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    1. BlueBenuofIsis
      BlueBenuofIsis liked post by Zach113 On thread : What is YOUR dream sign?
      This awesome swamp that has either been the center of my dreams, or in the background as I am travelling.
      Liked On: 05-27-2013, 01:47 AM
    2. Bunnydrummer11
      Bunnydrummer11 liked blog comment by Zach113 On : Dream recall: night of October 22, 2012. 4 dreams
      You should try to write out more than just notes. Give us the whole story!
      Liked On: 10-26-2012, 01:08 AM
    3. Chimpertainment
      Chimpertainment liked post by Zach113 On thread : Zach's Workbook!
      Reality Checks: - My goal is to recall one dream a night for a week before I start trying to LD, so I haven't practiced any reality checks to excessively yet. However, plugging my nose, asking...
      Liked On: 10-23-2012, 07:36 PM
    4. Chimpertainment
      Chimpertainment liked post by Zach113 On thread : Zach's Workbook!
      I've actually gotten 2 friends who are willing to put an effort in now :P I pretty much came up to them, said "hey bro do you know what lucid dreaming is?" and told them they could use it to do...
      Liked On: 10-23-2012, 07:36 PM
    5. gab
      gab liked post by Zach113 On thread : Collection of Techniques and Methods for DILDs
      I'm getting up around 4:30 am this morning for a meteor shower, I'll think I'll try a WBTB! Thanks for the great guide, very helpful!!
      Liked On: 10-21-2012, 11:23 PM
    6. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by Zach113 On thread : Zach's Workbook!
      I've actually gotten 2 friends who are willing to put an effort in now :P I pretty much came up to them, said "hey bro do you know what lucid dreaming is?" and told them they could use it to do...
      Liked On: 10-19-2012, 03:12 PM
    7. paigeyemps
      paigeyemps liked post by Zach113 On thread : Zach's Workbook!
      I looked around at a few workbooks before starting mine! One thing I noticed was how awesome the bright colors look :D And while writing my goals, I thought, wouldn't it be awesome to have a group...
      Liked On: 10-19-2012, 03:37 AM
    8. Skygerobrian
      Skygerobrian liked blog post by Zach113 On : Starting my journal!
      Hello everyone, in case you didn't guess from my username, I'm Zach! I'm a total beginner, and am just starting to record my dreams. I had them written in a journal irl, but I've decided I really...
      Liked On: 10-18-2012, 11:32 PM
    9. gab
      gab liked blog post by Zach113 On : Starting my journal!
      Hello everyone, in case you didn't guess from my username, I'm Zach! I'm a total beginner, and am just starting to record my dreams. I had them written in a journal irl, but I've decided I really...
      Liked On: 10-18-2012, 10:06 PM
    10. Klesa
      Klesa liked post by Zach113 On thread : Zach's Workbook!
      Reality Checks: - My goal is to recall one dream a night for a week before I start trying to LD, so I haven't practiced any reality checks to excessively yet. However, plugging my nose, asking...
      Liked On: 10-18-2012, 07:08 PM
    11. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by Zach113 On thread : Zach's Workbook!
      Reality Checks: - My goal is to recall one dream a night for a week before I start trying to LD, so I haven't practiced any reality checks to excessively yet. However, plugging my nose, asking...
      Liked On: 10-18-2012, 03:19 PM
    12. paigeyemps
      paigeyemps liked post by Zach113 On thread : Zach's Workbook!
      Reality Checks: - My goal is to recall one dream a night for a week before I start trying to LD, so I haven't practiced any reality checks to excessively yet. However, plugging my nose, asking...
      Liked On: 10-18-2012, 09:13 AM
    13. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by Zach113 On thread : Sign Up Thread for Intro Class
      Hello! I would love to sign up. I have not had a lucid dream, but I'm currently working on dream recall and am very excited to get started. Count me in! If you need to PM me for any reason, feel free...
      Liked On: 10-18-2012, 02:59 AM
    14. gab
      gab liked post by Zach113 On thread : Clarifying Questions
      Thank you very much, I really appreciate all the help you've been. I am very honored to be a part of such a great community, I'll let everyone know when I get my first LD!
      Liked On: 10-17-2012, 05:56 AM
    15. gab
      gab liked post by Zach113 On thread : Hey everyone!
      Thanks for the advice guys, I'm most certainly excited to have my first lucid dream. I've been reading a lot around the forums, and I'm willing to be patient in learning how to lucid dream like a...
      Liked On: 10-16-2012, 08:44 PM
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    View Zach113's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Two Dreams in One Night Test (Success!)

    by Zach113 on 10-20-2012 at 11:03 PM
    Hello everyone! I read something about remembering multiple dreams in one night. I decided to try it out, and it worked. However, I woke up about 2 minutes in a REM stage, so the first dream of the night is really more of a fragment.

    This first dream is sort of like a commercial. I remember seeing random clips of people speaking Spanish. There was nothing out of the ordinary, and I detected no mistakes in their grammar and sentence structure, even though I'm not the best Spanish speaker myself (I'm awful at remembering sounds and voices, so I can't really describe what they sounded like, all I know is that they were speaking Spanish). When paying attention to the background, I noticed that it was my current high school. The dream was not very vivid, but an apricot like color stood out to me. This was a weird dream, it jumped around to different people, and I do not remember my dream self interacting with anyone. It almost seemed third person, or like I got sucked into a TV and was just sitting there watching.

    After I woke up around 2:30 am, I wrote that last dream down and went back to bed. I fell asleep almost immediately, and my next dreams begun. Me and my two brothers were in a natural pool or pond. For some reason, I was standing about five or six feet out into the water, were it was still shallow, and only looking into the side closest to me. I paid no attention whatsoever to the far side of the pool. I had no idea how I got there, but this didn't seem to bother my dream self. He was too busy having fun. On the edges of the pool was a collection of thick reeds (now that I write this down, groups of plants such as reeds or wheat seem to be a dream sign of mine. I'll have to look into this). In the pool, there is a random sign about a foot into the water. I don't read it however, because my dream self already knows what it says (perhaps its a warning not to venture to far in the pool? not sure, I didn't read it in that particular dream. and after all, I stayed very close to the edge of the pool the whole time). I don't recall to much about the surroundings of the pool besides the reeds, except I have a faint memory of a sandy path leading to the beach. My brothers and I played in the current for a little bit before deciding to leave. On our way out, we spot a salamander. It's a Jefferson Salamander, in case anyone wants to google that for a visual .

    Here, things get a bit fuzzy. I must have traveled back along the path to the beach, and then climbed up into my condo by the sea. The next part I remember is being in my condo, with an excellent view of the beach and the ocean. I'm sitting in a very comfortable chair with a pink and green floral pattern. The walls are white and clean, and everything smells fresh. I'm relaxing and talking to an ex-girlfriend of mine on an texting app on my iPod touch, which is weird because I have a phone that would be much easier to text with (I used to spend hours with her every day in real life, but now we don't talk as much. every once in awhile, I talk to her to catch up on how things are going, so talking to her seems perfectly normal to my dream self). We are really hitting it off, when I ask her if she wants to hang out sometime. She says I'll have to get put on a list, because there are so many people who asked before me. This makes my dream character laugh, as I imagine a long list with a thousand names. I find the whole situation rather amusing.

    Things cut off from here, and I have another small dream fragment. I'm not sure whether or not this fragment and the last dream are all within the same REM stage. As for the dream, I'm standing in a long line in front of someones house. I do not recognize anyone in the line, and it seems I am the only one who isn't an adult. The house is in a forest environment, and the whole background is very green and very leafy. (it's fall where I live right now, and there isn't much green left in the real world forests). The reason we're standing in the line is because we're volunteering to help out the owner of the house. My dream ends here. Another strange couple of dreams to add to my journal.

    Happy everybody!

    Starting my journal!

    by Zach113 on 10-18-2012 at 09:29 PM
    Hello everyone, in case you didn't guess from my username, I'm Zach! I'm a total beginner, and am just starting to record my dreams. I had them written in a journal irl, but I've decided I really like this website along with the community, so I'm going to type up my dreams from now on.

    So I was in my house, in the living room. One of my older brothers friends pulled up in a car. I hopped in and we drove off. As we start making progress down the road, my older bro's friend starts calling more people to pick up. Cool, sounds like a party. We pulled around a street corner, and the car is suddenly full of people. When we take the turn, a someone pulls in front of us. But it's not a car, it's one of my irl friends on a scooter (weird right?) moving along with the cars. Although my dream self accepted this, everyone in the car all thought it was weird. We starting making comments about this person, some of them nice and some of them rude. The whole time everyone is commenting, I don't say a single word, even though I know this person very well in real life and could easily chip in to the conversation. While I'm watching my friend scooter down the road, everyone disappears. I'm now at a totally different section of road, one near my house. The inside of the car has gone from the junky interior of a high schoolers hand-me-down, to a luxurious leather seated, expensive looking car. Everyone in the car who was previously there is now gone, with the exception of the original driver. Now, up in the front of the car is one of the teachers at my school, who happens to be my homeroom teacher. Although I don't know him to well, he is that teacher that everyone loves, and I have heard countless stories about him. He makes a comment about the guy on the scooter, even though he's long out of sight.

    This is where things get a little foggy, but I have recollection of what happened later on in the dream.

    We continued driving, and the random people I didn't recognize from before were back in the car. I remember looking out the window and seeing a swamp. (The swamp looked outrageously familiar. I believe it has been in many dreams in the past, but it hasn't been in one since I've started recording my dreams. I can't associate any memories to it, other than its distinctive look) Later on down the road, I see old worn down buildings. Eventually, we arrive at a field of wheat. I exclaim to my dream 'buddies' that I've been here, and that one time I went all the way down the field. However, this field is a little different than one of real life. The wheat was absolutely massive. Very tall, and far off in the distance on top of rolling hills. We started walking toward the field. This is when everyone disappeared, being replaced by my dad and my little brother (don't worry, I'm not going to keep bringing random brothers into this, I only have 2, an older and a younger ). The pleasant looking field has also turned into a desert. The wheat is still there, but is now thin and not as abundant. And now, the wheat is not golden, but a dull green similar to that of a corn stalk. As we're walking, I pick up a piece of wheat and begin to play with it. However, when we get up close to it, it changes form (could I even consider it wheat anymore?! lol), and the group of seeds that is normally at the top of wheat is now gone, and is replaced by very thick and stiff leaves that protrude from the bottom of the green stalk. As I'm looking down and playing with it, my little brother starts getting upset, sad about losing his bathing suit. When I look up, inside-out bathing suits are suspending themselves in the air all around the desert. This is when I wake up.