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    1. LouaiB
      LouaiB liked post by ultranova On thread : *sign in here*
      "Left a comment" Why is the time in GMT-8...it should make more sense to write times in GMT0 so everyone can add/decrease time normally.
      Liked On: 01-17-2014, 03:06 AM
    2. intheworldofnim
      intheworldofnim liked post by ultranova On thread : Saw my reflection in a Mirror!
      I had a dream too where i looked at mirror --> everything was fine except the reflection was making some weird expressions :D
      Liked On: 06-09-2013, 12:03 PM
    3. benzilla04
      benzilla04 liked post by ultranova On thread : Auditory Hypnagogia: write what you hear.
      I usually hear songs and I can control them like adding beats, changing melody and stuff. So yeah after some time in SP my head turns into MP3 player...
      Liked On: 05-28-2012, 06:31 PM
    4. EspadaInMyCloset
      EspadaInMyCloset liked post by ultranova On thread : Auditory Hypnagogia: write what you hear.
      I usually hear songs and I can control them like adding beats, changing melody and stuff. So yeah after some time in SP my head turns into MP3 player...
      Liked On: 10-23-2011, 09:23 PM
    5. tommo
      tommo liked post by ultranova On thread : Dead Island sucks!
      What? I tought that Dead Island is a Luggage Opening Simulator? I mean most the time you spend opening some luggages, lockers and stuff. Blur and screen tearing are unforgivable. 0/10 from me...
      Liked On: 09-10-2011, 04:47 AM
    6. AD0123
      AD0123 liked post by ultranova On thread : WILD help, transitioning into the dream.
      Well, don't force yourself, it's counterproducitve. Also tend to do RCs so if you fall asleep you might have chance for DILD. Specifically for your problem it seems that you are too aware of SP and...
      Liked On: 08-31-2011, 10:18 PM
    7. Jeff777
      Jeff777 liked post by ultranova On thread : Jeff777's Free-falling WILD technique!
      Hey, I don't know if it's because of technique or something else but I had a very long LD partially using this technique. I was just taking deep breaths and let me mind "free fall". I'll take yet to...
      Liked On: 06-21-2011, 05:20 PM
    8. AndresLD
      AndresLD liked post by ultranova On thread : Jeff777's Free-falling WILD technique!
      Hey, I don't know if it's because of technique or something else but I had a very long LD partially using this technique. I was just taking deep breaths and let me mind "free fall". I'll take yet to...
      Liked On: 06-18-2011, 07:44 AM
    9. Shadow27
      Shadow27 liked post by ultranova On thread : Just a small recall tip
      Some quick tips that help me recall my dreams when I am stuck. Tough everything I have to do now in order to remember them is to want to remember them. But here are some quick tips: 1. Wake 1-2...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by ultranova On thread : NO RC Experiment
      I also read in some book that looking at everything as substance of dream may help in recognition when we are actually dreaming. Personally I have not been trying this very often but I was trying it....
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View ultranova's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    R-SX Motorbike

    by ultranova on 08-01-2013 at 09:43 PM
    I was at school playground driving motorbike, it had sticker on it; R-SX was written on it. I was revving it up and the engine was screaming. Suddenly I find myself at some amfitheater listening to some presentation. Everybody was sitting in their chairs except me - I was on the motorbike. Someone tried to take pictures of some girl sitting near me when she started to scream and ran away. Now I am at some open space, and I can see a football terrain in the distance. It was snowing and the terrain was covered with snow. I am with my friend, and there is that R-SX bike there too. I said to my friend: look there, I'll show up soon. I was looking at a terrain and saw myself driving some white jeep on the terrain. Suddenly my other friend appeared in place of one that was there before. He was holding my bag, and for some reason I reached for it and got my shower gel out of it. My friend started laughing and when I opened bottle of shower gel there was nothing but dirt in there.
    I don't remember what happened after, but that was one really strange dream.

    Seat Leon Crash

    by ultranova on 07-30-2013 at 11:47 AM
    I was with my friend in his car, driving around the town. We decided to stop by the V club. He tried to park a car in some garage which was under ground level. He was entering in revers but little bit fast so he crashed into doors of garage. After that dream changed to another scene, I found myself in some supermarket and there was my friends Leon in it, supposedly it went through glass and knocked out shelves and cash register. Again, scene change, this time I am in some building and there was back part of friends Leon sticking out of wall. That's all I remember...

    Can't even title it

    by ultranova on 07-28-2013 at 09:50 PM
    I found myself in some grassland holding a black sword. It was something like a mmorpg universe, I was hunting down the monsters gaining experience and stuff. At one point I was jumping under some bridge to get some chest. I came to one part where my dream suddenly changed to other scene; now I was jumping around some house and my goal was to enter in dream of person sleeping inside that house. The house didn't have any windows or doors, but after jumping around it i discovered small window. When I looked through it I saw some girl sleeping there...I wanted to enter into her dream but I couldn't get in house. Next thing I remember is that I am in some facility holding a gun. There was someone with me and we were running toward open doors at the other end of facility.

    Random dream...

    RX7 Drift Session

    by ultranova on 07-24-2013 at 11:14 AM
    I was at place near my house called "Blue Water". I was in a car, Mazda RX7 and supposedly I was participant of drift challenge. Some people, who were probably in my team talked something to me and I started the car. As soon as I started the car my vision changed to third person and I was seeing the car from above. It was green with many stickers. There was some string attached to my car and that string came from sky. Weird thing was that the sky was blue even tough it was night and dark around me. That string detached and someone screamed to me to stop the car and get out of it. I was confused and found myself chasing someone and the dream ended there.

    Duel with Julia

    by ultranova on 12-03-2012 at 02:26 PM
    I was in front of my university. It was crowded with people. For some reason I had sword with me. I approached some girl and asked for a duel. My condition was that I go out with her if I win. She accepted. I took some fighting stance and suddenly she started to run away. I chased after her and when I caught her she took her sword and told that we can fight now. She won me with one hit and told me that she didn't want to defeat me in front of other people so that's why she ran away. Her name was Julia.