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      don't give up!!!! Everyone can lucid dream i will help you i swear!
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      Yup, yup!
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    About r2d2651

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    Drawing and Painting, Video Games, Music, Superheroes, Board Games, Theatre, Dreams, Jesus Christ, Z
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    Google: "Lucid Dreams"


    Consistently for two weeks recall at least one dream per night [ ]


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    01-19-2011 06:25 AM
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    1. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by mcwillis On thread : Lucid Timer?
      I had a lucid dream the first time I used the timer with a 4 minute base. I had my lucid in the second twenty minute interval as expected. It seems you have misunderstood the principle of the...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    2. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by BillyBob On thread : Dream Control: the complete tutorial
      Forced Control: Aggressive impartation of will Upside: Complete and total control Downside: Loss of vividness/"concreteness" of dream.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    3. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by Creation X On thread : Malac's Fast Grab [MFG] Repost.
      Okay, so quite a while back I fell upon Malac's lucid technique named "Malac's Fast Grab." It was one of the first techniques I used that worked pretty much every single time I used it, and it's not...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by Ade On thread : lucidity mp3?
      Not just for DEILD or WBTB also for MILD and WILD, it depends on the record. There are ones that last four hours, there are ones for twenty minutes. They work only occasionally, at least for me....
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    5. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by Maria92 On thread : Dreams creating romantic feelings?
      Ask her out, I suppose. Or watch Bob Ross (http://www.livevideo.com/video/4C93D056D1444AC38E32BBCE41A5B406/bob-ross-winter-splendor.aspx) and go totally zen.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    6. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by Hiro On thread : Dreams creating romantic feelings?
      *shrug* If you like her, you like her. Don't see how that happening because of a dream is any different. Follow Mario's advice if you think you've got a shot.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by Molder On thread : The Dream "Aura"
      EXACTLY. :) *thumb's up*
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    8. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by louie54 On thread : Sleep Paralysis
      Sleep Paralysis Over half of us can recall a time when we have been through it, mostly unintentionally. Sleep paralysis. This is when you experience the feeling of being paralyzed while you...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    9. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by Tranquil Toad On thread : Just not destined to be an oneironaut...
      Though there are many types of meditation, it basically consists of becoming aware of your thoughts. Once you are good at it you can go into a deep state of no-thought, but don't worry about that if...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by Tranquil Toad On thread : Just not destined to be an oneironaut...
      Yes, basically. Just practice watching your thoughts. Pretend thoughts are like clouds floating by and you are the clear blue sky behind them. You don't judge them or get involved with them in any...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    11. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by Siиdяed On thread : Operation Kino - Your Guide to a Successful RP Section
      Mistah Arcane Arena, he dead. Mkay, children and gentlemen. I been assigned to make what formerly was Arcane Arena into a working, jerking, pretty-to-look-at new machine called Forum RP Games. ...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    12. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by Hukif On thread : Is it important to read your dream journal?
      Well, if you don't try it, how will you know? Also, really good quote from Mario92: Also, remember you can use states of mind as DS too, like, if in all your dreams you are angry, RC every time...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    13. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by snumbers On thread : LD's are kind of fuzzy? Help?
      Yeh i have the same problem, in my few lds they are all fuzzy. But there are many solutions that i havent tried yet, you could feel, smell, look around and focus on an object, hear etc. Just explore...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    14. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by Odd_Nonposter On thread : Things that are BAD for dreaming
      I keep seeing threads that say what is good for dreaming, but we never say what specifically is bad for it. We all know what we should take to enhance the dreaming experience. But I've noticed that...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    15. r2d2651
      r2d2651 liked post by really On thread : Really's Ultimate Lucid Mp3 is Here!
      Yay! I'm excited to post this already. lol Do you remember that "Maybe I can Aid You" topic? Few members contributed, and I tried and considered most of the ideas posted. My audio file is almost...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    View r2d2651's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries


    by r2d2651 on 04-09-2011 at 10:38 PM
    I remember going downstairs to see no one but my baby brother shuffling through papers. Naturally, I'm distraught and confused on how he even got down there! I pick him up and the dream fades..

    I was invisible crouched over the edge of a counter in an unfamiliar dark kitchen.. Hudson, my brother was to my left. I was doing my best to scare/hurt him.. I eventually trapped him in an oven. Called him Hitler. And he started shouting German..

    Later he came back with a weapon and a thirst for vengeance! I ran...

    *I also remember lanie and another girl water sliding down a sidewalk

    Camping in Mexico!

    by r2d2651 on 01-26-2011 at 06:06 PM
    I wanted to go camping in Mexico with clay and some more friends in the summer.. I was getting ready to go and I asked my mom if I could go, she said a definite NO so I threw a little hissy fit and got super pissed. Grandma (Dad's mom) came up from the downstairs and walked thru the living room..

    I found myself running up and down an endless stairwell.. (JUST LIKE INCEPTION!!!) I was running from someone.. I go back up behind them and grab their neck and say "Closed loop." Then I throw him over the edge. I am also naked..

    Mom tries to walk me back to school but all I have is an umbrella to cover myself.. She then takes me to a washing place and insists I've been here before.. I wash my shirt and pants.. Then I wait for them to dry... But.. Then a woman that works there comes up to me and presses a button.. Then it makes a loud noise and starts drying as she walks away I try to nervously explain how I "Must've forgot"

    Then I'm in a hotel.. I see an old man sitting at a desk, I can only see the back of his head.. Another man walks in with sacks of groceries and sits down in a chair next to the other man.

    The first man asks the other to "Check-In" his items.. The other one stands up and says "You're not a man! You're just a machine built to...???..."

    Throughout the course of the dream I am continually trying to get ready.. At one point my mom just "gives-in" and lets me go to Mexico... I get texts from Clay "I have the guns ready.." and "We wrecked the car..."

    This dream is all because... Right before I went to bed.. I asked.. "Mom, Clay is thinking of getting a camping thing going for the summer, could I maybe go.."

    She promptly responds..

    "No way in hell am I going to let you and a bunch of other teenagers alone in the woods together.."

    I went to bed, depressed.. Thinking about how much "fun" I'd have playing Global Agenda and Champions online all summer in six months...

    Hannah hannah bobanna...

    by r2d2651 on 01-25-2011 at 04:27 PM
    I was with Hudson and we were downtown, I had our wheeled chair and I was using my "spinning" technique to get around places fast.. I remember going back home for a minute to charge my phone. I then ended up atop a hill in the chair.. I rolled down fast.. Too fast! I tried to use my feet to slow down but I was barefoot! I ended up back on the front porch and saw my phone charging on the second step... This is odd because there are no outlets around here..

    I then ended up opening the door and seeing Shandy, Lanie, Melissa, and Hannah. Shandy gave me some math of his to do and I took it.. I kept closing the door because I didn't want anyone to see the house.. Everyone left except for Hannah.. I was on the toilet and the door was open.. I got up when I realized she was still in the house and tried to close the door by pulling on the towel bar but it fell off, so I quickly grabbed a towel and covered myself before she came into view I then sat down when she came into view and she was puzzled by the towel.. I shut the door..


    by r2d2651 on 01-22-2011 at 09:34 PM
    I remember going on some sort of trip.. I decided to work at a convenience store there. My job was to take candy brains into the bathroom, dip them into ranch (which there was a pool of in the urinals) then put them in salads and drizzle the salads with ranch.. Strangely, I ONLY remember doing the first part of my job (dipping candy brains) I had trouble doing so though, because there was some sort of fight in the bathroom, I felt in danger so I left the bathroom ASAP..

    When my boss complained at me for not doing my job, I calmly explained to him the problem in the bathroom. He said he would take care of it and he did.. Although I never saw what happened..

    I am then handed a wal-mart sack full of candy for another job.. I see Kali, Paige and what I think is Lanie sitting at the booth next to my boss and I..

    "Ryker, you're the candy guy?"

    I promptly answered "Yeah" as I was walking away..


    I then find myself entering "Dave's" (Our local convenience store) I go and sift through the stand in the middle that has salads and stuff, I find something I want but then I realize I only have 3 pennies.. I would feel bad walking in then leaving, so I casually stroll over to the door then I spot sun chips (love 'em) I take the Harvest Cheddar kind and then I go to get a fountain soda because I realize.. Mom sent me on my trip with 50 dollars, and I made 15 in "tips" at the other store.. So I decided to buy those for a dollar each..

    As I am walking to the back of the store.. Dream fades...

    Adam's daughter?..

    by r2d2651 on 01-21-2011 at 04:12 PM
    I had a dream in which for some reason my ex-youth pastor, Adam. Had a daughter. I was at my high school in the "market" area. Liz and a few others were behind those red roped connected by poles. I asked Adam how his daughter was and he told me she died of "butt-cancer" I told him how sorry I was..

    Also, Will Paige gave me a hug and told me some stuff. I said that "Christian science class was easy, 'Because God made it that way' hahaha"


    I was in a line with Melissa squeezing her boob and I saw the people at the front of the line, (celeste and someone else) were trying to logon to frontierville. I said "If you can't logon to facebook you cant logon there,"