Quote Originally Posted by Alyzarin View Post
Interesting. I may have to try this pillow method, then! And thanks!

I'm not sure exactly how long it takes to kick in, but I can cite the fact that Kaomea noticed a relaxant effect roughly an hour after dosing. Perhaps that's a good sign to go off of? Half an hour to an hour is generally a safe bet for this kind of thing, anyway. (Not always, but generally.) From a little research I've just done as well, it seems like it should cross the BBB easily enough. When exactly do you take your cough drops before going to sleep, again? If you aren't already, I might suggest taking them right when you first get up for your WBTB, rather than as you're going to sleep, and see if it effects anything differently. Or even the other way around, if you already do it that way.

I'll be posting that in a second.
No Prob's, hope it helps. Thanks for the info. by the way.
I take them just after I wake (5.15 am) basically as the wbtb period starts. So I take about 3 across the whole (20 - 25 min) wbtb period, then retire or bed about 5.43 ish.

Yep, hail to the god of patties! (We wait for the solar eclipse to start.)