Congratulations! It's so great to hear somebody's success stories concerning WILDing... so often it's just frustration and questions. |
Well I did it i woke up unusually last night and immediately reality checked as is the norm for me. I was going to get up to get a drink but then i thought i would just stay in bed. As i was getting back into a comfortable position i thought i'm going to try and WILD for the thousandth time, but this time i knew what i had been doing wrong all the times before hand... i was moving my eyes. I thought nothing about moving my eyes i thought as long as i was still and kept my eyes closed it would potentially work i never realized you weren't supposed to move your eyes until i was re-reading jeff777's WILD tutorials. I was looking through the trouble shooting and one of them was like "I have trouble keeping my eyes from moving etc." and i was like "Wait WTF" and did the biggest face palm possible. So back to this mornings attempt (successful attempt) I closed my eyes and forced them to not move and i just counted like usual, and also like usual i forgot what number i was at from 40-100ish and restarted counting every time i couldn't remember. Then i had a weird feeling like a super tired wanting to fall asleep sensation. Then i felt like supercomfortable but something was off I felt different then i had a minute before hand. So i thought i am going to open my eyes and right as i started to open them they started going ballistic there was feint colors shifting from one color to every color of the rainbow and my body started flipping out as well as i was violently shaking and flailing like i was having a seizure from hell i forced my eyes open and could tell i was dreaming just from the slight difference in the way my room looked and the "seizure" part i was about to move but then i remembered reading that you should wait until after you are done vibrational state to move. I also remembered that i should do an exist method to make sure i don't accidentally move my physical body but then i realized i couldn't move at all. after focusing for like 2min i finally was able to stand up and i tried to speak but i couldn't it was creepy then my dream body just gave out and i slumped onto my bed gasping as i was trying to speak it was really creepy but awesome because i WILDed on my first TRUE try. I woke up after i got annoyed and tried WILDing again the same basic thing happened and right when i went to open my eyes another super seizure came upon me. This time i could move because i waited till after the "seizure" but when i did i forgot to do an exit technique and moved my physical body... Still i deem this a success can't wait until tonight. |
Lucid Dream Statistics
Most lucid dreams in a week: 5 Most lucid dreams in a row: 5
Favourite method: WILD DreamGuide: Validae Dindaio, Validae is a girl who looks to be 16-19 has waist long orange hair with black streaks, she is about 5'10-5'11 and is very hard to find and loves to wake me up when i anger her.
Congratulations! It's so great to hear somebody's success stories concerning WILDing... so often it's just frustration and questions. |
Wow, only a handful of people will mention not moving your eyes in their WILD descriptions, so I always ended up overlooking it as a minor detail. I'll have to remember not to move them next time and see if I get progress like you did. |
Lucid Dreaming since 3/30/10
If you have issues with moving the wrong body, you can try to imagine sinking into your bed or floating above it to move yourself someplace else. Or you can sort of reach out with your consciousness, being aware of your breathing and the room around you, the sensations of the blanket, etc. You might end up waking up, though. |
Last edited by sanctum; 01-20-2012 at 12:54 AM.
We were always dreaming of how it was going to be.
Longest chain of DEILDs: [5] WILD[X] DILD[X] DEILD[X] OBE[X] Fly[X] Bend elements[] Task of the Month/Year[] Hang out with real-life people[X] Summon a random DC[] Talk to a DC consciously[X] Find my dream guide[] Have complete control[] Realize that there is no spoon[]
And this because I love it:
Congrats on your successful WILD! As for your question, its happened to me quite a few times. Whenever I reach the transitioning stage I will try to get up, but I won't even notice that I'm still not fully in the dream and will try to move while I still have the "vibrations" from SP. The few times that I have successfully transitioned into a full blown LD from SP I practically forced myself out of the paralysis in my dream body. |
Thanks for the advice i will try that tonight. hopefully i don't run into my insane dreamguide, the safety cap exit method you described above would work wonders if i had any sort of dream control hopefully it was just because i forcefully tried to move my self during the transition i'm going to wait it out and then if that doesn't work do the method you described |
Lucid Dream Statistics
Most lucid dreams in a week: 5 Most lucid dreams in a row: 5
Favourite method: WILD DreamGuide: Validae Dindaio, Validae is a girl who looks to be 16-19 has waist long orange hair with black streaks, she is about 5'10-5'11 and is very hard to find and loves to wake me up when i anger her.
Yes LD's get crazy realistic don't they I usually use the spin method to stabilize my dreams as well, The vibrations did stop and i did move but it was so weird because my dream body just "gave up" and i could no longer move or speak i just made a gasping noise.... it better not be Validae... the second WILD i think i was just too excited or something i will get used to it soon hopefully thanks |
Lucid Dream Statistics
Most lucid dreams in a week: 5 Most lucid dreams in a row: 5
Favourite method: WILD DreamGuide: Validae Dindaio, Validae is a girl who looks to be 16-19 has waist long orange hair with black streaks, she is about 5'10-5'11 and is very hard to find and loves to wake me up when i anger her.