual (bean and cheese burrito no sauce, with beans and rice on the side), and ate the complimentary chips. Had to leave for some reason and kept coming back, another person apparently left as well (different reason - a plane?) and we came back to find everyone else gone. My burrito was still there, the waiters said something, the other lady said a phone call or plane and something about sleeping in the restaurant. I used a computer to look something up, was on a site about a tutorial on something by a Christian, two names, I submitted my opinion on the poll. Guy on the computer next to me. Showed me a video of people performing CPR on a young boy, who did revive. Leaned over to show me something on my computer. Conversation.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    10/14 - 10/15

    by orationem on 10-26-2014 at 10:08 PM
    1. Dreamed about lucid dreaming methods/techniques. Had a fight with my sister in the living room, she tried to unplug my charging phone/laptop and use the charger herself, started saying ugly things to me. Johnson and Breckenridge twins (twins of families we know) were over. Breckenridges in Holly's room and Johnsons in Charlie's. (Holly and Charlie are my siblings) Holly feeding them breakfast, and at some other point giving one of the Breckenridge twins a baked/mashed potato. Went to check if they were gone or still there - gone. These are fragments - remembered more fully/more plot but fell asleep before writing anything down.

    2. Could be chained to/continuation or morph of dream 1, unsure. Vaguely familiar of/similar to the plot of my next NaNo (random side note- NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month where you write a novel in a month in November, awesome stuff. 100k word 400 page novels, but the NaNo goal is 50k words. end random side note) novel, but also quite different. Was with someone (my dad? someone else?) either looking for something or investigating. I was being framed for something? The middle is vague/foggy, it changed into something else, different but similar, saw Amanda and later on Kara (people from grade school), there was some evil person trying to control us. I fell backward in my chair that I was tied to, needed help getting back up. Was scared and depressed. At one point she asked what our favorite Christian/worship songs were, and someone started with You Lift Me Up.