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    1. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by Darkmatters On thread : Bicameral mind.
      (I just re-read what you wrote, and I think I might have misunderstood you and made a gigantic post that misses your point entirely - or at least largely. But I'm going to leave it anyway because...
      Liked On: 10-22-2017, 07:58 PM
    2. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by Darkmatters On thread : Bicameral mind.
      Well, as soon as I saw what you wrote I immediately thought I must be mistaken - because as I mentioned, I just briefly looked into it and that was long ago (whenever Westworld was airing - a year...
      Liked On: 10-22-2017, 07:47 PM
    3. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by Darkmatters On thread : Bicameral mind.
      I first ran across the idea of the Bicameral Mind while watching Westworld (the new one). I only know that it proposes that our thoughts are the voices of the gods in our heads. I also read that it...
      Liked On: 10-21-2017, 11:35 PM
    4. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by Sageous On thread : Would the universe exist without observers?
      ^^ That's all very excellent stuff, Snoop, but, perhaps oddly, what it does for me is illustrate the real problem behind this question: Why do we assume that something must be real to us in...
      Liked On: 10-21-2017, 12:37 AM
    5. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by Dreamhatcher On thread : A fantasy dream of sorts with a twist at the end
      This is part of a lucid dream I had yesterday and that kept me thinking all day long, the dream was very long and consisted of several fragments that were interesting in their own way, but I'd like...
      Liked On: 10-10-2017, 02:22 AM
    6. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked blog post by Aristocles On : The Muddled Night
      #2 ["Who was it?"] ~Non-Lucid~ Uptown - It was night, and lights surrounded me wherever I looked. I am presuming I was deep within the labyrinth of an modernized city. As I could not recall the...
      Liked On: 09-15-2015, 02:30 AM
    7. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by Memm On thread : Why you would not want to become lucid every night.
      The only reason I can think of is that often my normal dreams are actually more interesting than my LDs, but I think I would still prefer to LD every night because it's more useful.
      Liked On: 01-26-2015, 03:41 AM
    8. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by EnT On thread : There is no difference between obe and a lucid dream.
      Dead right Dronfieldman. The really odd thing about this though is that despite how amazingly and ridiculously easy it would be to prove OOBEs are real (for an experienced projector), the only...
      Liked On: 02-25-2013, 04:28 AM
    9. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by Zoth On thread : There is no difference between obe and a lucid dream.
      He's in a forum, what better place to start an argument? You're assuming that every argument is bad and not productive, but the arguments he posted for his way of thinking are very solid to me, and...
      Liked On: 02-17-2013, 12:57 AM
    10. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by oniman7 On thread : There is no difference between obe and a lucid dream.
      The burden of proof is on those who believe in OBEs and want them to be taken seriously. During SP once I felt as though my body were lifted by a focal point in my stomach (so that my limbs dangled)...
      Liked On: 02-14-2013, 11:24 AM
    11. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by Darkmatters On thread : There is no difference between obe and a lucid dream.
      Agreed. I think there's just a very powerful "leaving the body" schema that gets activaed, and you know how people can be profoundly affected by various dream schema and wake up thinking "It wasn't...
      Liked On: 02-13-2013, 11:45 PM
    12. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by Zoth On thread : Michael Raduga's The Phase?
      Dream signs can vary, and for some people it's not that easy to spot them. If your recall isn't the best, there are some "universal" dream signs. I say universal because they are still cues that...
      Liked On: 01-27-2013, 03:23 PM
    13. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by MasterMind On thread : The most common dream sign for me. Which are your?
      Well dreams are not only subconscious experiences of your emotions, but also subconscious awareness. It's strange actually I mean when we are awake our subconscious focus is the dream kind of world...
      Liked On: 01-17-2013, 12:14 AM
    14. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by MaxMeents On thread : LD Reading Group [Download links to ALOT of books]
      I feel like going back and reading books on lucid dreaming (and oneness study) since I'm taking the next year off from work to focus mainly on learning to WILD more quickly and improve the quality of...
      Liked On: 01-08-2013, 03:36 PM
    15. sanctispiritus
      sanctispiritus liked post by TwilightDreams On thread : newbie here
      hey there i came looking for a place where i could share the bizarre dreams i have had over the course of my life and this place seems to be active so here i am. here's a generalized summary of my...
      Liked On: 01-07-2013, 03:10 PM
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    View sanctispiritus's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Barely a lucid dream per month

    by sanctispiritus on 11-05-2021 at 02:34 AM
    I continue to have a repetitive dream. I go to Cuba with my car and that is really weird because you cannot take a car to Cuba. Most of the time a take the car inside my suitcase and that is really non sense. All of the sudden I forget where my car is parked and that's it. There is a variation, someone sell me a car and then I realize that the care is really old and shabby.

    Inventory at the hospital.

    by sanctispiritus on 02-21-2013 at 12:42 AM
    I'm at home and receive a visit from two women who claim that they need to do an inventory. I say we should go to the hospital . I walk barefoot and shirtless like the most normal thing in the world. When we arrived at the office door we can not enter because we do not have the magnetic card for doing that. Then we began to leave the hospital. We reach a staircase and I realize that two children are dangerously leaning against the railing. I carry a little girl about 4 years and suddenly people start running. We run out and I can see that there is another child in the top of the stairs. In those moments comes another lady who apparently knows me because she calls out my name. She takes the girl and I head out of the hospital. Then I start to make huge leaps as if gravity did not exist. Jumping from house to house, rather to the courtyards of the houses, I wake up suddenly.


    by sanctispiritus on 02-19-2013 at 12:40 AM
    I am in a building that is on the banks of a river that flows into the sea. This place is no stranger to me because it looks like a university building in Havana where I lived for three years. I was out on the balcony and I look to the horizon where the river and the sea met.
    Suddenly I notice that the water on the horizon rise sharply and is moving in the direction of the building. I am in the level 12 and I feeel secure
    The wave reaches the building and torrents of water come through the windows. The water soaks my clothes and I run to tell my sister who is taking a bath, but she does not pay any attention. When the waves retire I look down and see people's bodies on the sand. I go down to try to help when I see that a child is drawn into a drain. I manage to grab the child's hand and pulled him out of the water.

    Walking down the streets

    by sanctispiritus on 02-17-2013 at 12:37 AM
    This is a dream that has been repeated many times. I'm walking down a street in my hometown and suddenly I find myself walking IN A neighborhood that does not exist in reality but I have visited many times in my dreams. The houses are two stories high with many columns. The streets are deserted. As a variation this time as I was looking at the roofs I saw that they were adorned with statues that had collapsed. I looked carefully at one of these statues and it was a white angel that had collapsed to the right, but it was still standing because it had internal metal structures.

    Obe = lucid dream.

    by sanctispiritus on 02-13-2013 at 11:12 PM
    Everything that happens during the OBE, occurs precisely within our brain. Last night at 4 in the morning I had one of those experiences. I felt like my body was rising from the horizontal to a vertical position just in front of MY bed, the room was dark but I could distinguish objects. I tried to turn on the light, but this only gave a small lighting like a spark. I did what I had not done during other episodes, which was looking at my bed to see if my body was there, but I only saw the bed. My conclusion is that during the OBE supposedly one sees what we expect to see, if you does not believe that the soul leaves the body, then you will not see your body resting on your bed. .
    For People with religious beliefs that believe that the soul is independent of the body may probably have that kind of experiences but for me an obstinate materialistic these experiences are merely the product of brain activity. I went outside of my room and tried to turn on the lights, and this time they worked. I entered back and forth in that lucid dream 2 or 3 times.