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    About reveriemyst
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    I'm here to learn + grow, experience the yins + yangs, live life to the fullest, grab a bull by the horns (but not really, because that would be mean to the bull), tomato, tomahto.. you know. :P
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      Luminescent sun chaser

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    1. AURON
      AURON liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Your 'most' dream list :P
      I dealt with one of my terrifying hypnagogic experiences by completely forgetting it, apparently. :? I was going through all my random dreams that I just jotted down over the years but never...
      Liked On: 05-29-2013, 12:14 AM
    2. Ctharlhie
      Ctharlhie liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (SSILD)
      :whyme: I saw the term throughout this thread and wondered, "Okay, I did SSILD once, but maybe that was just a one-time luck deal. :P " Didn't know what other term to use. :cheeky: (probably should...
      Liked On: 05-28-2013, 04:18 PM
    3. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Task of the Month for May 2013
      This sounded interesting so I wanted to give it a shot. But I failed. :( I was in a park, a fancy one with fountains and trees placed meticulously around, and it was bright and sunny. For some...
      Liked On: 05-28-2013, 02:51 PM
    4. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Task of the Month for May 2013
      This sounded interesting so I wanted to give it a shot. But I failed. :( I was in a park, a fancy one with fountains and trees placed meticulously around, and it was bright and sunny. For some...
      Liked On: 05-28-2013, 06:20 AM
    5. AURON
      AURON liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Your 'most' dream list :P
      Ooh, nice! ;-) We don't forget those kinds of dreams, do we? :cheeky: Lol! That had to be epic. Or just plain funny. :lol: Holy moly. :eek: I'd be freaked out too. O.o Thank goodness...
      Liked On: 05-28-2013, 04:54 AM
    6. BlueBenuofIsis
      BlueBenuofIsis liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Seeing people you've never met before in dreams?
      This has happened to me as well. I dream a lot about people I've never met before. But it's the recurring characters that are interesting. Yes most of the DCs seem to just be an actor/actress in...
      Liked On: 05-28-2013, 12:26 AM
    7. Mystycal
      Mystycal liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Your 'most' dream list :P
      That's good that you didn't take the dream too seriously. Can you imagine if we all did that? :P No one would look at each other the same. :cheeky: I hear you with going through and rereading them...
      Liked On: 05-27-2013, 08:24 PM
    8. Athylus
      Athylus liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Seeing people you've never met before in dreams?
      I think what our mind does is combine the different things we've seen into one coherent image. So say the DC's I've never seen before, perhaps my mind is taking a face from someone I've seen before...
      Liked On: 05-27-2013, 06:41 PM
    9. Sageous
      Sageous liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Strange Lucid 'Glitches'
      One of my glitches was not being able to open doors. :uhm: I would stand there, confuzzled (I knew how to open it but for some reason it wouldn't open) so I made up for it by jumping out windows. :P...
      Liked On: 05-27-2013, 04:45 AM
    10. gab
      gab liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Where does it come from?
      When someone has a lucid dream and they're creating what they want, that makes sense. But what about things, people that appear that you have no control over? Is it your dreaming mind filling in the...
      Liked On: 05-26-2013, 08:15 PM
    11. gab
      gab liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Have I Commited Dream Crime?
      This is how I treat the dream world, even if I'm lucid. :P Even though I know I can do absolutely anything I want, my conscious ends up playing a big part. It gets to the point that when a DC gets...
      Liked On: 05-26-2013, 12:03 AM
    12. GavinGill
      GavinGill liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Hi! :) I'm a little lost..
      :cheeky: When else am I going to have the opportunity to use this?: :kiss: :P And thanks! I think I shall. Thanks! :) Glad to be able to talk about lucid dreaming without people looking...
      Liked On: 05-23-2013, 10:54 AM
    13. Darkmatters
      Darkmatters liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Do we only remember dreams from our latest REM cycle?
      Ha! This is so me. :cheeky: I get so annoyed at myself when trying to go back and write my dream in depth but can only barely understand 1 out of 4 words. :armflap: And there are some times I wake...
      Liked On: 05-23-2013, 02:09 AM
    14. Ctharlhie
      Ctharlhie liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (SSILD)
      Congratulations! Isn't it great? I am so thankful for finding this technique. Has worked wonders for me. :) I found this method about a month ago, tried it, and the very first night had a...
      Liked On: 05-22-2013, 11:42 AM
    15. GavinGill
      GavinGill liked post by reveriemyst On thread : Hi! :) I'm a little lost..
      Lol Um, thanks? :cheeky: I feel so welcome. :sheepishgrin: Welp, off to explore more of the site! Hope to see you both around. :)
      Liked On: 05-22-2013, 06:50 AM
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    View reveriemyst's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    New realms..

    by reveriemyst on 07-03-2013 at 05:09 PM
    (Actually had this dream on 6/28/13.)

    I was playing a game, had to follow a red balloon to pop it, but it was going into unfamiliar territory. Sometime at this point I turned lucid and continued to follow the red balloon. It was drifting off into the forest/woods. I was floating, and had to really concentrate - knew that I was dreaming but wary of it at the same time, as if I knew I could slip back into non-lucidity at any point.

    So as I was going through the woods chasing the balloon, I was being conscious of staying far above the ground, in case wild animals could get me. Then I was thinking, "Why am I chasing this balloon? And why am I afraid of wild animals? I could just fly away." And so, I did. There was an opening in the woods and I used that to just feel free and uninhibited. Just having a very carefree and enjoyable time.

    Then I reached a part where these 'evil' beings lived. They each had a... territory, their own part of land, like each kingdom or something. One that ruled his was a very powerful, magical, phantom type being. He wore a long black hooded robe, floated, and gave off this dark purple-black aura; he was glowing with it. I knew to stay away from him. His place was white though. Like a pretty, pure, innocent castle. Didn't know if he lived there to throw off travelers or what. It seemed like he lived on the clouds. Or a very high mountain. The clouds surrounded the area. It looked so enchanting, I felt compelled to go there, even though I knew it was a bad idea.

    Other kingdoms had their own style. One area was blue, as if it was surrounded by water. Another had a beautiful silvery hue. All were nice, regal looking. But unfortunately I lost lucidity and the dream ended.

    Updated 07-03-2013 at 05:16 PM by reveriemyst


    Motivated by a dragon

    by reveriemyst on 06-25-2013 at 05:48 AM
    So this is the dream that kind of pushed me onward and upward hopefully.

    I had it this morning and I was so frustrated at myself for my lack of focus and direction.

    I became lucid suddenly, went from seeing nothing but black to suddenly sitting in an empty field. Just knew that I was dreaming, and then asked myself, 'Ok.. I'm lucid.. now what?' I honestly drew a blank as to what I wanted to do.

    Well thankfully something within me kicked in, and I hear this growl behind me. I turn around slowly, ready to make whatever it is disappear, but then I see it's a dragon. A beautiful red/green/black iridescent one. I'm too awestruck at this point to do anything. Then it snorts at me and dips its head, kind of like how horses do to get attention, and I realize it wants me to ride it. But before I could I woke up. I think I was just too excited.

    It was just frustrating because I had the world at my fingertips and ended up just sitting there without a clue, a purpose, a meaning. So I'm hoping the next time, I'll know what I want to do and attain it.


    by reveriemyst on 06-04-2013 at 04:06 PM
    I only had dream fragments this morning..
    (Just wanted to write them down real quick so I can start a dream journal here to hopefully get me motivated in remembering my dreams and attaining lucidity. )

    I was at work, but we didn't have to work, which was awesome because we were being paid to chill around and have fun. (Too bad it was a dream and not real life )

    I've been trying to attain one of my goals so I guess it came out in my dream; I was climbing the top of this huge building and when I got to the top I tried to reach out my hand and touch the clouds. No luck. Almost fell off the building though, which would have made a nice falling dream, but alas, no. XP

    I'm not going to type all my dreams here. Only the dreams that I feel like. Have another handwritten journal that I write in.

    Anywho, that's it for today, unless I take a nap later and have a cool dream.