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    Thread: The Maitreya Thread

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      Lucid Shaman mcwillis's Avatar
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      The Maitreya Thread

      This is a very brief introduction. If you would like to investgate this further then I would highly recommend reading Maitreya's Mission, volumes I, II & III

      All the major religions expect a further revelation to be given by a future Teacher. Christians hope for the return of the Christ, the Buddhists look for the coming of another Buddha, while Muslims await the Imam Mahdi, the Hindus a reincarnation of Krishna, and the Jews the Messiah.

      Students of the esoteric tradition know these as different names for the same individual - Maitreya, the World Teacher - and they look for his imminent return now, at the head of his group of Masters of Wisdom. They are people like us, who have gone before us in evolution and who have always guided and inspired humanity from behind the scenes.

      Preferring to be known simply as the Teacher, Maitreya has not come as a religious leader, but as an educator in the broadest sense - pointing the way out of humanity's most critical problems.

      At this time of great political, economic, social and environmental crisis, Maitreya will inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and create a civilization based on sharing, economic and social justice, and global cooperation.

      Maitreya does not intend to build a new religion around himself, nor to create followers, but to teach humanity 'the art of Self-realization.' The first steps are 'honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit, and detachment.'

      Maitreya's social concerns are reflected in his list of priorities: an adequate supply of the right food, adequate housing for all, healthcare and education as universal rights. He will advocate that the number one priority, after the ending of starvation for millions, will be the saving of the environment. His social message can be summarised in a few words: 'Share and save the world.' Maitreya knows we will accept his message and that we are on the threshold of an era of peace and goodwill.

      Five people around the world were chosen to disseminate information about Maitreya but only one man answered the call. Information about Maitreya's emergence has come primarily from Benjamin Creme, a British artist and author who has been speaking and writing about this event since 1974. According to Creme, Maitreya descended in July 1977 from his ancient retreat in the Himalayas and took up residence in the Indian-Pakistani community of London. He has been living and working there, as a seemingly ordinary man, his true status known to relatively few. Maitreya has been emerging gradually into full public view so as not to infringe humanity's free will.

      As a modern man concerned with today's problems, Maitreya has worked on many levels since 1977 to prepare humanity for his outward presence. From behind the scenes, the outpouring of his extraordinary energy has been the stimulus for dramatic and positive changes on many fronts, including the fall of communism in the Soviet Union, the end of apartheid in South Africa, the rapprochement between East and West, the growing strength of the people’s voice in many countries, and the worldwide focus on preserving the environment.

      In 1988, Maitreya began appearing, both in person and in dreams, to well-known leaders in various countries and to many ordinary citizens. On June 11, 1988, he appeared ‘out of the blue’ before 6,000 people at an open-air prayer/healing meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, where he was instantly recognized as the Christ. The event, with photographs, was reported in the Kenya Times and subsequently picked up by news media around the world.

      After this event, until 2001, Maitreya appeared regularly before gatherings of orthodox religious groups worldwide. He addressed them briefly in their own language and was recognized by the majority of people in attendance as their awaited Teacher. He also created healing springs of water in the areas near these appearances. The healing waters in Mexico, Germany, and India have drawn millions of visitors.

      On April 21-22, 1990, Maitreya held a weekend conference in London for around 200 world leaders or their emissaries from the fields of government, business, science, religion and journalism. Many pledged their co-operation to help implement his priorities.

      In June 1988, an associate of Maitreya indicated that the signs of Maitreya’s presence in the world would continue to increase. 'He is going to flood the world with such happenings that the mind can never comprehend it.'

      Soon after, a steady stream of unexplained phenomena began - and continues to this day: weeping and bleeding statues of the Madonna and Jesus, healing crosses of light and springs of water, divine messages inscribed within fruits and vegetables, bronze and stone sacred statues that appear to drink milk, and remarkable light patterns on buildings and pavements. The most recent of these events is the appearance of a large, brilliant 'star' - visible both night and day around the world. Through such signs and manifestations, now widely reported in the media, Maitreya has touched the hearts of millions, preparing them for his public emergence. These 'miracles' also strengthen people's faith and give them a sense of hope and expectancy for the future.

      Since January 2009, the brilliant 'star-like luminary' has been seen by thousands around the world and reported in Share International magazine, on YouTube websites and in mainstream media. Benjamin Creme’s information is that the 'star' heralds Maitreya’s emergence into public work, and that it will continue to appear in the sky until the Day of Declaration. At his London lecture on 14 January 2010, Benjamin Creme announced that Maitreya had recently given his first television interview, on a major US network, inaugurating his public work. By the end of 2010 Maitreya had given more than two dozen such interviews. (Neither Share International nor any of its affiliated groups worldwide are notified of the time, date or venue of these television appearances.) Introduced not as Maitreya but as a seemingly ordinary man, he continues in these interviews to propose practical solutions to our pressing global problems. He will become known for his insightful analysis of the world’s needs and his call for justice and freedom for all.

      At the earliest possible moment, Maitreya will reveal his true identity. Through a growing public response to his presence and ideas, he will be invited to speak to the entire world. On this Day of Declaration, to be seen worldwide via linked television networks, Maitreya will mentally 'overshadow' all of humanity simultaneously, and each of us will hear his words telepathically in our own language. Even those who are not watching Maitreya on television will have this experience. His energy of love will enter the hearts of all, galvanizing humanity to save the world. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will take place throughout the world. In this way we will know that Maitreya is truly the World Teacher for all humanity.

      Between 1988 and 1993, an associate of Maitreya conducted regular briefings with two London-based journalists, relaying Maitreya’s teachings and forecasts of world events. The information was made available to the world’s press and also published in Share International magazine. Maitreya predicted dramatic and unexpected international events weeks, months, or years before they happened. He foresaw the release of Nelson Mandela and the process of détente in South Africa. He stated that governments everywhere would have to give way to the 'voice of the people', a statement which found its most impressive proof in Eastern Europe and the fall of the Soviet Union. As early as June, 1988, Maitreya announced that a world stock market crash would begin in Japan. In 1989 the Japanese stock market lost 40% of its value, and in subsequent years the crisis spread to Eastern Europe, the Asian 'tiger economies', Russia and Argentina. The financial collapse hit the USA hard in 2008 and continues to have worldwide repercussions.

      These forecasts were given primarily to illuminate one of the most important spiritual laws governing our lives: the Law of Cause and Effect, also known as the Law of Karma. By comprehending and working within this law, Maitreya says, we can resolve the present social, political, economic, and environmental crises.

      Between September 1977 and June 1982, British author and lecturer Benjamin Creme received a series of 140 messages from Maitreya, the World Teacher. These were given during Creme's public lectures in London via a process of mental overshadowing or spiritual telepathy, which is not related to mediumship or channelling.

      Through these communications Maitreya suggests the actions that must be taken for the needed economic and social changes to take place. He encourages humanity to rebuild the world based upon the principles of brotherhood, sharing, and love. He also gives hints on how to recognize him and urges people to make known the fact of his presence.

      Many people today are looking for a way to help the world and build a stronger connection with their own spiritual nature. Transmission Meditation is the simplest way to do both - at the same time.

      Transmission Meditation is a group service activity which 'steps down' the great spiritual energies that continually stream into our planet. During transmission, the Masters of Wisdom direct these energies from the spiritual planes through the energy centers (chakras) of the group members in a highly scientific manner. This process makes the energies more useful to humanity and the other kingdoms in nature. Based on their wise understanding of our world, the Masters re-direct these stepped down energies to wherever they are most needed at that moment in time - thus transforming our world for the better.

      Transmission Meditation is a safe, scientific, non-denominational activity. It will not interfere with any religious or spiritual practice. On the contrary, it will enhance your personal meditation and any other spiritual activities in which you may be engaged.
      Last edited by mcwillis; 04-16-2012 at 11:46 AM.

      Please click on the links below, more techniques under investigation to come soon...

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