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    40 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      Thanks a million for the DJ - Oh you did your roof top jumping like that .. maybe like the kung foo style films on low sweeping rooftops? Sounds great!

      Yes I love Katara and connect to her a lot -- the shape of her dynamic appearance in my picture is similar to the shape of your beautiful avatar art - nice

      I am in process of finding my way LDing and hope to improve all the time - youv been at DV for ages ... are you a natural or did you have to work at LDing? Bey for now

      oh no lucy is a nickname meohmyoh calls me
    2. View Conversation
      Hi there i have been enjoying your posts so thought I'd come and check out your dj all deleted - how come? I love your stack of goals - i am trying to make more goals for myself as I know it helps get the lucids rolling - one of mine you have done - jumping from roof top to roof top ; Did you do it Matrix style?
    3. View Conversation
      Awesome! Thanks I'll check him out
    4. View Conversation
      Hey I love your avatar
    5. View Conversation
      Awesomer isn't a word, you goof.
    6. View Conversation
      Hey, been a while. Are you still as awesome as I remember?
    7. View Conversation
      Thanks, RebelSeven. I quite like it too.
      The book that it is from is the front cover of 'Animalia' by Graeme Base. I think it is supposed to be Graeme as a child. Yeah, a childhood memory for me as well!
    8. View Conversation
      Samoyeds and backdoors.
    9. View Conversation
      I changed my avatar but I didn't like the new one so I removed it... and I'm too lazy to find that Derpy Hooves image again.

      Also, hi.
    10. View Conversation
      A notification from Seven? Oh lawdy lawd, to what do I owe the honor?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 40
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    About RebelSeven

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    Date of Birth
    May 20, 1990 (34)
    About RebelSeven
    If you feel like you have something to teach, I want to learn. Feel free to write me!
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    Page 19 of 19 FirstFirst ... 9 17 18 19
    1. whiterain
      whiterain liked post by RebelSeven On thread : Personal Lucid Task Club
      A lot of people talk about difficulty with flying and I think I have a tip that can really help. I have always been a really good flier, but suddenly flying became difficult for me. I could get...
      Liked On: 03-20-2011, 09:53 PM
    2. nina
      nina liked post by RebelSeven On thread : Ask Me About Tarot
      @Xei - Yes. Don't you? @Likestotrip - Sarcasm..... :roll: creative. And they don't roll bones they toss them. @Spartiate - XD no, not like pokemon, but Tarot is the root of the modern day...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:11 PM
    3. whiterain
      whiterain liked post by RebelSeven On thread : Completed my first Lucid Goal...but wasted such a good opportunity in such a pathetic way...Help?
      I have wasted many lucids by getting stuck or sucked back into a dream narrative. I avoid that now with one simple thing that you can always do. The moment you become lucid...LEAVE. Go away from...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. Sarta
      Sarta liked post by RebelSeven On thread : Calling All Dream Warriors (Roll Call)
      I'm in! I'm constantly doing battle, and winning, in my dreams, mostly with telekinesis (even in my non-LDs) or swords. I don't share the strength of conviction that others have, but hey, I've always...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    5. Mzzkc
      Mzzkc liked post by RebelSeven On thread : Calling All Dream Warriors (Roll Call)
      I'm in! I'm constantly doing battle, and winning, in my dreams, mostly with telekinesis (even in my non-LDs) or swords. I don't share the strength of conviction that others have, but hey, I've always...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    6. Mzzkc
      Mzzkc liked post by RebelSeven On thread : Calling All Dream Warriors (Roll Call)
      So the main point you're defending is that no one can dis-prove, by any means we have at our disposal,the existence of such things as astral projection and shared dreaming etc. and therefore is still...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. Chimpertainment
      Chimpertainment liked post by RebelSeven On thread : What's your spirit animal?
      I had spent weeks trying to find my spirit animal, both in dreams and in meditations. I was convinced it was a mountain lion and over and over again I found myself in mountain forests and on bare...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    Page 19 of 19 FirstFirst ... 9 17 18 19
    View RebelSeven's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Lucid Dream Goals

    by RebelSeven on 09-02-2011 at 08:11 PM

    = Task set by a friend

    Current Objectives (3 only):

    Last Success:
    [X] Fly all the way around the world

    [X] Fly
    [X] Use Magic
    [X] Shout my name out loud
    [X] Eat something non-edible
    [X] Jump off a skyscraper
    [X] Be a samurai
    [X] Fly all the way around the world
    [X] Take an elevator
    [X] Ride in Santa's Sleigh
    [X] Go to Northpole
    [X] Look at my reflection
    [X] Plant a seed, have a flower bloom in front of my eyes, give it to a DC
    [X] Find something of each primary color
    [X] See my shadow
    [X] Catch a butterfly
    [X] Eat green eggs and ham
    [X] Find/Follow the yellow brick road
    [X] Walk on water
    [X] See whats on TV
    [X] Climb a beanstalk
    [X] Go Dumpster Diving
    [X] Find Titanic
    Conversations with DC's:
    [X] Tell a DC they don't exist, I'm dreaming them
    [X] Ask a DC if I'm dreaming
    [X] Ask a DC why we dream
    [X] Ask a DC if he knows any of my secrets
    [X] Ask a DC what my Dream name is
    [X] Tell a DC they don't exist, I am dreaming them
    [X] Find a crowd and yell "Are there any other lucid dreamers here?"
    [X] Ask a DC what year it is
    [X] Ask a DC if they like me, then ask them why
    [X] Ask a DC where I am
    [ ] Ask a DC to sing me a song
    [ ] Ask a DC to tell me a joke
    [ ] Ask a DC to Dance with me
    [X] Ask a DC who I am
    [ ] Ask a DC to do a favor for me
    [ ] Ask a DC to help me complete another lucid goal
    [X] Ask a DC who or what I was in a past life
    [X] Ask a DC if I can make any changes to the world for them
    [X] Ask a DC what their name is
    [X] Ask a DC what they do when I'm awake
    [ ] Ask a DC to teach me something
    [X] Ask a DC what the meaning of life is
    [X] Ask a DC what they dream about
    [X] Ask a DC to prove they are real
    [ ] Ask a DC to predict something
    [ ] Play matchmaker between two DC's
    [ ] Convince a DC they are in the Matrix
    [X] Have a DC say "I think therefore I am" to me

    [X] Telekinesis
    [X] Fly through a forest of Truffela Trees
    [X] Fly out my window
    [X] Pyrokinesis
    [X] Aquakinesis
    [X] Ride a Dragon
    [X] Make it Snow
    [X] Transmutation (Morph an object from thing to another)
    [X] Turn day into night or night into day
    [X] Free fall
    [X] Shapeshift
    [X] Become an animal
    [X] Phase through Objects
    [ ] Find and wake up my sleeping self
    [ ] summon a portal and go through
    [X] Geokinesis
    [ ] Fight my evil clone
    [ ] Find the six-sword guy from my friends dream and tell him she wants a rematch
    [ ] Mind control a DC
    [ ] Slow time
    [X] Experience flying with wings
    [ ] Have a fight in the air with another flier
    [ ] Become a zombie
    [X] Get struck by lightning
    [ ] Meet Sheka in Kokiri Forest
    [ ] Visit a non-online DV
    [ ] Drink from the holy grail
    [ ] Go to a cemetery and raise the dead
    [X] Get hit by a vehicle
    [ ] Fly through the Grand Canyon
    [ ] See how long I can make my hair grow
    [ ] Be a public transit driver
    [ ] Grow two extra arms
    [ ] Invent Instrument
    [ ] Invent new color
    [ ] Invent a new sound
    [ ] Spin in a Tornado
    [X] Go into a Volcano
    [X] Walk on the bottom of the ocean
    [ ] Witness a Super Nova
    [X] Walk up a wall
    [X] Go over a waterfall
    [X] Jump from rooftop to rooftop
    [ ] Enter cyberspace
    [X] Time Travel
    [ ] Replace the leaves on the trees in Fall
    [ ] Visit The Akashic Records
    [ ] Go to the Moon
    [ ] Become a car
    [ ] Set off a nuclear bomb
    [ ] Visit the Garden of Eden
    [ ] Speak a language I don't know
    [ ] Call myself on a telephone
    [ ] Fight/tame/ride a dinosaur
    [ ] Fight Superman
    [ ] Visit the Citadel
    * [ *] Levitate a skyscraper
    * [ *] Walk on a cloud
    * [ *] Taste a cloud
    * [ *] Taste a rainbow

    [X] Leonard Nimoy
    [X] Olivia Benson
    [X] Elliot Stabler
    [X] Dexter
    [ ] My DG
    [ ] God
    [ ] Death
    [ ] Alex Cabot
    [ ] Deborah
    [ ] Mal
    [ ] River
    [ ] Simon
    [ ] Kaylee
    [ ] Jayne
    [ ] Walsh
    [ ] Zoe
    [ ] Inara
    [ ] Janeway
    [ ] Seven
    [ ] Doctor
    [ ] Picard
    [ ] Data
    [ ] Riker
    [ ] Deanna Troi
    [ ] Worf
    [ ] Kirk
    [ ] Spock
    [ ] Uhura
    [ ] Bones
    [ ] Quark
    [ ] Jadzia
    [ ] Ezri
    [ ] Julian
    [ ] Odo
    [ ] Neo
    [ ] Trinity
    [ ] Morpheus
    [ ] Agent Smith
    [ ] Adele
    [ ] Paul
    [ ] Echo
    [ ] Topher
    [ ] Victor
    [ ] Langdon
    [ ] Sierra
    [ ] Appa
    [ ] Katara
    [ ] Link
    [ ] Zelda
    [ ] Olivia Dunham
    [ ] Peter
    [ ] Sylar
    [ ] Claire
    [ ] Nathan
    [ ] HRG
    [ ] Cobb
    [ ] Ariadne
    [ ] Arthur
    [ ] Kurama
    [ ] Hiei
    [ ] Skully
    [ ] Mulder
    [ ] Ender
    [ ] Cimerone
    [ ] Ishmael
    [ ] Johnny Smith
    [ ] Abelia
    [ ] Codex
    [ ] Sheldon
    [ ] Eric Northman
    [ ] Kino
    [ ] Darcy
    [ ] The Phantom
    [ ] Sephiroth
    [ ] Jack Skellington
    [ ] Jim Halpert
    [ ] Elvis
    [ ] Socrates
    [ ] Chopin
    [ ] Poe
    [ ] SG1
    [ ] Garrus
    [ ] Tali
    [ ] Wrex
    [ ] Liara
    [ ] Shepard
    [ ] Chakwas

    [X] Use extra-sensory vision
    [X] Find The Boy
    [ ] 3rd person view
    [ ] Destroy an entire city
    [ ] Master shapeshifting
    [ ] Create a familiar (tied to my DI)
    [ ] Visit Hyrule
    [ ] Epic space battle between all the enterprises/voyager/serenity/Starfox against the Borg
    [ ] Stop time
    [ ] Help J wake her sleeping body
    [ ] Use the Reality Gauntlet from DP
    [ ] Become a Pokemon Gym leader
    [ ] Become a tree
    [ ] Go through a black hole
    [ ] Go through a worm hole
    [ ] Swim on the sun
    [ ] Blow up the sun
    [ ] Bring back a piece of the center of the sun
    [ ] Fight in 300
    [ ] See how the dinosaurs died
    [ ] See how the world began
    [ ] See how the world ends
    [ ] Shrink to the size of an atom
    [ ] Explode
    [ ] Bring an inamimate object to life
    [ ] Rip out my heart and put it in something or someone else
    [ ] Save the entire Dream Realm from an impending disaster
    [ ] Find an impossibly deep dark hole in the ground and jump in
    [ ] Enter Limbo
    [ ] Rewind the dream

    09 TOTY Visit the Seven Wonders of the ancient World:
    [ ] Great Pyramid of Giza
    [ ] Hanging Gardens of Babylon
    [ ] Statue of Zeus at Olympia
    [ ] Temple of Artemis
    [ ] Mausoleum of Maussollos
    [ ] Colossus of Rhodes
    [ ] Lighthouse of Alexandria

    08 TOTY Visit all the planets of the Solar System:
    [ ] Mercury
    [ ] Venus
    [ ] Mars
    [ ] Jupiter
    [ ] Saturn
    [ ] Uranus
    [ ] Neptune
    [ ] Pluto

    Greek Mythology:
    Find and spend time with the following:
    [ ] Olympia
    [ ] Tartarus

    [ ] Hypnos
    [ ] Zeus
    [ ] Hera
    [ ] Poseidon
    [ ] Dyonisus
    [ ] Apollo
    [ ] Artemis
    [ ] Hermes
    [ ] Athena
    [ ] Ares
    [ ] Aphrodite
    [ ] Hephaestus
    [ ] Demeter
    [ ] Hades
    [ ] Eros
    [ ] Hecate
    [ ] Pan
    [ ] Psyche

    Primordial Gods:
    [ ] Chaos
    [ ] Gaia
    [ ] Chronos
    [ ] Nyx

    [ ] Heleos
    [ ] Atlas
    [ ] Styx

    [ ] Orion

    [ ] Deimos
    [ ] Lethe
    [ ] Epiales
    [ ] Morpheus
    [ ] Phantasos
    [ ] Phobetor
    [ ] The Graeae
    [ ] The Harpies
    [ ] Raidne

    The Fates (Moirae):
    [ ] Clotho (spinner)
    [ ] Lachesis
    [ ] Atropos

    [ ] Aiode (song)
    [ ] Arche (origins)
    [ ] Melete (meditation)
    [ ] Mneme (memory)
    [ ] Thelxinoe (charmer)
    [ ] Calliope (epic poetry)
    [ ] Clio (history)
    [ ] Melpomene (tragedy)
    [ ] Terpischore (dance)
    [ ] Urania (astronomy)
    [ ] Polymatheia (knowledge)

    [ ] Achilles
    [ ] Perseus
    [ ] Odysseus
    [ ] Chiron

    Updated 06-01-2012 at 01:04 PM by RebelSeven


    Mysterious War

    by RebelSeven on 08-05-2011 at 10:26 PM

    Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:38 AM by RebelSeven

    lucid , false awakening , memorable

    Demanding to Meet my DG

    by RebelSeven on 08-05-2011 at 10:24 PM

    Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:38 AM by RebelSeven

    lucid , memorable

    The VERY IMPORTANT Message

    by RebelSeven on 08-05-2011 at 10:22 PM

    Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:38 AM by RebelSeven

    lucid , false awakening

    Flying Glitches

    by RebelSeven on 08-03-2011 at 07:31 PM

    Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:39 AM by RebelSeven
