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    1. #26
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
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      I just tore up the Atlantis Buffet in Reno this weekend. Too bad that doesn't count.

    2. #27
      Magical mike magical mike's Avatar
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      I Guess mine counted?
      Oh well, I still wana do a better job!
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    3. #28
      Back in to Dreaming <span class='glow_00868B'>Creation X</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by hellohihello View Post
      When I LD I am going to try both at the same time!

      Go ice skating on the water to get to Atlantis! Does this count?
      This is how I accomplished both of them.
      I was ice skating on a small lake, and I jumped up and when I came back down the ice cracked, and I fell and couldn't start swimming up. I sank down, and instead of getting darker, it got lighter. I looked down and there was a beautiful castle. I could somehow breath underwater, and started swimming down to the entrance. The door lowered down and I stepped into the castle. Mermaids where swimming around everywhere. I turned around to watch the door go up, and when I did I woke up

      It was an awesome dream though.
      I ♥ DREAMVIEWS. I always have, and I always will. There is nothing else to it.

    4. #29
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      Quote Originally Posted by firat View Post
      Hello all, I'm a lurker of this thread. I'd try these tasks if I could get lucid more often and last a while. I'd suggest something: Maybe you could add an Master Task / Ultimate Task that asks you to do morally/ethically wrong things that you'd never do in real life. Example: Kill a baby, eat your puke, make out with an animal, sleep with a relative etc. You can guess how disgusting and hard it'd get...
      Hey, I think this is an awesome idea. This is fantastic! I, for one, am all for exploring the darker regions of dreaming, and playing with my shadow. A lot of time experiencing these helps relieve the waking self.
      I am the DREAMJUMPER

    5. #30
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      lol the wings are still santas sleigh
      "La bellezza del paessa di Galilei!"

    6. #31
      Magical mike magical mike's Avatar
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      I take it back lol
      Last edited by magical mike; 01-09-2009 at 03:29 AM. Reason: nothing!
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    7. #32
      Back in to Dreaming <span class='glow_00868B'>Creation X</span>'s Avatar
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      I did it...(my post)
      how come I haven't gotten my so called "reward" yet ^_^
      I ♥ DREAMVIEWS. I always have, and I always will. There is nothing else to it.

    8. #33
      Eternally Slumberous endymion's Avatar
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      Wherever the trail takes me

      Atlantis attempt

      This was a fun advanced task to do...I only wish I made more of my time in Atlantis (or remembered more of what I did)!

      Attempt #1: SUCCESS!
      (The following is the relevant part of the dream for the advanced task attempt. To see the full dream, check out my dream journal.)

      Finally I once again remember my intention to get to Atlantis, so I try a different method this time: spinning. Honestly, I shouldn’t even bother with the whole doors method anymore because spinning is so much more effective for me. Needless to say, it works again this time. I get to the scene that I had planned out in my mind before the dream – a sandy beach bordering the sea that leads down to Atlantis. Here there are a lot of distractions, like little cities built into the sandy cliffs and creatures prancing around along the shore. For some reason I feel this compulsion to destroy the tiny sand-cities, so I go around kicking them into oblivion for a while. Then I get back on track and enter the water, diving in and swimming deeper and deeper. As soon as I submerge I have this realization that I’ve never really done underwater breathing while lucid. I imagined it would be unlike real life in terms of visibility, resistance, and the whole texture and lung sensation, but to my surprise it was very life-like, with little pockets of air even coming from my exhales and the visibility being generally very poor like in real life. When I get to a certain depth everything goes black; I have the tactile sensation of still diving ever deeper in the water, but I can’t see anything. Eventually even this is lost as the scene fades.

      I end up somewhere else (probably home again), but this time I try a new strategy, one that in hindsight seems very clever: I just reach out and grasp on to a trident, which materializes right in my hands. When I pull myself towards the trident, the old scene vanishes and a new one has taken its place – right in Atlantis! I find myself alone in this museum-like room. The walls are translucent and look sea-blue from the water reflecting in through the glass – a very elegant and fitting atmosphere overall. All around me are displays of fantastic sea creatures – fish and mermaids and such. I walk along them and when I get to the last one, a huge blue and gold eel or barracuda or something, it starts looking at me! It looks kind of cartoonish, like something out of a Disney movie, but it comes alive and starts talking even, all the while it’s mounted there in the center of the room. Unfortunately, I forget what it says, but this creature was definitely the thing that stuck out most in my mind while reflecting on the dream.

      Eventually I leave the museum room and come to this lobby area full of activity. It reminds me of a food court in a shopping mall. All the denizens of Atlantis are going about their business, completely oblivious to me. Although I feel a lot happens after this, I can’t remember any of it. Perhaps I go on having some nonlucid adventures in Atlantis, but I can’t recall one way or another. The next thing I know I’m awake in my bed.
      Last edited by endymion; 01-10-2009 at 12:05 AM.

      View my Dream Journal, The Book of Dreams According to Endymion
      Tasks of the Month completed since joining: Basic: 3, Advanced: 7
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    9. #34
      Oneironaut Achievements:
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      I'll try this if I achieve to induce a LD but I suspect to have my fist LD on February first so it'd be too late... Next time!
      "He was unrespectful to the Dream Pirate"
      said the seal after beating up my brother

      RESPECT THE DREAM PIRATE or the sea animals will get you! ARG! ARG! ARG!

      Goals [ ]Jump on a trempoline with an elephant [ ]Meet Dream Pirate and give him a gift
      [ ]Shapeshift [ ]Spy on a DC [x]Fly

    10. #35
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      Not like I doesn't like it or anything but... I hasn't done any task yet and have the atlantis thing on me <.<

    11. #36
      Reality Sucks. XxJOxX's Avatar
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      Over There...

      Basic Task Completed

      Dream #2: LUCID!

      This dream starts off as me and my friend are going to heaven, then I think "But I'm asleep!"
      And then I do a nose RC and become lucid but immediately everything went black. So I'm thinking to myself of what to do and I remember I just have to open my "eyes" and I was in my bedroom! I realized that the dream was fading so I yelled "CLARITY NOW!" and everything was EXTREMELY VIVID.
      It was dark outside so I yelled "LET THERE BE LIGHT"

      And he saw and it was GooOOoOOoOOD .

      Ok, jokes aside...

      I proceed downstairs and this girl is standing in front of my door, so I think "Maybe I should use my hand as an orgasm gun!" So I "shoot" her, and she is like, "AHHHH OMG!"

      I started to laugh a lot. Anyways, I remembered the basic lucid task of the month, skate on ice. So I transported to my local hockey arena, the Vaughan Sports Centre. I say " hockey stuff on now!" and all my goalie stuff is now on me. I go onto the ice, and think it would be fun with some shooters. So I imagine them going onto the ice. When they shoot, I would just slow down time so I can stop their shots easier>.>

      So I say "Ok, practice is over!" and they all left. As I get off the ice my dream fades
      and when I woke up I said

      After that I quieted down because I realized that I was about to wake up my mom... That wouldn't be good....
      Last edited by XxJOxX; 01-10-2009 at 02:45 PM. Reason: typo
      LDs: 7 Recall: 3/night LD's Since start of '09: 3
      DILD: 5 WILD: 0 FILD: 0 MILD: 0 WBTB: 2 VILD: 0
      Tasks:Fly [] Be GOD [] Morph into an animal [] Have Sex [X]
      My Dream Journal
      Completed Basic Lucid Task of Jan. '09
      "Stuffing bacon bits in your underwear won't make you fly!"-Random DC mad at me.

    12. #37
      Aconitum delphinifolium Wolfsbane's Avatar
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      Under the sea
      Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsbane View Post

      I was in my old house, but I didn't live there. I'm not sure how I got in, but I was there alone. I wandered throughout the house seeing what the new owners had done with it. All of the decorations throughout the house had deep red, gold, and bronze colors. There was a giant curtain separating the open living room from the rest of the house, and I figured that it was someone's bedroom. My sister showed up to look around, and I think she startled me a bit. I walked into my old bedroom, and it looked just like I remembered it.

      As I looked out my window, I realized I was dreaming. I opened the window and crouched on the ledge. I closed my eyes and thought, "Below me is an ocean. A Hawaiin crystal blue ocean. There are colorful fish and coral reefs, but no sharks are in sight. Atlantis is down there." When I opened my eyes, I was standing at the patio door. I closed my eyes and thought of Atlantis again. When I opened them and walked outside, my mom appeared and followed me. She kept asking me things like if I was going to do laundry soon or if I could go inside and look at something. "Stupid distracting dream character," I thought, "Go back inside! Or sit down. Whatever. Just get out of my way."

      As I walked toward the lawn, I once again imagined water and Atlantis. When I opened my eyes, there was a huge, square swimming pool in the ground. It was at least 20 feet deep. I jumped in and looked around underwater. In the middle I saw colorful coral and kelp, but no lost city. I saw two sharks at the other side of the pool, and they were heading towards me. I held on to the ledge to keep my head out of the water and thought, "I can deal with anything the sharks throw at me. I'm a professional shark wrestler." When I looked again, the sharks were still there.

      I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened them, I was in a normal-looking pool and was only semi-lucid. Ninja9578 sat on an edge with his feet dangling in the water. Around me were other DVers (nobody in particular). It felt like a philosophical discussion group, and Ninja was leading it. He asked things like, "What is lucid dreaming? We all know what it means to have a lucid dream, but what does that truly mean to you?"

      I got out and started to walk inside to grab a towel. A few DCs walked in front of me, and all of them were wearing hideous striped sweater/halter top things. One lady had really frizzy brown hair, and I said to her, "You're dreaming right now! This is all a dream! Don't you realize what that means?? Stop wasting your time here. Go out and do your tasks!" She had a surprised look on her face, and then ran out the side gate to do whatever she had to do. I guess I should have followed my own advice.

      Now I was in a fake lucid. I was still dreaming, but I'd lost sense of what reality was. There was a woman sitting by a vanity, and I think I was supposed to know her through another friend. Apparently I met her before but lost contact with her. She was gorgeous. Dark hispanic skin with curled hairI almost didn't say anything, but then I realized I should find out her real name since I was still dreaming. I called her La DiDa or La Odio (odio means hate in spanish. odd.), but I knew that was just a stage name. She said that she also goes by Pumpkin, Peppermint and Vizzy. I asked why she never used her real name, and her response was, "With a personality this big, you can't have just one name!"
      I tried, but I didn't quite make it there. Maybe next time.

      "Maybe I should use my hand as an orgasm gun!" So I "shoot" her, and she is like, "AHHHH OMG!"
      lmao! That would be an awesome invention. :]

      Endymion: Your Atlantis sounds cool.
      All the water in my dreams (ever since childhood) has been kinda fake. It looks and feels real, but there's no water resistance or air bubbles.
      Dream Journal (Now with visuals!)

    13. #38
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      Yay! I made it into wolf's dream

    14. #39
      Oneironaut Achievements:
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      Last night I got a short LD in which I only got to spin unvoluntearly... Just after I had a dialogue with a seal and it even huged me and then it attacked my brother and I asked it why it did that and it told me that my brother had offended Dream Pirate. I asked the seal who Dream Pirate was so it opened a book in which I saw some undersea place and I saw lots of whale... I don't think it counts since I had lost lucidity before that part and that all I saw was a drawing but I'm close... I'll hope that I get to do it fully before the end of this month...
      "He was unrespectful to the Dream Pirate"
      said the seal after beating up my brother

      RESPECT THE DREAM PIRATE or the sea animals will get you! ARG! ARG! ARG!

      Goals [ ]Jump on a trempoline with an elephant [ ]Meet Dream Pirate and give him a gift
      [ ]Shapeshift [ ]Spy on a DC [x]Fly

    15. #40
      Member goldentheponygirl's Avatar
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      Today's ld

      Had a dream wher I was next to a body of water watching whales. I became lucid and froze the water and went ice skating, then I jumped through the ice and went under water, I saw the whales swimming and went to the bottom and saw a tiled floor with plants and chairs, then I woke

    16. #41
      Reality Sucks. XxJOxX's Avatar
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      Over There...
      ummm... does mine count?
      LDs: 7 Recall: 3/night LD's Since start of '09: 3
      DILD: 5 WILD: 0 FILD: 0 MILD: 0 WBTB: 2 VILD: 0
      Tasks:Fly [] Be GOD [] Morph into an animal [] Have Sex [X]
      My Dream Journal
      Completed Basic Lucid Task of Jan. '09
      "Stuffing bacon bits in your underwear won't make you fly!"-Random DC mad at me.

    17. #42
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      You'll find out soon enough, XxJOxX

    18. #43
      Reality Sucks. XxJOxX's Avatar
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      Over There...
      Quote Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
      You'll find out soon enough, XxJOxX
      lol. YOU SOUND WISE
      LDs: 7 Recall: 3/night LD's Since start of '09: 3
      DILD: 5 WILD: 0 FILD: 0 MILD: 0 WBTB: 2 VILD: 0
      Tasks:Fly [] Be GOD [] Morph into an animal [] Have Sex [X]
      My Dream Journal
      Completed Basic Lucid Task of Jan. '09
      "Stuffing bacon bits in your underwear won't make you fly!"-Random DC mad at me.

    19. #44
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by endymion View Post
      The walls are translucent and look sea-blue from the water reflecting in through the glass – a very elegant and fitting atmosphere overall. All around me are displays of fantastic sea creatures – fish and mermaids and such. I walk along them and when I get to the last one, a huge blue and gold eel or barracuda or something, it starts looking at me! It looks kind of cartoonish, like something out of a Disney movie, but it comes alive and starts talking even, all the while it’s mounted there in the center of the room. Unfortunately, I forget what it says, but this creature was definitely the thing that stuck out most in my mind while reflecting on the dream.
      This reminds me of when you go to an aquarium or natural history museum where they have the life-size fiberglass whales and sharks hanging from the ceiling. It would be intimidating to have one of them spring to life and start talking like that.

      I can't wait to do this task. It love sea monsters, and my undersea adventures are always some of my best dreams.

    20. #45
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      For the first time since September, finally finished a task, the advanced one too

      I was flying along some bridges, I don't remember how I got lucid. There were like golden gate bridges, but brown and with some really surrealistic architecture in between the lanes. I swooped down and stepped off of one. I was able to control my speed by swimming, even though I wasn't swimming to move. I shot up in the air, remembering the advanced task of the month and then swooped down as fast as I could into the water.

      After few seconds of going through the water I saw a pyramid down below, like the one on the badge. I got to it and there were a number of stone buildings around it, but the water was so dark that there was little so see. Suddenly I grew huge and the water level lowered and the tops of the pyramid and a few other buildings poked up out of the water and I sat there, much bigger than the pyramid. They felt slimy to the touch.

    21. #46
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      Hey! How did XxJOxX get his wings and I didn't?

    22. #47
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      Because it was the last on the page and i missed it

    23. #48
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      Thats okay, ninja. I don't mind that much.

    24. #49
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      This is from last Friday, but I've just been too lazy to type it up.

      This was the result of a WILD. It ended up being one of my longest LDs since every time I thought the dream had ended, either I was wrong or I DEILD'd back. I was able to do both of the challenges. I'm leaving out most of it, but if you want to read the whole thing, it's here: http://www.dreamviews.com/community/...0&postcount=84

      The parts where I complete the challenges are in blue.
      Quote Originally Posted by John11's Dream Journal


      I felt like I woke up again, but again I could tell it was just an FA. This time I felt my way into my living room and finally some visuals started forming. I began humming. I decided I would hum the entire time since it seemed to be keeping the dream stable. I walked out of my front door and went to the right down the hall. I was hoping there would be an ice skating rink in that direction since I hadn’t gone that way in my dreams yet, but it exited to an area that looked like part of the outside of my high school. There was a large green field to the front and left of me and a street further in front of me. There was a kid out in the middle of the grassy area with ice skates on. I decided to go over and get them from him.

      I went over to him and I was concerned he might not give them to me, but he did. I started putting them on and I saw a small lake nearby. I thought maybe I could get it to freeze over, but I woke up.


      Anyway, then I realized I was actually still dreaming. I somersaulted out of my bed. I had no dream visuals, but I ran out of my apartment and back to where the house was. There still weren’t any visuals, but I decided it would be fun to go somewhere else. I decided while I couldn’t see, I would just use super speed to run down the road next to my apartment complex. I super sped down the road, but I still had no visuals. I really didn’t even know where I was. I realized that this was silly. I thought, “All I’ve really been doing is visualizing where I expected to be, so now I’m going to expect to be at an ice skating rink.”

      I visualized an ice skating rink and then there I was. I went up to the guy at the counter to get some ice skates. I tried putting them on, but I was having a little trouble. I got one of them on easily, but the other one I couldn’t get my foot under the top shoe flap. I finally got it on and started skating. I didn’t even bother to tie them up, but it didn’t seem to matter. I started ice skating and it felt like I remembered it. I wasn’t stumbling or anything though. There were a bunch of other DCs there skating around.

      I decided to try to talk to them. I said something like, “Hey guys. What’s up? Anyone want to talk?” Everyone just kind of stood there and stared at me. I said, “Really? No one wants to say anything?” They all just kept staring. I was like, “Okay…” and started skating again. One girl then came over and said, “Be honest with yourself.” Then I said, “Well then I guess you mean that I should just realize that all of you are really me so then why would you talk to me.” They all started looking around at each other and smiled and nodded. I just sighed and woke up.

      Once again I noticed that I wasn’t really awake though. I didn’t even bother somersaulting out of my bed this time. I imagined myself at a lake very similar to the one where I had met the mermaid in one of my previous dreams. I jumped in and began swimming down. I was holding my breath at first, but then I remembered that was pointless and felt the cool sensation of air flowing through my nose while underwater. I was doing a breast stroke as I swam downwards, but then I found that doing a freestyle stroke was faster lol. I could see a city down below, but it was taking way too long to get there. I decided that this was pointless, so I just closed my eyes and imagined myself at the bottom.

      I found myself at the bottom. I wasn’t in the city of Atlantis though. I was just outside it. I was at the base of some underwater sand pyramid structure. It had columns of floating multi-colored gems (like the ones in Super Mario Galaxy) floating about parts of it. I could see Atlantis just about 200 feet away. There was a city wall around it and an open gate in the front. I could see skyscrapers towering out of the center of it. They had a strange kind of spiky underwater looking architecture. The whole city had a dark blue coloring. I started swimming toward it and then sadly I woke up (for real this time).

    25. #50
      Lost soul in endless time Lusense's Avatar
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      Hmm, I always wanted to do these tasks, but I always get lazy and forget . Gonna do this one for sure the Atlantis sounds like a sweet idea although I hate going underwater .
      This entire reality is SELF REFLECTION. You reflect your essence and project it onto the universe.
      "Most conversations are just monologues with witnesses."
      "Life represents the movement of knowledge across the spectrum of consciousness."


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