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    Failing once more at making a portal and loosing my ability to fly.

    by RealShift on 01-29-2011 at 01:05 PM
    I wake up on the couch were I had fallen asleep earlier. On the bridge of the ship I'm on in the Navy.
    I walk over to one of the windows and stare out into to night. I then calmly say to my self, "this is a dream"
    Having the same problem I usually always have when lucid, not knowing/remembering what to do next, I realize I can try and travel to Egypt again.
    I've heard mirrors are good for portals, but unfortunately there are none near by and I don't have time to goto the nearest one, so I decide to try the door thing again.
    I picture myself opening the door and seeing the golden sands of Egypt. I open the door, but again.. nothing more but the same dark, empty and boring hallway as usual.
    Suddenly the boat rocks and I somehow fall out the window.
    I am not standing in an open field with a forest bordering this field, a night sky filled with stars and a thin layer of fog.
    Also the ship is now a train..traveling on tracks and everything. It's also moving quite quickly away from me. Annoyed, I say to myself "are you kidding me?"
    I then try to fly back to it. I'm quite good at flying in my dreams, so it came as a surprise when I took a big leap forward with my arms out and fell on my stomach.
    I brushed my self and tried again, this time jumping straight up. Nothing happened. I land on the ground.
    Annoyed and sad with my lack of ability to anything, I decide to just give up and wake myself up.

    Dream within a dream

    by RealShift on 01-29-2011 at 12:40 PM
    I'm dreaming (non-lucid) that I'm having a sleepover with a couple of friends of mine.
    Not doing anything special, except practicing a few MMA moves with one of my friends, we decide to call it a night.
    I lay down in my bunk-bed and go to sleep. Now I start dreaming that I'm walking around in the city with a cigar.
    I walk for quite a long time, smoking my cigar and looking a the big crowds of people walking past.
    Suddenly it starts raining an my cigar starts to melt, as if it was made of chocolate. As I'm smoking my now melting cigar, I fall down this hill. The crowds of people start laughing, but my only concern was to get my cigar to light up.
    I wake up, however, I'm still in the room were I started. My friends are sleeping and I wake one of them up to tell him my dream.
    Can't remember how it ends from here, I either start dreaming something else and not remembering it or I just wake up.

    First attempt at fast traveling (portal)

    by RealShift on 01-29-2011 at 12:24 PM
    After a couple false awakenings, I wake up in my bed once more knowing I'm still sleeping.
    For some reason it is incredibly hard to get out of my bed, but I manage to slide out of it eventually.
    I've been waiting for a chance to try and travel to specific locations or meeting spots. I decide to try and travel to the ancient pyramids of Egypt.
    Not really knowing how to do this, I give it my best shot and imagine my bedroom door being the portal I am going to travel through. I think really hard about what I'm going to see when I open my door, picturing the scenery behind it and getting ready to open my door and go through.
    I open my door, but sadly..the only thing behind it is nothing more than my hallway.
    I decide to close my door and try again, but all of a sudden I'm getting pulled towards my bed. I then wake up.
    I thought I should give it another go. I close my eyes and they open up again. However his time, I'm not sure I'm actually dreaming. I try and get out of my bed but it's impossible. I think I must have been in sleep paralysis with my waken eyes still open.
    lucid , false awakening

    Battle in an allyway

    by RealShift on 12-18-2010 at 11:16 AM
    Walking through an ally with a couple other people.
    A man with long black hair dress with a long black coat and chains appears in front of us a few few yards away.
    Suddenly he attacks. The person beside me gets hit and a second later I too get get hit.
    I fall to the ground. sand covers my face. I manage to roll out to the side.
    I see the chain with some sort of blade is stuck in my shoulder. I pull it out.
    A moment later the man walks up to one of the people I was with, who is uninjured.
    The man turns, looks at me and say "you may not yet take this path".
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Vague semi-lucid

    by RealShift on 12-17-2010 at 09:30 PM
    I get my gun out from the ships guns locker.
    As I fiddle around with it, it dissembles itself and falls to the floor.
    I try to put it back together, but the more I try, the more it falls apart.
    I become lucid and I remember another of the many thing I have to try and do while being lucid. Contacting another dreamer/sharing a dream.

    I call out to a person of whom I have in the past already chosen as the recipient (due to his experience and openness).
    I call out a second time, but this time as loud,strict and determined as I can.
    It could of been a number of reasons why my dream was now hazy. Maybe because of the amount of energy I put in my voice. Or because the dream was becoming unstable.

    I hear some sort of loud response, as if an annoyed person shouted "What?!" to me.
    A moment later a kind of silhouette appeared in front of me. If it was in fact the person I had been trying to contact, or a manifestation of my mind, I don't know.

    I proceeded to ask questions like "who are you", "what are you" and for some reason "what is going to happen".
    He answered the last question with calm words. Unfortunately, I don't remember what these words were. Even though I specifically told myself to remember.
    As he answered me I felt a cold breeze , his face revealed itself in a flash and I wake up
    lucid , non-lucid